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Always lost and confused

jones11 March 30th, 2016

I am only 21 and I feel so much potential to be in the life that I imagined. No matter how hard I try to get to this place I can never feel complete. I cry at the least once a week. I feel so desperate for help. I know that I need to focus on the good but my mind and body just will not follow..

Beautyexists March 30th, 2016

@jones11 I am only 19 and I often feel the exact same way. But what my sister always tells me is "this too shall pass." Our whole lives lie ahead of us:). It is never too late either! We have to just cling to hope and have tenderness for ourselves. All will be well. Lots of love.

jones11 OP March 30th, 2016


thank you! That's what I try to keep telling myself. Easier said than done but time does heal all

Beautyexists March 31st, 2016

@jones11 Absolutely:)