One word to describe how I feel today is....
One word to describe how I feel today is....
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@mikenai22 i know..we know...
@mikenai22 can you give your headache to me as a gift please?
=.= nah, you don't want it. it ain't a good feeling. no paracetomol helps.
@mikenai22 no meds can help my chronic pain amd when I go to the dentist no lydocaine or any other local ansestetic works for me so I have to endure more pain...
i can only suggest to do what within your limits. and sometimes some stuffs we might still have to depend on others or at least professionals.
@mikenai22 true east you think and care...
think you give me too much credit Serendipity...
@mikenai22 no, you just got used to people not appreciating you, that is all, modesty leads to low self esteem...a downward path...and you are not like that...
actually might just be the inverse. more like not accepting credit or commendation.
abit like under-valuing of oneself. kinda like overexpectation of oneself.
Then you must truly know when someone appreciates you...
guess its another mental war with myself.
I hate my roots