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Introduce yourself.

rnellz January 23rd, 2015

Hi my name is Bec.
I have been suffering since I was 14.
Everyday is a struggle and recovery is a life long journey

amethystturtle9 June 28th, 2015

Hi my name is Eve, I am nineteen and about to start my third year of college. I struggle with depression and anxiety, both of which run in both of my parent's families. Sometimes I feel guilty about my depression, like my life hasn't been hard enough or I haven't gone through enough to technically be depressed, even though I know it is genetic. I try to be a positive person but my depression often gets the better of me. This past winter was the worst I have ever been, which is why I signed up for this website. I don't ever want to feel that bad again. I want to meet more people who know what I am going through. You are all so brave and so strong just for posting here

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amethystturtle9 June 28th, 2015

Eating has also become an issue for me lately. It isn't a disorder yet and I want to think it won't be, that this is just because I am a college student with strange food habits. But I also know myself and know that this could be the beginning of something worse

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GreenTrowel6 June 28th, 2015

Hello world. I'm a 22 year old who just graduated from college. I have a history of depression, anxiety, addictive behavior, and suicidal thoughts. My relationship of three and a half years ended a month ago and all of those problems rushed back into my life. They've always been there but they only came out during periods of high stress. Now they are constant companions. I've recently moved and don't have any friends here. I've tried online dating sites to meet new people but it's been almost completely unsuccessful. This constant rejection has only multiplied the problem. I came here because I think talking to people is better medicine than pills, substance abuse, or paying a professional tons of money. I'm looking forward to connecting with other people who understand how I feel.

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sympatheticDime768 June 28th, 2015

Hey GreenTrowel6, I was going to make a post introducing myself first, but after I read yours I realized that our problems are pretty similar, I am 21, my relationship of 4 years ended about four months ago, and the pain is still a constant companion. I won't say I know exactly how you feel, but I can guess. If it's anything like what am feeling then its quite unpleasent, but I've had many conversations on here, and read many articles about breakups online, and I think that with time it's possible that the pain will dissapate. I'm always on this site (I had another account before this one) so if you ever want to talk just let me know.

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GreenTrowel6 June 28th, 2015

Hi SympatheticDime, I appreciate you reaching out to me. I'd love to talk and we can both vent about what happened.

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atomicangel June 29th, 2015

Hi;I'm Isaac and I'm (almost) 16. I am not good at introductions at all, and I never know what I want to write. My depression keeps me from doing a lot of things daily, causing my family and friends to view me as lazy or uninterested. I'm extremely empathetic, though, and don't want to cause negative feelings for everyone, so thisonly ends up upsetting me further. I wish I could help all the people I love overcome their struggles as best as I can, but it's getting harder and harder to do this when I don't even want to leave my bed. I'm distancing myself from the people I love and the activities I love to do, and it's quite an upsetting experiencefor me. I know that my life can get better and I can havea wonderful and successful future, but I feel like I'm wasting my days away and sometimes I doubt if I will ever make it to that future. I wish I could give away my good opportunities to the less fortunate, because I'm not even using what I have to its full potential and I feel terrible for that. I also feel guilty for making this such along introduction,even though I know in reality none of you should really mind all that much, since this is why this site was created. I'll end this by saying that I hope you all find things to smile about today.

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Aceventura1368 June 30th, 2015

Hi Isaac. My name's Theo & I'm in my 40's. When I read ur intro I could see that depression has a few common symptoms. Staying in bed, all the guilt & hopelessness are all very common. Have u seen ur local doctor to tell him about it? I'm sure if u do the GP will be able to give u clear steps on a road to recovery. Depression is a disease & as with all diseases, if they are treated correctly, it will go. And you've got an untold advantage... you're so young! Now that's something to smile about. Will check in a few days mate.

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atomicangel June 30th, 2015

Hi Theo, thank you so much for commenting! You're right; I should definitely tell a doctor. It'll take a lot of courage to bring it up to my parents, of course, because I don't want to worry them, but I know they'll be glad I opened up to them about it. And I do have a lot of my life left to go, with so many possibilities. Thank you again!

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neonAvocado9652 June 29th, 2015

Hi! I am Heidi. I am new to 7 Cups. I am here to try to find someone to talk to and listen. I am struggling with depression and have quite a few things going on in my life that I am having trouble juggling. I was on medication however in the last two months went off of them (with my doctor's guidance) when things seemed to be looking up. I have a new job and will soon be relocating. I also have a long distance boyfriend. These are all good things but I find myself falling apart when I should be excited. I feel so sad sometimes and other times I am okay. I just want someone to talk to ... so I don't feel so alone.

littlespoopy June 30th, 2015

Hello everyone, I'm Cady. I'm almost eighteen and I live in the United States. I've been dealing with depression for almost two years now and it's a miracle I've been able to survive this long. I'm going into my senior year of high school and am very stressed out about the rigerousclasses I'm going to be in. I hope everyone is doing okay, this is a truly wonderful community!

22genericname June 30th, 2015

Hi I'm Tash and I am 15. I have suffered with depression for nearly a year now and I feel like I have hit rock bottom. I am adopted and have a violent background nearly 3 years ago I moved schools and I was very happy with my new one. its a boarding school so I felt more at home there then at my actual home. But now I might not be able to go back becauseof one stupid mistake. I have been suicidal and self harmed and I really need some help but there is no one in my life that I can talk to.

StrugglingLittleSkater June 30th, 2015

Hi! I'm Toriand I'm 14 and I'm from Canada. In the last 2 years I have been diagnosed with major depression, dysthymia, bipolar disorder, and cyclothymia. It has been pretty tough but I try my best to stay positive. It's been pretty hard lately and I've been struggling a lot. I also have anxiety which had been causing many many sleepless nights lately. But despite this all I try my best to share my experiences and using them to help other people. (:

InkdNPrcdAngl June 30th, 2015

My name is Katie. I'm 29 and from Virginia, US. I struggle with depression, anxiety, worry and stress, as well as a general sense of being overwhelmed. I have self harmed in the past and have been through my share of bad and abusive relationships. I am doing well in that category now, though my past still haunts me at times.

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understandingShade2506 July 1st, 2015

Hi there! So glad you came looking here for help. I hope you will find it. I know what it's like to seem to tumble in and out of abusive situations, which keep on reinforcing how bad you feel. Let's start choosing positivity today!

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Rosemary01 June 30th, 2015

Hi I'm rosemary and I think I might have atypical depression. I love soccer and I'm 13. I'm not confident about myself at all. And I just need help😔

MrsBreezy June 30th, 2015

Hey my name is Christina, I'm 16 years old and I'm from Germany. I just feel very empty and alone and I don't know how to change my life so it might become worth to live it.