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OhhKay February 19th, 2020

Have you ever taken the Myers Briggs personality test before? I recently did, and learned that I was an INFJ, or, a Counselor, the rarest personality type. The results may not be completely accurate for everyone, but for me, it was spot on. INFJs are introverted, emotional, sensitive, and very caring. Theres a lot more to them, and I encourage you to take the test and find out about the different personality types yourself. This test impacted me a lot more than I would have thought. Recently, I fell into a bad depression, the worst Ive ever been through before, and still go through today. I felt so lost and empty, and as I looked around, I noticed no one really cared or reacted in the way that I would react if I noticed someone struggling like me. This is in no way a fault of theirs, and the test made me realize this. As an INFJ, I found that I care about other peoples feelings and troubles a lot, and thats one way in which I make friendships. But I expected the same from them, which is not entirely fair. I hope in this thread, we might be able to share our personality test results if youre interested, or just talk about ways to deal with loved ones during depression. I could really use some tips, as I am still trying to better understand myself, and others, and how we all deal with life and struggles differently.

confusingmaybe February 19th, 2020


i'm an INFJ too, welcome to the rare club :)

OhhKay OP February 19th, 2020


Hey! Its actually really nice to meet you :) In person I have never met another INFJ, but its cool to know theyre out there!

zeeebah February 19th, 2020


Greetings😊. I have not taken the test yet though I know the result already😉...I am struggling with major depression now passing in my 9th year. Severe and chronic...In theory my body is able to do things and I know what to do, my mind functions logically and ratinally, from others I do not expect for them to do things for me but do things with me, for example I don't need anyone to clean my room but be there with me to keep me company in fun...loneliness and depression create this vicious caroussel which is extremely I said, "depression is the loss of will to live" and we just wait doing nothing...lost interest in everything, lost basic life routines...we need a meaning in life and even that is not sufficient...please excuse my rambling and it is deeply saddening for me to meet another victim of depression...I hope things will get better for you🤗😊

OhhKay OP February 19th, 2020


Hello! Thank you for your open and helpful response! I agree, it

zeeebah February 19th, 2020


Best of luck 🤗😊, it helps us others to see someone who takes on the battle with depression. I wish you win, for all of us out there who lost...😔😔😔

OhhKay OP February 20th, 2020


Thank you so much for your kind words! I wish you the same as well :) youre battle has gone on a lot longer than mine, and I think youre really strong for continuing to encourage others and keep on.

confusingmaybe February 19th, 2020


I'm literally going through the same thing as in your paragraph. Its nice to have it put into words of another. It is hard not to have the return of feelings, or not to have people notice and treat me as i would them, but I'm slowly learning to put those thoughts aside and make myself happy.

OhhKay OP February 20th, 2020


Thank you for sharing! I agree, its difficult when you care so much not to have the same amount and effort given back. I used to think my over caring nature was a fault, but now I am starting to see it as a gift. We have so much to offer, and those that are lucky enough to see it will be glad, and hopefully try to care as much as we do. I hope you keep improving! :)

lilbladeofgrass February 21st, 2020


INFJ gang!! I remember I also took the test when I was going through a really, really rough time. It was when I was still struggling a lot with my own emotions, and couldn't really identify how I was feeling. But when I found out I was INFJ, it kind of gave me a sense of identity?? As I read the description, it was just so spot-on and, I know it sounds cheesy, but I felt like I was truly seen. It was one of the first times I ever realized that there were other people out there that were feeling the same way as me. Thank you for sharing your story, because it helps me see that other people have had that same experience :)

OhhKay OP February 21st, 2020


What you described is exactly how I felt! Being an INFJ is definitely wonderful, but since we are so emotionally driven, its also a challenge I believe. I completely agree, when I saw the results I saw myself finally, and things lined up and made a lot more sense. But thats also when I looked at other personalities and saw how differently they react to situations, which is absolutely fine, but it was a bit of a wake up call for me not to expect everyone to react as I do. Im not sure if youre familiar with this website, but theres one called and it has a lot of articles about INFJs or introverts in general, much of which is very relatable and helpful. Thank you for your response! It really is nice to see someone else relate to how I feel. :)

lilbladeofgrass February 22nd, 2020



OhhKay OP February 22nd, 2020


Youre most welcome!! I hope it helps! :)