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Just came back to 7 cups

Yor July 23rd, 2016

Around December I was diagnosed with Chronic Depression. I went to therapy, and learned strategies to cope, and It even went away for a while.

Over the summer, it's been creeping up on me, and... now it's back.

I feel totally alone, even when I'm with my family, and we're out doing something, and I feel like there's nobody I can talk to anymore, because my family feels further away from me now than ever before, and the friend I used to be able to confide in has also drifted away from me, and... I just feel scared and alone

TallApple138 August 8th, 2016

Hey there @Yor ♡

As long as 7 cups are here you will never be alone. I will be here to support you and I am sure many other will to.

I am really sorry to hear your depression is back [HuG] depression is bad. But you are strong enough to overcome it.

You can confide in us with your problems and feelings. ( if you ever post a thread you could tag me in it and then I could respond )

You are not alone. Here is many people on 7 cups who care. And I am sure your family does aswell.

All of the best for you

Ps. God loves you. You can always turn to Him.

redmark July 23rd, 2016

Hey there @Yor ! *hugs*

We are happy that you are here with us, at 7 Cups, and I want you to know that you are not alone - we are here for you. No matter if you just need some kind words, some sort of support or want to talk to somebody. :)
I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling bad lately, but you have to know that, with time, things may very well change for the better, and you can get through this, and you can feel better again, just like you did it before, and we will be here to help you through your way. :)
Stay strong! *hugs*

Lilylistens July 23rd, 2016


Welcome back to 7 cups. I am so glad you are reaching out here in the forums.

I am so sorry you are feeling this way, and I wnat you to know that I hear you that you feel so alone. Please know that you can continue to reach out here in the forums, for support, and hopefully to feel heard.

I wonder, would you be intersted in connecting 1 on 1 with with one or more listeners here, for even more of the support you deserve? If so, I would encourage you to browse listeners, and review their ratings, reviews, chat numbers and then message the ones that you would like to try to connect with. Please know if can take a few times before you find one or more listeners that you feel you connect well with.

Take care, and please know this community is here for you, and that we belive in you and hope you are feeling better very soon.

FlowersOfHope August 1st, 2016


I'm late to the party, but welcome back! We're glad to hae you here. You can always pm me or another listener if you need help.

Diandra August 8th, 2016


First of, Welcome Back!!! It's great to have you back here in our community, though I wish it was under different circumstances.
I'm so sorry to hear you've relapsed; just remember we're all here to support you through this difficult time heart sounds like you've gone through a lot lately. Don't let this hold you back; you've gotten out of this pit before, I know you can do it again, and we'll be with you every step of the way as you do so. Just remember:

Sorry I'm so late, you've been back two weeks! I hope all is going well for you since you've come back! We;re glad to have you here and are proud of you for reaching out in the forums for help.

ZRUTokimeki August 8th, 2016

@Yor Hello, Yor. We are all here for you during this tough time. You are never alone here (: We are always willing to listen and talk to you. Depression is hard, and it's normal that some may feel scared and alone. You can get through this! We all believe in you!