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My Story of Depression

sarah2306 January 22nd, 2021

Heyy everybody!

As you can read the title, it says "My Story". We all have a story, sad or happy. But there's one part of each of our stories that we want to re-live. In this thread, that's what I want y'all to drop!

1. Which part of my story do I want to re-live, and why?

2. Which part of my story do I want to delete, and why?

3. Which part of my story do I want to be thankful for the most, and why?

To end, we are something even without our illness, and that's what our story should be. We have the depression, depression DOES NOT have us. heart

Have a great day, I love you!! xxx

(Title edited by Asherwolfice, 01/22/21)

Asher January 22nd, 2021

Thank you for this great check-in post for the community.

Celaeno January 23rd, 2021

Good idea for a thread, @sarah2306. Let's start a discussion!

1 & 2. Which part of my story do I want to re-live / delete, and why?

Personally, I don't think I want to re-live or delete any part of the story of my depression. It was brutal and heartbreaking and I think experiencing it once is enough for me ^^; Maybe I could have done better, communicate better, be stronger or kinder to myself... However, the decisions I've made in the past was the best for me at the time - maybe they have not seemed as healthy or safe, but they allow me to survive the pain. I've learned not to judge my past, but learn what I can and let it go.

3. Which part of my story do I want to be thankful for the most, and why?

I am definitely most thankful for the support I've received over the years. At the start of my illness, I thought that having depression is shameful. Through all of my teenage years, I was in denial, and then after the diagnosis, I feel ashamed and marked and tried to hide it from my loved ones. I was terrified that I will be cast aside because my family (and especially my father) always discuss mental illness as a weakness of character. After I burst out and confess to my family about my struggle and suicide ideation, I was shocked of their reactions - my parents and siblings just stopped everything they've been doing and they just hug me. It was the most simple gesture, and the most powerful one - no words were needed for me to realize that I am not alone. I could still lean on my loved ones for their support.

Without my depression, I suspect my family wouldn't learn how to talk about their mental health and needs in a healthy and supportive way. Ironically, all the years of pain and anguish led to a tremendous improvement in my family relationships.

sarah2306 OP January 24th, 2021

@Celaeno i'm so gald to read that! hope you keep getting more things to be thankful for<3 i love you

Celaeno January 27th, 2021

@sarah2306, thanks, you're so sweet ^^

What about you? What would you like to change/relive in your own story? If you feel comfortable, please do share it with us. Love!