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What little things in life make it worth living?

RhapsodyonSilence February 5th, 2018

For me,

It's hot chocolate on cold days

Or songs that make you dance;

Sunsets that kiss the world with fire

And put you in a trance

It's snuggling inside a blanket,

becoming a human burrito;

Or passing someone on the street

And exchanging quick hello's

Lovely people of 7 Cups,

those are some of mine;

It's appreciating these things, one by one,

that make life truly shine

brightPlane3692 September 26th, 2019

Coffee and the Christmas season.

boneboy September 26th, 2019

Cats in general but specifically my cat's little trot to come greet me when I come home, that says even if she largely ignores me in favor of my roommate she still is happy to have me home. The softest thunk of her little paws when she jumps off something. When she corners me in the kitchen so I have to sit down and play the petting in a circle game (I keep my arms out ready to pet while she circles around me and rubs all on my back and the arm she wants petted by, and then circles again)...

Seeing the moon, or her light through clouds. Seeing Orion, the first constellation I recognized. Flowers and oversized plants growing by the sidewalk. Seeing dogs out in the world. Flan. Kettle corn. Happy babies that smile and laugh when I smile at them.

Kirael September 26th, 2019

Small things worth living? Nature, fresh air, hugs, watching animals... there are so many of them^^

skinnymudblood September 29th, 2019

My dog, and knowing she would starve herself to death without me here.

NoNamesHereShiz September 30th, 2019

My friend, knowing I'm the reason he's still happy.

johnheer October 1st, 2019

a loving lick by one of my dogs

PeachyMilly October 1st, 2019

it's pretty silly, but if i weren't here, i'd never get to experience the feeling of biting into a warm gooey brownie ever again.

UMG302 October 4th, 2019


menigma October 4th, 2019

My idols and their music. My friends and how great they treat me

LadyInSilence October 4th, 2019

I dont know y I find it difficult to answer every time I see this question

Minoka October 5th, 2019

The tastes of my favorite foods and the time I spent with my favorite people ❤️🔥

exuberantMaple397 October 6th, 2019

My family

GrowingGinkgo8847 October 7th, 2019

The feel of putting on big snuggly wollen socks when your toes are chilly

exuberantMaple397 October 7th, 2019

Super soft blankets to cuddle under on a cool morning

With a mug of rich hot chocolate

foryou1309 October 8th, 2019

The smile on my niece's face

MoonyMoons October 9th, 2019

My dog looking up at me with her sweet eyes and being determined to play with me, even when I'm down.

emdrinkscoffee October 10th, 2019

The smell of freshly baked bread on an Autumn morning :)

troy99 October 11th, 2019

Unplanned chill sessions with that one friend whose presence reminds you that human beings are beautiful.

feelitinyourbones October 11th, 2019


GreenHouse89 October 29th, 2019

I find new strength for myself when I learn the good news. For example, modernization news at Naperville in chicago breaking news help me feel with society. This is the hardest thing for an introvert( I had to spend some time looking for good sources of news, without politics and crime chronicle. It supports me and gives me strength.

DeterminedDandelion October 31st, 2019

Unexpected kindness from a person in an even more desperate situation than the one I'm in

sparklesinthewater October 31st, 2019

Having does matter especially in depression, they know your lowest yet they will be there for and with you for the journey. Even if they say "I cannot help you", they take your hand and just hang in there with yes, friends...

lazyKatz October 31st, 2019


Holding tight and knowing your going to do the same.

sparklesinthewater October 31st, 2019


Waiting for good news. I hope someone will bring you some pumpkin pie, some treats, a miniature lit pumpkin and a mask😊🤗

astriloquiis October 31st, 2019

Knowing that my pets depend completely on me. I can't just leave without them suffering for it too.

secretAcres4923 October 31st, 2019

I really need to talk to someone. I have been depressed for a while but my baby sis got beat up really bad by a dog and I got really hurt and blamed it all on me and now it's gotten worse to where I think of suicide all the time. And I really just need someone I can talk to without them giving me ggeir opinion.

redTortoise4495 October 31st, 2019

my parents would go crazy if i wasn't here keeping the balance

my friends would rip each other apart

all the doggos in my neighborhood wouldn't be getting nearly as much love

my boy would be very unhappy with me - and even if you don't have someone, don't stop looking. I literally found him on tik tok and he happened to go to a neighboring school - never thought that would happen

my friends would actually have their clothes.. but where's the fun in that

Sameer7cups October 31st, 2019

Netflix 😋

tluper6491 October 31st, 2019

At this point not a single thing.

Cstewart53 October 31st, 2019

Spending time with my niece, watching the office, get my nails done and looking and listening to nature.

exuberantMaple397 October 31st, 2019

A nice fire in the fireplace on a cold day

bunnytherabbit November 3rd, 2019

games and dramas

erin09 November 3rd, 2019

Good music

tluper6491 November 7th, 2019

Absolutely nothing at this point.

LunaNixis November 7th, 2019

I'm sure you can find something worth living for. Even if it's small.

Fruitbowl95 November 7th, 2019

@tluper6491 Not even the sunshine?

tluper6491 November 7th, 2019


Sunshine is nice but I like rain more.

Fruitbowl95 November 8th, 2019

@tluper6491 Fair enough

OGpotatochip November 7th, 2019

Baking soufflés with you one rainy day in that log cabin nestled deep in the woods, somewhere far away.

Morning sunshine that bathes you in that golden glow, flooding your insides with warmth, and cradles so softly your soul.

The streets of New York where the rhythm beats wild and the city gives new meaning to feeling alive.

The smile of my mother, as she beckons me, wipes the tears that slip my eyes.