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Introduce yourself.

rnellz January 23rd, 2015

Hi my name is Bec.
I have been suffering since I was 14.
Everyday is a struggle and recovery is a life long journey

AskAnubis July 26th, 2015

I'm Anubis, I'm from the south of the USA and I have panic disorder, dyscalculia, dermatillomania and probably other things too. I have an abusive dad. I have two years until I can legally move out.

IndubitableSunflowers July 26th, 2015

I'm Ashley, I'm 23, and I have no memory of a point in my life where I didn't struggle with depression. I've had quite a number of traumatic events happen the last couple of years, all resulting in a severe upswing in my depression and anxiety.

AmericanAnglophile97 July 26th, 2015

Hello. I'm Kennedy. I have never been completely happy, but right now I am going through a severe depressive episode (longer than 2 weeks). I have spastic diplegia as well and that lowers my self-esteem further.

JetPackBlues17 July 28th, 2015

I'm Lexi. I'm 16, pansexual, and I've been suffering from depression since I was about 14. I also have developed really bad trust issues and I self harm almost every day. No one except about three people know about this and I have no way of expressing myself other than through this app. I've been slut shamed and skinny shamed and I've been told that I'm anorexic and unhealthy. My scars are well hidden but I'm afraid one day someone will see and start telling everyone. I have panic attacks daily and I think too much. Confidence is low and I hate seeing myself in a mirror. That's pretty much me I guess

rainyvanna July 28th, 2015

I'm vanna age isn't real because time isn't real I date people I like things have been fucked up for a while but in in love with every day and every inch of this earth I'm q feminist and I want to help anyone I can I spread positivity

prettyghostie July 28th, 2015

Hellooo, my name is Chase, I'm 14, I'm homosexual and non-binary. 8ish months ago I went to a kids mental health clinic but I lied a lot and was told that "all teens feel that way" and I got discharged and I've never felt worse. I've been self-harm since I was 9/10 and a year ago is when I started to cut. I'm tired 24/7 and my entire body hurts all the time. I also see black figure and feel taps on my body at weird moments and I always feel like someone is there when no one is.

prettyghostie July 28th, 2015

I'm also an angry feminist punk and I HATE when people say they hate someone then hang out with them all the time.

Livhart2011 August 2nd, 2015

I hear you. Like when someone uses you says they will be your best friend for life then someone better comes along and they're gone at a drop of a penny trust me I've had my fair share of those people. That's why I have trust issues and get depressed a lot I'm here if you need to talk :)

jackrabbit0406 July 28th, 2015

My best advice for you would be to get the help of a therapist and get into a medical treatment. It will help you a lot and help balance some of the chemicals in your brain. This will help improve your mood and get you into a healthy path in where you can start making progress into understanding what's going on with you a lot better. "All teens go through that" is a scapegoat that they used. While it is true that to some extent teens go through the anger and rage it is not to the extent of hallucinations. That is an indicator that there is an imbalance going on which can only be helped with the proper treatment.

Best of luck and I hope you feel better soon.

jackrabbit0406 July 28th, 2015

Hello all. I think I have reached a point where I can no longer deal with my state of depression alone. Hence, why I joined 7 cups of tea. I recently came to terms that I wont graduate college. I dropped out because the money needed is just not there and I was getting more and more in debt. I thought I would be okay with this decision but everyone around me has been getting their degrees. In my family education is held in such a high standard that I have basically become the only one without a college degree. They don't say it to me but I can see the disappointment in their eyes when ever there is a family event. Hell, I have even been getting less and less invites to such events. For example this Sunday my cousin is baptizing her daughter and I was the only one without an invite. in reality they are not even bothering to hide really.

Well that's my intro I think.

cyanPenguin2925 July 28th, 2015

Hello....I have been struggling with depression for over 20 years now. I have good days and bad days, (i have more bad than good days) I do not have a very good support system, recently had a stroke and am not able to work. have no one (no friends at all) to talk to. i hope i will be able to find support here, as i feel that time is running out for me.

littlebluebird523 August 1st, 2015

Hi everyone. I just joined 7 Cups after talking with someone. This is a really cool community of people who help each other with growth and healing. I'm excited to learn more and be a part of it. I've been struggling with depression for a long time but recently it's been in full swing since I went through a breakup that completely shattered me. I've been struggling with self harm and suicidal stuff for a while and it's pretty hard to get through the day. Thank you all so much for your selfless work and listening to these stories.

lightasafeather August 2nd, 2015


So, I have anxiety and depression, but haven't been fully diagnosed yet. Started having panic attacks when I was about 14. They aren't as bad now, but I'm still struggling. In January 2015, I became so depressed (and for no reason) that I would cry just trying to do laundry. That's when I couldn't hide it anymore. I was too scared to say anything, but thankfully my boyfriend took notice and vocalized his concern. After that, I talked to a couple of my friends who had suffered from anxiety and depression as well, and I started going on Tumblr a lot, which really helped. I'm in a better place now, never been suicidal, but I just don't feel properly supported irl so I need somewhere to go to talk. I found this site through Tumblr. So far, it seems like a pretty good place to be.

Cadence August 3rd, 2015

@lightasafeather, hey there! I also found this place through Tumblr.

I'm really glad you had your boyfriend was honest and vocal with you; that communication can make all of the difference. You deserve someone like that :D It's great you're in a better place now, but I know that sometimes the goings can get tough. This is an absolutely fabulous place to get some extra support. Welcome to the community!

Addisonbritton August 2nd, 2015

My name is addison and i struggle with self harm. Ive been clean for 2 months and every day is a struggle. Everytime i see the scars i feel ashamed. These feelings make me very vulnerable emotionally. Whenever i start a relationship i give them too much of myself, Physically and emotionally and i just end up getting hurt even more. So yeah, thats me and who i am.

Cadence August 3rd, 2015

@Addisonbritton, welcome to the community!

Two months is a really big deal to be clean, and I know what it's like to look at your scars and just be uncomfortable overall with them, like that everyone will notice if they're not covered. The good news is, most won't recognize it, most won't be looking out for it.

Know that you're in good hands here; we'll do whatever we can to make things easier. :D

ScarWinchester August 2nd, 2015

Hello.. call me Scarlett. I've been struggling with self harm and severe anxiety since... maybe even before preschool. Looking back I remember I would slam my face into my bed when I was angry or hit my legs with wooden spoons/ whip them with skewers. Mental illness floods my gene pool. I'm a cocktail of bullsh*t. I have an addiction to pasta which is my comfort food, I'm a bulimic so no matter how much I eat I try to somehow go back and pretend I didnt eat all of that.. but if one thing is good, I'm over 3 months clean of self harm. I'm very very proud to say that because I haven't been clean this long since Dec of 2013. I need help. I need motivation. I've tried reaching out to my parents but my dad is an alchoholic and my mom threatens me and doesn't care at all saying mental illness is a clutch for children to feel sane. Its just simply not true. I need to know it's okay... I need some kind of motivation or inspiration. Bc im back to the drawing board and ready to start over, but I refuse to do it alone. Its why I keep relapsing. I'm left in my room for hours on end to overthink and to just self destruct..

Cadence August 3rd, 2015

@ScarWinchester, hey there, Scarlett!

My self harm was really deeply rooted for me as well, starting when I was very young. I do want to say that three months is a really long time to be clean, and you're on the right track to recovery from self harm, and that's... If I can be honest, that's just amazing. That's one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, but it was probably one of the most rewarding. So the joy I feel from that is immense.

Parents sometimes have a really hard time understanding mental illness, I've noticed. Perhaps it's a generational thing, I have no idea, but I'm sorry to hear your parents don't take it seriously. But do know that here, it is serious, and we're here to help. If you're having a bad day, we're here to help, alright? The fact that you're here just shows what you said: "I refuse to do it alone." The good news is, you'll never have to do it alone. You're very strong, I really sincerely welcome you to the community. <3

Livhart2011 August 2nd, 2015

I'm Liv. I'm 14 years old. I'm really depressed about my weight, I feel so self conscious about it. Because the truth is I'm fat I can see it and I'm pretty sure everyone else can see it. I make myself throw up after every meal. But I'm a worrier so when I get nervous or worry about something I eat then I throw up again it's a long circle really. I haven't told anyone, this is my first time writing and putting this out there. So yea that's me for ya

Cadence August 3rd, 2015

@LivHart2011, hey Liv, welcome to the community!

It took such strength for you to be able to tell us that; sometimes one of the hardest parts is getting down in words what you're feeling, you know? Coming to that realization in the form of being able to tell someone, that's powerful stuff. I hope you know, that you are amazing, and that you're a person that's deserving of happiness, no matter what. We're here for you, you never have to face this alone.

DirgesNewSong August 2nd, 2015

Hi...Just call me Dirge for now...just turned 20 in may...I'm not so good socially but I'm new here I've been fighting with self harm and depression since I was 12. Diagnosed with depressive bipolar, ADD, OCD, social anxiety, dilusions and minor hallucinations, onset of schizophrenia. So basically I don't have friends to talk to or confide in. I'm not just here looking for help but maybe I can offer something to someone else. I'm a girl with an opened mind and damaged heart but I don't know what else to say here really...

Cadence August 3rd, 2015

@DirgesNewSong, welcome to the community, Dirge! :D Sounds like you got quite a bit on your plate, but do know that you're in the right community if you're looking for someone you can lean on, if you're looking to find people who you can trust. You've been through so much and you're so freaking strong for being able to deal with everything.

DirgesNewSong August 3rd, 2015

Thank you its nice being welcomed c:

tc720 August 2nd, 2015

Hello, I have been having a very hard time lately.. I don't feel loved or appreciated everyday I just feel like I'm going through the sucks friends are non existent, I have no social life ... I work and come home in that order. other than the occasional walk to the corner store I go no where. Once my car is parked on Friday I don't venture out until Monday to start the cycle all over again. my life is blah and there seems to be no silver lining in sight..

Cadence August 3rd, 2015

@tc720, I can totally relate with you when it comes to just going through the motions. It can be the most monotonous thing, to do the same thing every day.

Do know that even though it doesn't seem like there's a silver lining, there's always one, however thin it may be. Here's a cute little motivational picture. :D Keep strong, and welcome to the community <3

impartialTree3773 August 2nd, 2015

Hi I'm Alicia, I'm 13 years old and pangender though I haven't come out yet. Everyone's favourite thing to do is ignore me. I don't have many friends and I'm very shy, but get very pusses of if people call me quite. (I'm not quite I'm shy!!) I really am a boring person I guess, well I guess that's it...

bluemermaid99 August 2nd, 2015

Don't let these people put you down, there's nothing wrong with being shy! And I bet you're not a boring person. There's probably lots of interesting stuff about you and I think we'd all want to know more. Kisses, Alicia.

impartialTree3773 August 2nd, 2015

Thanks maid. Could you introduce yourself for me, please.

bluemermaid99 August 3rd, 2015

Oh, yes. I'm Joy, 19, bisexual. I've been diagnosed with depression a couple of years ago, have been on medication for it too (I'm off it now) and on and off therapy (gotta go back to it, though). Strongly suspect I might have bpd as well. I'm also an introvert and shy like you, and also don't have many friends.

impartialTree3773 August 3rd, 2015

Nice to meet you Joy you seem like an interesting person.

SamStephens August 2nd, 2015

Im sam. Just turned 14 recently, and i havent been diagnosed with anything, but i feel like shit all the time. Like im really not worth anything at all. And that im less than everyone else around me. Im very paranoid and it effects me a lot. Im too scared to approach my mother about going to a doctor but i feel like i wont get any better until i get an actual diagnosis

Cadence August 3rd, 2015

@SamStephens, hey Sam!

I know what it feels like to want a diagnosis, to have a name to what you're feeling, and it's so difficult because it's like, you want answers, you want to feel better. So believe me, I stand with you there. But do know that your depression doesn't make you worth less than everyone else; we're all struggling in some sort of way, and this happens to be yours. The truth of the matter is that it's surprisingly common, and it's the most common mental illness in the world, I believe. Here at 7Cups, we obviously can't give diagnoses, but we can offer a helping hand and a listening ear; you aren't alone. <3

doublerainbow August 3rd, 2015

Hey! (: I'm Natasha, I'm 14 years old. Ever since I was diagnosed with epilepsy disorder I've had really bad social anxiety because I'm afraid of having episodes infrint of others. My depression was more of a side affect of my medication. I'm really trying to work on my social anxiety because its gotten so bad that I can't even make a phone call! I've been in therapy for atleast 3 months. And I almost tried avoiding that because of my anxiety. That's basically all my life. Bye ^-^

Cadence August 3rd, 2015

@doublerainbow, hey Natasha! It's super duper nice to meet you.

Epilepsy disorder sounds really hard to deal with, but medical things do like to go hand in hand. You're so ridiculously strong, and I'd love for the community to be able to help with your social anxiety! :D You're awesome for still going to your therapy sessions despite not wanting to.

Regardless, welcome to the community! <3

GAlexE August 3rd, 2015

Hello, I am Alex but my birth certificate says otherwise...I am currently 14 and was diagnosed with depression and anxiety last year of 2014. A YouTube video brought me here.

Cadence August 3rd, 2015

@GAlexE, hey, Alex! Welcome to the community! Depression and Anxiety are so, so, so hard to deal with, and you're so strong for being here despite any life event, you know? We're really glad you're here; welcome to the community.

impartialTree3773 August 3rd, 2015

Hey Alex it's nice too meet you, I'm Alicia welcome to 7 cups.

TheFatDepressedKid August 3rd, 2015

Hey everyone. My name is Beca. I'm 15 years of age and I'm bisexual. I don't feel loved anymore. I just seriously want someone to be friends here if that is okay?

bluemermaid99 August 3rd, 2015

It's very okay, Beca! Welcome! :)

Cadence August 3rd, 2015

@TheFatDepressedKid, that's absolutely okay, Beca. We're here for you. If you're looking to get more into the forums, we also have a Bisexual Support Community that would love to have your presence. Regardless, welcome!