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Introduce yourself.

rnellz January 23rd, 2015

Hi my name is Bec.
I have been suffering since I was 14.
Everyday is a struggle and recovery is a life long journey

masked2dollarbill August 3rd, 2015

I'd be very happy to be your friend. Bisexuals unite!!

masked2dollarbill August 3rd, 2015

Hello, I'm Rylee. I have been struggling with depression and anxiety for almost 3 years now. Doctors believe that it may be more than just normal extreme depression. I have audible and visionary hallucinations which have been getting worse lately. I have been getting better, but still slip alot lately;which is expected. I hope to learn to cope and relieve my mental illnesses with sharing with this community.

Cadence August 3rd, 2015

@masked2dollarbill, hey Rylee, and welcome to the community. It can be really scary to not know exactly what's going on, but do know that you're strong beyond compare. It's normal to slip a lot; do know you have a huuuuuge group of people here that'll pick you back up if you fall. <3

ivorySky4817 August 3rd, 2015

Hi, just call me Sky. I've been through quite a bit. I was violated by a neighbor my age when I was really young and was raped and went through an abusive relationship when I was a teenager. I struggled with substance abuse because of that which in turn led me to more jerks and problems. Things turned around when I met my husband but I've always been a worry wort since I was little. I am no longer struggling with substance abuse and my relationships are great but since I've had my 2nd baby my worry wort ways have blown into full anxiety. I also have mild touch issues because of the past that I struggle with. i can not go to get prescribed anything to help however because I'm breastfeeding so I'm trying this app to just try and talk everything out.

bluemermaid99 August 4th, 2015

I'm sorry you had to go through so much. You sound like a strong person. We're all happy to have you here with us! smiley

Dreamer02 August 3rd, 2015

Social axiety. Love singing and dancing.... stage fright. Big dreams.....that not even I have discovered. On the right path, has no direction. Depression, without a low, there ain't a high. And I am perfectly imperfect just like the rest of you knuckleheads ^

Shinnybelle August 3rd, 2015

Hi everyone, my name is Sinéad. I have been a diagnosed depressive for nearly 15 years and I am in therapy however since shortly before the birth of my five month old son, I have lost control of my depression and even my meds aren't as effective. I literally stumbled upon 7CoT tonight, I'm really just looking for an understanding outlet as my husband has never known me to be this bad before and he doesn't understand. I really hope joining this community can help me👍🏻

tranquilFreedom August 4th, 2015

Hi, my name is Sam. I'm 16 years old and an active listener/intern here.

I've been struggling with depression for a while now, but if any of you ever need a listener to talk to I'm always here.

Jelle August 4th, 2015

Hey guys,

My name is Jelle, I'm 16 and from the Netherlands. I am a listener on this website and I am really passionate about the topic ''depression''.

I've had a lot of friends and family members suffering from it, and I think it's one of the most common things in people's lives.

I'm here to help you guys, and to make sure everyone realizes how amazing they are :)

faithfulTriangle3777 August 4th, 2015

Hi, my name is Jonathan. Been depressed for 12 years or so but only reccentely admitted it to myself. Looking back I can see how blinded I was and how resistant I was to even consider the possibility that I was suffering from depression. My struggle is getting worse, more frequency and duration as well as intensity. The shame is there too, but I'm not sure why. Anyway, my hope is that all of us recover at least to the point where we can live a good life and help others who are suffering.

urbanAlien August 5th, 2015

Hey, I'm Alien. I'm 15, I'm not diagnosed yet. I want to go talk to someone about how I'm feeling or something, but every time I try to get help I end up chickening out at the last second before I can ask for it. I want to get better, and I'm working on doing what I can. Most of this started around two years ago, and it's been almost nonstop since. But I'm not going to give up, though I've come close.

oliveSkies4648 August 6th, 2015

hi, I'm Alexis and I've struggled with depression since I turned 12. At that time I started starving myself, and at the age of 13 I was no stranger to self harm. I'm now 17 and i am 5 months clean from self harm and two years clean from starving myself. The battle is hard, because each day I want to self harm but I stay strong for my family, because if i didn't my mom would be so mad. I've just recently developed anxiety, simply because of family problems and I'm trying to keep all of this from my mother, she has no idea about most of this and if she did she'd be soo angry. Sorry for that rant.

Forge01 August 7th, 2015

(Sorry in advance if this is too long / wrong topic / has possible triggers.)

Going by Forge, turning 21 in a few months, and in a usual substate of being out of my mind. There's mental illness throughout my family (oh that fun conversation when your mom tells you that she also self-harmed when she was your age...), most prominently schizophrenia. Result: two super-depressed parents, one bipolar sib working his butt off to support us, one borderline sib who helped wreck the employability of said parents, and me.

I don't like self-diagnosis, but you kinda need to put two and two together to get four when you find yourself body-slamming the dorm guard rail as an alternative to chucking yourself out the window. I've been struggling with depression... pretty much since fifth grade. It got bad in college - hs (uff, long story there), was the worst in university (yay hypercompetitive school plus antisocial field of study), and leveled out after I graduated (minus a few bumps where I would surreptitiously peel off skin from between my fingers when I'd end up mediating a family conflict; good idea until the exposed skin started feeling like it was burning as it healed).

I try dealing with my problems with humor. Funny videos, deadpan statements, etc. Keeps the monsters at bay for a while. When it becomes overwhelming, I load up the word processor and transfer all the ill feelings to a character in a story I'm writing, and then have the fictional world beat up that character for a bit. I do this until I get bored.

I feel like I've excessively used those coping mechanisms and am finding it difficult to engage my real world work: research (two papers in two fields ahoy), classes (only two but they're physics), and business (did I mention I'm doing a start-up?). I find it difficult to even start, although once I begin it's hard to stop.

intelligentMap3336 August 8th, 2015

Hi, I found this place and after using the chat, decided to join up. I have PTSD with anxiety and depression, I've had the diagnosis for about six years. I'm married and going to college, I'm also lesbian, if that really matters. I have issues with self harm, but I've been able to keep that at bay for almost a month. Not sure what else I would be able to say.

blissfulwanderlust August 9th, 2015

Hello everyone!

My name Caroline and I have been living with depression since I was about 10 years old. Since then I have gotten the help I've needed to live a semi-normal life and am happier than I have ever been. It is one of the main reasons that I have become a listener, as I wanted to be able to be there for those who are suffering much like I have.

CallMeThey August 9th, 2015

Hi, I'm Jack/Leah/Jay, I'm 13 and gender fluid. I've suffered from depression for 2 years and am a recovered self harmer. I also have severe anxiety and selective mutism.

MMK99 August 9th, 2015

Hello my name is murad, I haven't been struggling with anything really. It all started the summer of 2014. I had always felt this gap that couldn't be filled then I met someone who I fell head over heels with, but being the shy person that I am I let her go without the chance of meeting her again. Since February I got a girlfriend whom up until our breakup in April I really loved, and to a large extent still do. I still talk with her every day but I feel like that hole inside just keeps getting bigger and bigger and today was the first day I decided to seek help. I was diagnosed with irritable depression and I am 16 at the time

thenumbsays August 10th, 2015

Hello, my name is Faye. My depression had been starting about three years ago. It all started because of my father's death and then school decided to be a stupid jerk towards me. I got bullied "indirectly" by a teacher and some of my friends (I doubt if I even have to call them my friends). I have been absolutely lonely and getting this anxiety and panic attacks.

marlonzsz August 11th, 2015

Hi, it's 1:22 AM, new member here on this website, sorry if my english is kinda bad, still learning.

My name is Marlon, I'm a 16 y/o teen with depression, I'm trying to be happy but it's really hard.

I want to make new friends in here, I really do but I am kinda socially-awkward and I think that's why people always leave me.

Anyway, I hope I can meet new people here, I hope this website can help me with my severe depression.

I suffer from depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety.

I've tried to kill myself 3 times, life is hard.


impartialTree3773 August 11th, 2015

Hey Marlon, your English seems really good. I hope you can deal with your social anxiety, and depression on 7 cups.

Aikochan17 August 12th, 2015

I tried to kill 3 times too lately*high five*

mattmf6 August 11th, 2015

My names Matt. I'm 19 years old. I play guitar in a band. I love metal/hardcore. Life fucking sucks.

Celaeno August 11th, 2015

Hi, I'm Celaeno. I am an university student, trying to finish master's degree.

For the second time I have depression and this time is harder. Although I don't get suicidal, I just get paralyzed and have troubles with simple daily activities. My doctor said that I'm at risk to be bipolar and that scares me. I hope to find other gentle, tormented souls here.

Sending love to all of you!

Morningglory37 August 12th, 2015

Hi I'm Mae. I'm 22, just graduated from undergrad, and I don't know exactly when I first started feeling depressed. After being in and out of therapy (but mostly in) for 5.5 years, I only 9 months ago received a diagnosis of (possibly childhood in addition to adult) depression and started medication. So far I've responded well but I'm still dealing with anxiety about my future, career, health, etc. Things are still crazy but I feel like I'm on the way to taking better care of myself :)

Celaeno August 12th, 2015

I'm 22, too ^^ I'm glad you're taking care of yourself. I know that depression requires some patience, because it takes some time for meds to start working. Wishing you a nice day!

diligentLunch557 August 12th, 2015

Hi, my name is Lyn. I have suffered from depression since I was 14 - I am now 55. I wasn't diagnosed until my thirties. I felt suicidal off and on most of my young adulthood. Self medicating with pot and alcohol was how I managed for most of that time. In my twenties I married and had two children, happy time of my life. As I moved into my thirties, lots of suicidal ideation, finally sought help and have taken antidepressants since. About the same time my husband took a job in another state, my children left for college, bad times which really have continued since.

impartialTree3773 August 12th, 2015

Your very brave to seek help, hope you get through the tough times.

DeviantVagabond August 12th, 2015

My name is Dina! I am 17 and I just started my senior year. I don't usually stand out much, and I guess my idsue is the world doesn't seem to stand out in anyway to me anymore. It is all so dull. And it's probably a young age to feel like that but I feel very old and tired. I love drawing from the bottom of my heart and I want to be an animator.

Necrogamesage August 12th, 2015

My name is Necro, I'm 24 years old and almost done with college. I suffer from bipolar 2 disorder. I haven't seen a therapist in awhile, so no medication. I've been in a really dark place and I don't really have a support system. I read a lot of these type of forums and I keep feeling worse for how I feel. I'm nothing but first world problems.

Aikochan17 August 12th, 2015

I'm Aiko, I'm 17 yo and I was adopted from China when I was 1 yo. I have an illness which paralizes parts of my body (any parts) and schizophrenia, so I have been depressed since I was a child. I got pregnant last year and had twins in June and now I'm pregnant again, nice to meet you all and thanks for reading all that shit...

wut661 October 3rd, 2015


I am new here. I am 29 and have had depression for about 15 years. I turn 30 soon and realise I haven't pushed myself enough to get out of this, and it's about time I do. People like to tell me their twenties were the best years of their life, and this makes me cringe. I am hoping to make my thirties (and onwards) the best they can be. I feel like I have missed out on so much. I am trying to make it happen now.

- J

NoleBasc October 9th, 2015

You got this! Realizing it at some point is better than never realizing it at all. This is such great news. Let me know if you ever wanna talk through anything!

fairmindedEnt October 7th, 2015

My name is Lauren and I am currently a freshman student at a college in the U.S. It's only been a couple months into the school year, yet I don't feel as though I have adjusted well. I have no friends (I'm not the best socializer) and everyone I love is hours away from me. The only solace I get is when I come home to visit my boyfriend. I don't even feel that welcomed in my house.

I don't know if anyone will even read this, but if you do, it's at least a warmth to me to know that someone out there has noticed me. And that if you feel the same, you have someone to relate to. You're not alone. I promise.

NoleBasc October 9th, 2015

I just moved to a new city as well all on my own for the first time and I know nobody! Its nice to have a fresh start but definitely lonely. Im sure things get better with time though. Give it a few months and we'll both have friends to fill our lonely hours. :p

TwoWeeksAgo3712 October 7th, 2015

Hi I'm Hayley. I'm a seventh grade student in the USA. I've been cutting for a couple months, I think it's because my dad sometimes goes out and gets drunk and goes to strip clubs and my mom says she wishes she wasn't around me. Ever. That I'm stupid while I'm a straight A student, that I'm ugly and fat, that it's funny that I cut (she found out and hadn't stopped me). The list goes on complete with a lot more stuff. I've never been diagnosed but with every though there's no doubt in my mind that I'm depressed. I have friends and feel alone, like no one in this world truly and genuinely understands. I hate myself. I feel weak.

If if you at least read this,thanks for the time.

want277 October 8th, 2015

@TwoWeeksAgo3712 Yikes. Those are worse parents than mine were for sure. You know that but of course it doesn't make you simply not care, because that's how it is with parents. No matter how awful they are you need them. Okay I will tell you, as someone whose mom was pretty mean and now I am much older than you, the way it works is, it will hurt you and hurt you and make you angry too. They don't do it (mostly) to torture you on purpose. They do it because it's all they know to do, because they are human and therefore fallible. I have MOSTLY forgiven my mom. Guess what? I was NEVER overweight and she made me think I was, and I hurt myself for years and years. Now I realize she did it because SHE had issues, and put them on me. I am trying to give you an outside perspective here. Really though no mother should ever say stuff like that to their child, esp. a daughter. I had a kickass body but had severe problems because (mostly) of what she said to me. So remember that they don't know everything. It may be impossible to get outside this for you now, but just remind yourself she doesn't really know any better.

enthusiasticHuman1139 October 7th, 2015

Hi I'm Diana,not to long ago I struggled with some depression...I worries about may things and before had a lot of break Downs to the point I couldn't breath like I was choking,I'm shy but I can open up to you if you get to know me,but I want to break out of being shy and not relap to sadness,I also want to help others

want277 October 8th, 2015

Hi my name is not want2die, I actually wish to change it but don't know how. So I may have to delete the entire name and come back like a Phoenix or something. But it's how i felt when I got on here, I get very overwhlemed after over thirty years of SEVERE depression that simply is unbearable. Most would have been dead by now but it's hard to kill me apparently. I used to hide it but then you get to a point where why bother lying. But yeah, no antideps have ever, ever worked for me. I have tried a lot of them and may try electroshock as my last resort pretty soon. I also am not sure how this site works so just figuring it out as I go along. I get more out of helping people I've noticed than getting help, perhaps because, to be honest, I require a really smart person for therapy.

NoleBasc October 9th, 2015

I recently realized that as well-that helping others or supporting others makes me feel better when Im down because knowing that I can do that for someone makes me feel as though someone could do it for me. Our minds are so strange haha. Hopefully you feel better without the need of electroshock but Im not too educated on how severe depression can get or how effective these methods are. If it truly does help, then im all for it. Just dont want people to go through what u may have gone through

courtly25 October 9th, 2015

Hello everyone! My name is Courtney and I suffered with GAD(generalized anxiety disorder) and Major depressive disorder during high school (specifically my senior year). As a result of this, I resorted to self harming and was put on anti-depressants. I can now say almost one year later, I am recovered and doing much better. I have been self harm clean for 10 months, and although I still get those thoughts and triggers from time to time.. I somehow manage to refrain from it.