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💕What do you love💕about yourself?💕

juliak1968 February 17th, 2020

I love that Im still kind even after life has mistreated me

Linkenha August 16th, 2020

@iamroni This is SO important! yes

DinaElwy June 29th, 2020


Linkenha August 16th, 2020

@DinaElwy That's the depression talking. Don't let it tell you who you are heart

dworth257 June 29th, 2020

my pride.

juliak1968 OP June 30th, 2020

My 7cups freinds help me see the good in myself, so I learned to love my good nature

juliak1968 OP July 9th, 2020

I love that I'm very fair

juliak1968 OP July 18th, 2020

I love my renewed dedication to my recovery and choice to go to therapy

juliak1968 OP July 18th, 2020

I love that 7cups has helped so many people. Trying to help othwrs clearly gives us purpose and fullfillment and rewards us with a lot of insights. I love being a forum supporter😊🌺

juliak1968 OP July 22nd, 2020

I love how determined I get sometimes

juliak1968 OP July 27th, 2020

I love being in shape

(Round is a cool shape)😉

WhiteButerflee July 31st, 2020



Linkenha August 16th, 2020

@juliak1968 laugh this made me laugh out loud! Classic.

And yes, I agree round is glorious

juliak1968 OP November 18th, 2020


Yes lol, it is all about our perceptions and abilities to see the better side often as we can.

Our sweetest fruits and best vegitables are round 🍅🥝🍈🍊🍔🥞🍩🎂

Warm blessings, Day

kitkat992 July 31st, 2020

i am caring

juliak1968 OP August 7th, 2020

My insights

juliak1968 OP August 13th, 2020

I love that all life's hardships didn't change my good nature

Linkenha August 16th, 2020

@juliak1968 wink word.

Fighter0708 August 13th, 2020

I love that I am capable of helping people and making them feel great about themselves.... Also I love that I am an introvert and a nerd 😊😊

LindseyLobotomy August 13th, 2020

I love that despite the horrors that I've witnessed and endured, I can still find reasons to laugh and smile

Linkenha August 16th, 2020

@LindseyLobotomy smiley

juliak1968 OP August 16th, 2020

I love to rhyme about all the time that im behind feeling blind.


Percieving what we believe in is decieving and has no meaning as life's mistreating dishes out this beating leaving us bleeding

but we cant see it if we close our minds and we cant think about this when we're blind, so walk away and you will find, a freind here waiting for a sign!

So take your time and organise whats on your mind and you'll find you're not really behind, so relax your eyes and realize you're fine just the way you are. And you can reach for the stars, put cream on the scars and healing transpires.

The delusional parts only confuse our goals and corrupt our souls leaving us with a heart full of holes. Set goals now and your mind will see what closed eyes have failed to believe, don't let sight deceive keeping us on our knees; throwing logic into the breeze.

Winds at your back excited, Winds of hope reignited me. Step by step confide so we can share secrets of life thinking "what could be" If we let it, if you hold back you'll regret it.

There, Now I've gone and said it!

We hold ourselves down; Dirty on the ground I've found myself tourmented and bound by invisibility. I've ignorged all possibility, so I must set myself free of a self-inflicted confined mystery that causes so much mind-bending mysery!

Linkenha August 16th, 2020

I love being me, in all it's messy glory!

juliak1968 OP August 16th, 2020

@limeGrapefruit1437 😊

limegreenMelon4537 August 19th, 2020

There's nothing to love about me, I'm garbage, but everyone else is what counts

juliak1968 OP August 20th, 2020



Thanks forposting here! You matter most but sometimes we sure dont feel that way. We all usually dont give ourselves enough credit and self care. Imagaine if we took care of the reflection in the mirror as well as we take care of others how good our outlook would change to be? You matter my freind. I wish you big blessings and again.....thats for joining in with us to try to support ourselves. It isn't easy but please try aghain :-)

juliak1968 OP November 9th, 2020

I have to love that I can still remind myself to laugh when times are the hardest :-)

juliak1968 OP November 17th, 2020

I love who i am but as of yet i haven't learned to be my best me

juliak1968 OP November 17th, 2020

Loving myself for getting the help that I need, and for getting out of my own way

juliak1968 OP November 19th, 2020

We have to love, care and lookout for ourselves; be our own advocates!

juliak1968 OP November 28th, 2020

My old fashion traditional sence

TheAutumnWitch November 30th, 2020

What I love the most about myself is that I am still able to care about my loved ones and try to make sure that they're okay even when my depression is hitting its hardest. Even if I might sometimes wish that I was no longer around, I still wish for the best for my loved ones, and I need to remember that I can play a part in ensuring their happiness and safety. heart

juliak1968 OP December 1st, 2020

💕What do you love💕about yourself?💕

ArtsyPal101 December 1st, 2020


I love how I always put other before myself. I'll be hurting and in so much in pain tearing myself apart but still go out of my way checking up on my friends.

juliak1968 OP December 2nd, 2020


Id love it if you could put yourself first and advocate for yourself and your needs first, but still care about those who are worthy of your kindness :-)


MAlwaysthere December 27th, 2020

@juliak1968 positivity!

PerkyPoodle05 December 2nd, 2020

@juliak1968 I guess i love that i still look out for my friends' well-being instead of worrying about myself. Their happiness means a lot to me :P

juliak1968 OP December 2nd, 2020


Your haapiness is important and if this makes you happy that says volumes about your kind character :-)

eternalcold December 7th, 2020

I don't know if this really counts but I like the fact that I am trying to get better instead of succumbing to mental health issues like I used to.

juliak1968 OP December 7th, 2020


Indeed that counts a lot 😊

eternalcold December 22nd, 2020


Thank you😊