What little things in life make it worth living?
For me,
It's hot chocolate on cold days
Or songs that make you dance;
Sunsets that kiss the world with fire
And put you in a trance
It's snuggling inside a blanket,
becoming a human burrito;
Or passing someone on the street
And exchanging quick hello's
Lovely people of 7 Cups,
those are some of mine;
It's appreciating these things, one by one,
that make life truly shine
making someone smile or helping them out when they truely need it
ice cream
The giggles of ypur daughter coming out of the water...
The smooth snoring of your wife near your snoring dog...
A hand on you when you don't expect any...
A sand castle...
@carefulCup1049 I've always felt that a snoring dog (or cat) is one of the homiest sounds in the world. :)
My friends, family, significant other <3
Coffee :)
Knowing I can do something for others
Music..If i died I would miss out on a lot of new albums
My cat! When he jumps up on my bed and falls asleep next to me 💜
@juniperandlamplight1, that is awesome!
@greenSpring309 yeahh he's my baby, I honestly don't think I'd still be here without him
@juniperandlamplight1 My cat does that too! It's adorable.
We have excellent cats.
Riding my motor scooter.
(When Im older) having a family. I see this family all the time when I close my eyes or ask myself what I want out of a family. It makes me happy, they make me happy. If I have to go through all this pain to be able to see them, Ill just keep on going through it because my heart is telling me it is worth it.
Sweet animals and long weekend visits from someone whose company I have been missing...