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Personify Your Depression: If my depression were a person... [fill in the blank]

wontwakewontsleep September 27th, 2017

Personify Your Depression: I learned about this coping technique today. Imagine that your depression is a person separate from you. The idea is that personifying our depression helps remind us that depression doesn't define who we are ourselves, and that invasive self-critical thoughts we experience often come from our depression and not our healthy minds. Some things to think about are: what kind of person would it be, what kind of hobbies would it have, what would it look like, what would its name be?

So, if your depression were a person, what kind of person would it be?

darker12 March 15th, 2020

@tay998 Hundred percent true and on point.

limeMango1868 March 15th, 2020

If my depression were a person, it'd they'd be a toxic friend. They'd tell me I'm worthless. They'd tell me I don't matter. And they'd tell me "why try?" They'd come in the room and see me writing this post and say "no one even cares anyway..." Then they'd leave the room only to return later. They'd see a victory and tell me I don't deserve to celebrate. They'd see a lose and act like it served me right.

But through it all, I just can't seem to part with them.

I'd tell myself I probably deserve them in my life anyway.

Time2FaceTheMusic March 15th, 2020

If my depression was a person it would be someone who is an exact replica of me but only small indications that it is not. Someone who keeps me up late at night with the endless worries of regrets and sorrow. Someone who can't even let go even if it's as futile as holding onto a fistful of sand. Someone who holds on too tight that it hurts leaving senseless scars. Someone who clouds out the light with all kinds of black and grey shades. Someone who gives in too easily because it's easier not to resist. Someone who looks at me with the same dull blue eyes. Someone who is always better or worse than me because it's always a competition. Someone who thinks I've used the word "Someone" far too many times.

Tyresse March 16th, 2020

If my depression was a person it would be a person who is always there, uninvited of course but quiet in the background at a party who in the end brings up or says something that was always a touchy subject spoiling the mood

Jay666 March 17th, 2020

If my depression were a person.

they would be Dark

they would not move, they would not speak they would just sit there and stare emotionlessly out. they would feel exhausted and done with being alive and broken

3v3rst March 17th, 2020


If my depression was a person. Their name would be Luna. The reson is because she laughs all day and makes jokes. But as the sun goes down amd the moon comes up, the depression comes and she sits and stares blankly at me and tells me everything i did wrong and yells things that arent very true

exuberantLemon7371 March 17th, 2020

They would have an enormous dong because they screw me over every day

NvvG March 17th, 2020

If my depression were a person..

She'd be like Blanche Dubois from Streetcar Named Desire, fragile, soft but tries to be independent and crafts the most beautiful, fantasized lies to hide herself in, to cover her eyes from the truth and believe that one day, its gonna be ok, its not gonna hurt anymore, you'll be happy and you'll be where you want to be.

depression sounds beutiful doesnt she? but thats her trick, she shows an amazing facade, making everyone wish they were her or that depression was something to be admired like a beauty in an art museum. But shes stayed for too long, shes living in a society that doesnt recognize her, they dont recognize how she is painful and toxic and you wish it was acute or temporary but she will keep lying to you until you realize how unstable you are and how much you've affected everyone because you were too busy fantasizing about the day you'll recover when you actually cant, instead you let her grow.

Buddy203 April 7th, 2020


This is so true: I can relate

paintbrush2022 March 22nd, 2020

This person would be a jerk. They would be a complete ass to everyone around them, continuing to tell people to shut up and insulting their peers. Almost everyone would hate being around this guy. But, let's say you got to know this person. You become close friends, sharing your problems together, and being there for one another. This person isn't the pathetic, sad, asshat he was made out to be. Yeah, he was sad, but emotionally. Not pathetic. He's a great person, and he'd always there for you when you need him. He gets coffee for you every Sunday morning, he helps you with your homework every night, and he'll do a favor for you in a heartbeat. Sometimes, he IS an asshat. But really, there's a great side to him. He puts others before himself. But it's gone too far. He's focusing on your needs so much of the time that his mental state has depleted unusually fast. But he thinks he's too self obsessed, so he continues to care for those that he loves. He falls apart because nobody knows how to help him.

The777cups March 22nd, 2020

I'd say for me it would be Steve from Minecraft cause he's incredibly strong, able to technically carry the mass of the sun and a black hole, break diamonds and trees with his bare fist unscathed. Just like depression cause its very hard to beat and very powerful, like Steve with his godlike capabitilies.

The777cups March 22nd, 2020


Or it could be Herobrine

dapperBeach6783 March 22nd, 2020

If my depression were a person I'd be a 23 year old girl who's thinking why me all the time, and why couldn't life give her a break, she be exhausted of even getting up, she'd have black,cold, I do sometimes! This question is hard because everyone depression is different from one another

Vix94 March 27th, 2020

This could be considered triggering.
If my depression was a person she'd always be crying. Tears running down her face. She's quiet and alone either in her dark room or walking through the woods. She wears baggy clothes, her hair is dirty, and she's very skinny.
She'd be cut, watching herself bleed. Content to feel something other than the pain of her own thoughts and the thoughts she thinks others think about her.

Buddy203 April 7th, 2020

If my depression were a person, she would be covered in cuts and scars and burns, and would tell everyone she was fine even as she was sobbing her heart out. She would be thinking of any way possible to end the eternal pain from inside, but would then feel guilty for thinking of this, as she would know that ending her life would cause her girlfriend to suffer unnecessarily.

Kathy1212 April 7th, 2020

If depression were a person she would be that negative lady who judges everything I do and say and tells me nothing is good enough and never will be. That lady you can never please no matter how hard you try. Her job is to constantly look over my shoulder and wear me down with her negative crap that never ends. She won't be happy until she completely breaks me.

Pandothelesbo April 7th, 2020

If my depression were a person it would be an identical version of myself just staring at me. It would feel as if they were on my back just hanging on tightly but I wouldn't want to put them down because I've grown to it. Because I waited and we've been through a lot together, they've become my best friend and I don't want to loose them. If I do loose them, I wouldn't know what to do with myself nor would I know how to cope with losing them. I'd just be empty, hollow, trying to search for a similar or very different feeling. They'd be toxic but I'd depend on them because I would soon figure out I have absolutely nothing without them.

calmLake2861 April 8th, 2020

I think if my depression were a person, they'd be about as heavy as a large chonky cat, and just constantly sitting on my chest. Not always awake, but chipping down bit by bit. Sometimes I can chuck it off though temporarily, and I feel a lot lighter. Or friends help me build giant nets to gentle scoop the snoozing depression cat (not as loveable as normal cats) off my chest. For some reason it became a cat rather than a person haha, oops

Waluigi420 April 8th, 2020

If my depression were a person, it would be tall and strong enough to overpower me.It would whisper insults in my ear and keep me up at night.


As time passes, it would get smaller and weaker. It would slowly have less control of me, and I would regain my life.

Alextrona April 8th, 2020

If my depression were a person it would be the same but wouldn't have any flaws, like a perfect evil twin that is super nice around people but is a bully when you're alone. A very persuasive 'friend' who makes me believe that toxic people aren't toxic I just think their toxic. A clingy person who I hate but also feel weird if it's not here.

Funygman April 9th, 2020

If depression were a person it would be careless abussive the bad thought I would never act on like hurting loved ones he would be heartless

KyrieNightgold April 9th, 2020


if my depression were a person they would help me when i fall up just to push me down again

Lonley111 April 13th, 2020

If my depression were a person, it would be the hulk but evil. His fists would represent self-doubt and my suicidal thoughts.

AkoKomAzgeda April 18th, 2020

If my depression were a person I think I would be me

Abbey36001 April 19th, 2020

If my depression were a person ,it would just be me ,it would be so exhausted, so sad ,short of breathe ,hoping it could break free ,crying all day ,wishing for an end to its nightmares ,hoping a lot had never happened and things were different.....

PotatoFaced April 20th, 2020

If my depression was a person...

They stand at 7 foot 5 with a dark grey 3 piece suit. They never wear a hat, yet when you look up at them you can never quiet define a face, shrowded in shadow. Their arms and legs long and lanky with fingers of long sharpened steal.

If my depression was a person... They would have a shadow that never stood next to them, but always around them. They would have No expression, but a hard to miss smile that sparkled like the yellow hue of a Christmas star.

If my depression was a person... They would only speak in the lowest of whispers so only I could hear them, to the tune of another New Years spent crying. The energy around them would be as rough as sand paper working down your very soul, and constant a pull into the bubbling black tar known as resentment and self loathing they carry with them.

If my depression was a person... I wouldn't have made it this far!!

Powerfulccomputer303 April 21st, 2020

If my depression was a person it would be a very conning and manipulative person It would be the friend that would betray you at your worst and then convince you that it was your fault and none of his the one keeping you close but also keeping you down in a very clever way his joy would be seeing you at your worst and if asked why is he doing what he does he would say "cause I am bored"

wishfulRose80 April 30th, 2020


Wow, that was a very accurate description of what depression is like. I can relate so much. It literally wears you down, and you always have feelings of hopelessness and despair. It may not seem like it, but I really do think that things do eventually get better. Please stay strong and know that you are definitely not alone.

corinnajoy May 10th, 2020


corinnajoy May 10th, 2020


PeachesAndCreampies May 12th, 2020

@Powerfulccomputer303 I knew real people like this

GrandLegs May 22nd, 2020

It's complicated....

That person would befriend you, but you would see that it's there just for attention. When it goes in a period of depression, it would search even more for attention and break friendships because of that. After that, it would tell itself "What went wrong?" It would hide in it's bed sheets for at least 6 months to one year before making new friendships.

LGhmom July 3rd, 2020


shoot it

wehappyfew April 25th, 2020

If my depression were a person she would be the most miserable thing alive. Couldn't do anything by herself except for crying and having panic attacks one after another. She would make everyone around her upset and cause them to hate her. I guess my depression is just me after all.

dworth257 August 15th, 2020

@wehappyfew at the end of the day people just want to see themselves in a certain way. you're emotional vulnerability makes really weak people insecure about parts of themselves they don't want to acknowledge. Most people in the world put others down to lift themselves up, while donning the guise of "concern." While it's true we can't ask people to give us the entire world and never hurt us, we can ask for a certain level of respect, even when there are disagreements. Anybody who doesn't meet that standard does not belong in your life. Best of luck.

Bingo222 April 25th, 2020

If my depression was a person it'd be like that one person you can't get over but they keep hurting you. You know your life would be so much better without them. But you find some comfort in the way they hurt you. You wanna let go so bad but you can't for some reason.

aurasofija April 27th, 2020

My depression would be a really sad person who starts to cry over the smallest things. They would always like to stay in bed, buried under the covers. They would block out everyone and everything in life and stare at walls for hours. Their mood would spread to everyone around them and make them sad, too.

Hala04 April 27th, 2020

If my depression was a person (let us say their name is LS),

LS would show what goes on inside you.

They would tear you down and tell you that you are not worth it.

They'll say that you are stupid and ugly and that no one would care if you're gone.

LS craves others' hurtful words and takes them to heart and then begins to turn your happy days to dark days.

Your proud moments to failures.

Your normal days to sad days...

LS loves others hurtful words...

"No one would care if you're gone".

You try to tell them "it's not true, that's a lie!"

"It's not a lie", they say

"You have NOBODY!"

"You are worth nothing! No one even notices you anyway"...

If my depression was a person,

I know for a fact that it would find your softest parts,

your weakest links...

and point at it,

drawing attention and digging a hole,

until you couldn't handle it anymore.

Until it makes you suffer as it has suffered.

If my depression was a person,

I wouldn't be here right now.

Dancingwithnoone May 3rd, 2020

If my depression was a person it would be someone who has been with me for a long time. A toxic relationship where they are making me feel like I'm not good enough and that whatever I do, they would be ahead of me making sure I don't succeed. Just to be a pain they tells me that none of my friends care about me, and I believe it. They are great at manipulating and convincing.

DistortionHeart May 10th, 2020


I agree depression is guilty of doing such of things like that.