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Introduce yourself.

rnellz January 23rd, 2015

Hi my name is Bec.
I have been suffering since I was 14.
Everyday is a struggle and recovery is a life long journey

YusufIsHere October 9th, 2015

Hey everyone! My name is Yusuf. I'm 26 years old and I've been struggling with depression for 18 months now. I guess it all kicked off when things around me were bringing me down to an all time low (lost my job, 6 year rship ended, mum very ill, family members dying etc). The positive news is that I feel alot better now. I've learnt alot about emotional intelligence and I won't allow depression to bring me down without a fight!angryblush I wanted to post in this forum to tell you all that there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel. Life is what you make of it and you can control your emotions and way of thinking! Stay strong xxx :D

Rebekahzombie October 9th, 2015

Hey everyone,

My name is Rebekah and I am 22. I am a lover of most things, if not all things. I have been struggling with bipolar for years but I don't let it limit my life.

brightPlace5464 October 9th, 2015

Hi I am Jemma, I am from Northern Ireland and I am 35. I have been struggling with self harm from a very young age, think I have been doing it from around the age of 8! I came across this website looking for help online. I only joined last week so I am still finding my way around. I would love to find a new way to cope but it is so familiar to me now I fear it's going to be tough to find something to replace it. Anyway I wud love to help others too, I am a very good listener and I am here if anyone needs me :-) Thx for taking the time to read this.

onlyhumxn October 9th, 2015

Hi, my name is Dani. My depression is getting worst and worst but I have an amazing circle of people helping me through it. I don't know how to really explain it.. It's just there. I'm sorry that I'm so awkward and don't know how to talk..

loyalTangerine9738 October 10th, 2015

It occurs to me that I just posted a thread in the depression area without introducing myself.

So, hi. Call me Tangerine. I've been depressed on and off since I was seven. I'm in therapy (again), but it's just one session every 2-3 weeks, and I'd like to talk to people and help find my way back to rationality when the symptoms start sneaking up on me in between sessions.

flyingpenguin October 11th, 2015

Hi my name is Amit. I am 21 and just graduated from undergrad this year.I don't know when I became depress but it was most likely during college. I struggled with anxiety issues ever since middle school. During college I realized how bad I am at social situations. That I am a socially awkward person. I did make a few friends but I still felt alone most of the times. Neither my friends nor my family don't know I suffer from depression and i probably will never tell them.

CeCe120 October 11th, 2015

Hi my name is Sarah. I have been struggling with depression for 2 years. When it first started it felt like the was something missing in my life... Everyone else was happy except for me. I felt like something was missing in my life. I still feel this way and i haven't found anything to fill it. I hope that someday i will.

AliceTheEscapist October 12th, 2015

Hello there. My name is not Alice, but that's what you can call me. I chose it because I feel like I have fallen into my own rabbit hole of depression.

I first started therapy ten years ago. I've had several different medications. There are times that are better, but I seem to never fully recover from my depressive episodes. This latest episode of moderate depression has been lasted a year or so. I joined this community today. I was having a bad day, crying in my bed and desperately needed someone to talk to. So I googled for a chat and found this site. I had a chat with someone and didn't feel as lonely anymore. I doubt I'll be very active here, but we'll see.

I work as a part-time teacher. I wish I had more energy to do my job better. It is frustrating to know that I have the intellect abilities to do better, but my depression is holding me back. I felt the same when I was a student. My grades were okay, but I had capabilities for more. I live with my husband. The way I'm able to do chores and be emotionally present have also been compromised as a result of this illness. What weighs me down the most is the constant tiredness and lack of joy. I'm not really able to enjoy things like I used to. I also tend to isolate myself from my friends from fear of being too annoying and whiny. I'm afraid to tell people of my.depression because I might start sharing too much. I'm afraid they don't want to hear all that and leave me.

Right now I am going to interpersonal psychotherapy. I also have medication, but I don't think it's working. I could ramble on forever, but maybe this is enough for an introduction. Sorry if there are mistakes, I'm writing on my phone.

MaskRiderFang October 16th, 2015

Greetings. I prefer my anonymity so feel free to use my screen name or abreviate it as you see fit.

I'm 24, and been out of college for about 10 months now, scraping by on a retail job.

I'm a writer and have tried to gain traction through my blog but have been in a really hard rut lately. I was doing great for about a year since I started taking ADD medication but for almost 5 months now I've been struggling to focus and just haven't been happy in general, even on my meds. I think about death and dying a lot lately and regularly stop just short of acting on it.

I love my family but I've always been the odd man out and have given up on their understanding, no matter how much they want to help.

And I know 7Cups is no substitute for the therapy I'd happily snatch if I could afford it but after a few chat discussions, it's nice to have a safety valve.

greeneyes91 October 16th, 2015

Hi I'm a 24 year old mum of one. I've been struggling with depression and anxiety all my life with no support. It's gotten really bad recently so I'm trying to help myself, which is why I've joined this site.

bethygirl October 16th, 2015

Hey, I'm Beth. 20. Diagnosed with depression and anxiety.

I'm here to feel a bit more normal and find other people going through what I am.

(I don't really know how this website works. I need to learn!)

rockbottom October 16th, 2015

Hey my name is Ariana and I have been dealing with depression for about six years now . I was just finally diagnosed with anxiety depression and adhd a little over a month ago while my stay at a BHU.

skincade October 21st, 2015

Hi, I'm Surri. (I kinda feel like I should hear the obligatory "Hi, Surri" come from my laptop now.. hah) I'm a single mother of two children, divorced, also a student and employee. I was diagnosed with manic depression and anxiety about 6 years ago, was medicated for about 2 years, but don't currently have insurance, so I have been unmedicated for 4 years. My children and I live with my parents and they're not very emotionally supportive... so...yeah. That's me. Hi.

CosmicFeelings October 21st, 2015

I'm a person who posts on the threads but no one ever knows who I am, whoops..

Anyway! My name is Jeanette. I have Depression and Anxiety. I have had this for about 5 years because of family issues at home. I have been having many issues managing my depression and anxiety and I feel it is only getting worse. It doesn't stay for long but when it does.. it's really bad. I have bad thoughts almost 10 times a day, and I self harm. I am not okay with feeling like this because it just makes me feel worse. How? Because I feel like my friends / coworkers will reject me. People laugh at me and tell me to stop joking, but I'm not. I try to always keep a smile and positive attitude but that only works for so long..

I'm here because I need help, although I cannot physically reach out to my friends, I feel like this forum/website will help me do so.

Oh, and here is something random about myself: I'm currently in college to become a Special Education Teacher because I want to help people who need it. Sadly, I'm someone who would rather help someone else than myself, id rather make you happy than me.

xxgonerxx October 22nd, 2015

AJ, teenager. I've been diagnosed for around two years, but its been going on for nearly 4 or so. I do not have access to therapy, so I found myself here as its somewhat of an alternative.

musicmakesmesmile October 22nd, 2015

Hey there AJ!!! My name is Michelle. I've been struggling with depression for a while and have PTSD from an event I was sadly apart of three years ago. I went to counseling and ended up overdosing on meds that I was given. Hard times. I'm glad you are on here!!

BlackWater October 29th, 2015

Hi, I'm Alice and I'm 24. I have been struggling with depression for years, but it's really hard for me to talk about this, it's hard even just writing this post..I'm here because I hope that finding the courage to talk more about my situation will help me get better.

listlessmommy08 October 30th, 2015

Hi! I just found this app. I'm 30 and have been struggling with depression/anxiety since I was 16. I have a hard time talking about it as well! Hopefully this is a helpful place.

cyanHuman2674 October 30th, 2015

i also struggle with depression. im happy to talk to you about it. you can pm me when im online.

Tassmi11 October 29th, 2015

Hi I'm Juliet and have had past depression and anxiety issues but recently just as I started at a new college my best friend moved hours away as did my boyfriend as did my only sister. I genuinely feel really alone because they were the only three people I could ever really talk to.

xXBeccaXx October 29th, 2015

Hey... I'm Rebecca or Becca... Call me whatever you'd like. I'm a teenager.

Um.. Well I've had severe depression since the beginning of Middle School, but it wasn't until I had a panic attack last year during school that I was diagnosed with it officially after being taken to the hospital.

I've been bullied all through Elementary school, Middle school, and part of my High school years. All of that pushed a lot of self-loathing to appear... Which has led to self-harm and suicidal thoughts (other things have caused these to occur also).

I have anxiety, which sometimes causes panic attacks if I can't calm down in time, insomnia and slight OCD problems which doesn't help.

My parents have been divorced since I was four... I woke up to them arguing and I saw the whole thing... They didn't know that though. There was a lot of raised voices and stuff breaking until it was too quiet... It ended with my dad walking out of the house... With my father out of the picture, my brother at school and my mother always working to support us (and then spending her free time with her new boyfriend), I'm always home alone... (Everything has pushed me to do cyber school).

I push a lot of people away because I don't want them to have to suffer with everything that comes with me... So I have two friends, one of which is close to no longer speaking to me either...

I find piece in music, playing the piano, reading, writing, and puzzles... Puzzles are nice...

But this is me...

xXBeccaXx October 29th, 2015

Sorry for the longish post...

FrutaBomba October 29th, 2015

Hi, I'm 24, I was diagnosed with chronic depression, BPD, anxiety and ED. Somehow the second psychiatrist that confirmed the diagnosis for BPD doesn't think I have depression, but the way I feel makes me believe I do have it. I've tried antidepressants, atypical ones as well, but nothing made me feel better. I'm currently doing DBT for my borderline, I'm almost 2 months in but I don't feel any different.

I spend most of my time alone, I have no friends or acquaintances to speak to, I hide how I feel because it never resulted in anything good, plus I'm tired of being told to see ''the positive side of things'' or ''to go out more''..

I'm just trying to look for a safe place.

BeyondMaxPower October 29th, 2015

Have you read any books on borderline? I've found a few that have helped me. My diagnosis is brand new, but I've been reading everything I can on it. I can give you some titles if you would like.

FrutaBomba October 29th, 2015


I read quite a few articles on BPD, comorbidities, treatment etc, but I am open for suggestions of course (:

BeyondMaxPower October 31st, 2015

Buddha and the borderline

I hate you, don't leave me

Borderline personality disorder demystified

Calming the emotional storm

These are all great books. The first is a personal account of a woman's story of getting help. Second is a standard, the first book that really helped. Third is a book that will cover all aspects of the disorder and give good information. Last, is more of a guide to help you incorporate DBT skills into your life.

BonhamLives October 30th, 2015

Hi, I am a 31 year old man. I've been depressed as long as I can remember. I was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder when I was 10. Later, around age 14 they gave me the then experimental drug Paxil but I stopped treatment around age 16. I developed anorexia when I was 14. I stopped being anorexic when I was 18. I developed bulimia a few years ago but I stopped that recently. The only time in my life I haven't been depressed was from 2010-2013 when I was in college but that's because I was using the pursuit of my degree as a means to make me feel better about myself. I am now getting a PhD but I don't really care if I get it or not. I don't have any goals and I don't want to have to make goals just to keep myself from being depressed. I want to get to the heart of the cause of my depression.

Even so, I feel intimidated by reaching out because my pride tells me that a strong man like myself should not show weakness. However I can't take it anymore. I need someone to listen to me and help me gain the strength to seek out help and overcome the stigma I feel.

LetItBeatles October 30th, 2015

Hi my names Megan, I'll be 21 next month. I'm on here cause I've been struggling with depression/anxiety for the past five years or so and I'm not quite sure what I should do about it. I've told my doctor and my mom but they've both sort of brushed it off as being nothing but if it's nothing I'm not sure why I'm in a constant state of hopelessness. I guess I've just run out of ideas and wanted to talk to someone and thought this might help. Thanks.

partypoisonkilljoy October 30th, 2015

Hey I'm um.....L...I'd rather not say my full name but you can call me L I'm a teen and I'm going through depression...But Hi I'm new to all this! :)

Elenmelonn13 October 30th, 2015

uh hi my name is Elen and I'm a closeted 13 years old. I struggle with depression and anxiety. I was diagnosed a couple months ago but I have had it for about 3 years now. I go to therapy once a week but I feel like I'm not getting better. I know that you don't get better at the blink of an eye but I at least hoped that I would feel slightly better about myself. When I discovered this app, I was relieved that I could talk to people who know where I'm coming from. I have keeping my depression a secret and it feel so nice to finally express myself.

YlndWic77 October 30th, 2015

Hi my name is Yolanda I'm 38 years old, I have ptsd and depression. Lots of a anxiety I'm very new here looking forward to making soon new friends

amaccioli October 30th, 2015

Hey. I'm Anthony. 22. Had depression for quite some time. It has gotten pretty bad the last few months. Just looking to find a way to cope better and to find a way to get back on the right track in life.

Katiesophia77 December 6th, 2015

You can do it :)

MusicalSky45 October 30th, 2015

Hi. I'm Lee. 18. It's been 4 months since I've cut but these past few days I've been feeling to do it again. I'm trying my best to ignore these thoughts by watching comedies and reading etc. But it's like nothing is interesting anymore. At the ending of highschool, I found out I had a learning disability, mix that with depression.... it's not good. But somehow I managed to finish highschool but barely and now I feel like a complete failure and burden to my family and my few friends.

Katiesophia77 December 6th, 2015


High school isn't the be all and end all so don't worry. What is it you want to study/have as a career?

Stay positive darling :)

IndigoRoses October 30th, 2015

Hi, I'm Caroline, 15. I enjoy running (cross-country, winter track, spring track), hiking with my dad, writing, and listening to music. I have self-harmed before but haven't for a while now. I'm currently questioning my sexuality. School is presenting some challenges as I am going into my junior year of high school and our schedule is being completed changed. My main problem right now is doing a terrible job of self-care (as I am writing this at 2:11 a.m.), trying to minimize my self-consciousness, and learning how to calm myself down. I have a listener account because I like to help people, and I can often be found in High School Support.

WhisperingTree798 October 31st, 2015

I'm Hayden, I have emotional problems and often feel lost in the world, but I understand that the world works in mysterious ways and is an adventure I must take

cyanHuman2674 October 31st, 2015

hi. im anna. i joined here to be part of a supportive community to give and receive support. ive struggled with depression and anxiety. i also have borderline personality disorder and havd many health issues that keep me from really leaving the house. i am happy to be here to give and receive suppport in the wonderful community.

PaleGhost November 8th, 2015

Hello. I'm 22 years old and been struggling with myself for as long as I can remember. I overcame depression and anger issues a while back but didn't last too long. I'm hoping this can help me achieve what I once had. Even though I don't take my advice, I'm free to talk :)

ConsistentlyPeter November 12th, 2015

Hi, everyone. I'm a 33 year old guy, working professionally in the arts, who's been suffering with depression since the age of about 15.

I'm always looking for new ways to keep depression at bay, and 7CoT is a very useful tool to have in my belt!

I've just started a blog about my depression under the title of "Night Of The Melonhead", too - do Google it and have a look.

Hope I can help someone out there.