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Introduce yourself.

rnellz January 23rd, 2015

Hi my name is Bec.
I have been suffering since I was 14.
Everyday is a struggle and recovery is a life long journey

determinedWalker9893 May 31st, 2015

Hi, I have been on 7cups for a while now but never really introduced myself on this forum. I'm 17 and struggle with anxiety and depression, and the after effects of an eating disorder that began 10 years ago. I was severely bullied throughout school and only managed to escape it this past year. It had a very negative effect on me and lead to self harming. I try to stay really positive and hate complaining or talking about my problems because I think everyone else has more important things to worry about. I'm working on getting better and building good relationships, this is where I can come and not have to hide my past. Also I'm happily dating a 32 year old, who helps me feel better.

charmingKitten7241 June 3rd, 2015

I'm new to this app. But sorry to hear you were bullied. I was bullied from elementary all the way up to 11th grade. It still bothers me and I'm sensitive about it. Hope you can move on from it and live a better life

haveaday May 31st, 2015

Hi, my name is Heather.

I've been suffering from depression for over half my life and anxiety for 5 years. I also am currently 2 1/2 weeks clean & doing my best to recover. I've been seeing a therapist for a couple months now.

Wicket51 June 1st, 2015

Hello I am a bit overwhelmed by this but have hope that it may help me. I suffer from major depression, PTSD and anxiety. I go to a therapist weekly and am on meds from my family doctor. I feel for everyone going through this but find some comfort knowing I am not alone. Thank you to all who made this website possible ♡

jenniferlobsinger77 June 8th, 2015

i have saver rapped sicoling depression i see a consoler every other week but we are trying to get me more consoling i need to do a lot of venting i fill like i have years of bilt up tears that i need some one make me get out. were they have me cry for 30 mintes. then say ok you can take a ten minte brake. then when the 10 minte brake is over have them say ok jennifer its time to dig deep and get some more tears out. i reailly need that

hellobuddy June 2nd, 2015

Hello, My name is Lauren and i have manic depression. i am not sure what that means . im guessing its bi- polar anddepression combine. And sincei'mthinking i am losing my mind. i cant concentrate on most things (like to actually look up what imgoing through). i have very bad patience. So i sometimes cant just sit there and research what exactly i have.i failed many times with medications and counseling.So right this moment , i am not on any meds,or any kind of support. And it kills me that most times i can't care for my 2yr old girl properly.And it kills me that im so depressed i cant teach her ,what she needs to be taught. So i am willing to do anything to help my self out, just so i can care for my baby girl. but most importantly "Myself". I really hope and pray this website with guide me or give me the right support.

dollfie June 2nd, 2015

Hi, my name is Lauren. I am 20 years old and I have been a sufferer of anxiety and depression my whole life, with it only getting worse and worse. I am on many medications and go to a psychologist and psychiatrist - both of which have been so inept that I am on a waiting list for the top depression and anxiety hospital in the area so I can stop seeing them.

I will do my best to explain my background. I was severely bullied for 7 years straight until my parents had no choice but to pull me out of public school in 6th grade. I did not feel safe from both classmates nor teachers. The only person that would even talk to me was my neighbor and fellow classmate who took my love and admiration for him and abused it every day until he got tired of me one day and never spoke to me again.

Shortly after that, they caught the killer of my aunt after 20+ years. My family was going through so much suffering, and I tried so hard to feel emotions and I just couldn't; not even when looking directly at the face of a murderer. I have always struggled with feeling emotions, especially empathy, and I felt - and still feel like - a souless robot.

My mother suffers from similar ailments as I do because of the trauma of her sister being murdered. I was raised to never leave her eyes for one second because she was so terrified of something happening to me. To this day I refuse to leave the house, only leaving a couple times a month for doctor visits, and I never leave my parents' side in general; I cannot remember ever doing so.

Eventually I even ended up dropping out of homeschool because I just could not do it. I have given up on the idea of ever going to college and/or getting a job. I am now classified as disabled in the eyes of the government and that is how I live. My dreams of finding the prince of my dreams to save me have died as I cannot imagine anyone seeing any worth in me. I also used to be religious, but now I have no faith in anything; neither religiously or in myself. I have existential crisises every day to the point where I don't even see the point in trying anymore. I won't even leave bed and my body feels like it's deteriorating. I have gotten used to just spending my days finding whatever keeps my mind occupied such as taking care of my many animals, going on the computer, and collecting things like dolls; like the one in my icon.

... I am so sorry this ended up being so long. Anyway... I will try to post on this forum and do my best to both give and accept support. Thank you so much for reading, and despite being so scared of people, it would also bring me so much joy to have someone out there to talk to, and maybe I will find that on here...

kindTalker7688 June 3rd, 2015

Hi all, I'm Richard. I'm 27 from Texas, USA. As far back as I can remember, I've been dealing with social anxiety and worsening depression. It's come to the point where I hardly go out at all and just need help. But nothing so far has helped for very long- only temporary. =(

xxJessica June 3rd, 2015

I know the feeling :/

willingFriend247 June 3rd, 2015

Hi, This is my first post! I have been sufferiing with depression since I was eight years old. I'm now 34 and it feels like it is progressively getting worse.

omnidictionarian97 June 3rd, 2015

Hello. I am Maf and I suffer from depression and anxiety which has a rather large impact on my current situation. I like cats, food, more food and more cats

littlebit751 June 3rd, 2015

Hi! My name is Kristy and I just turned 40. I have been dealing with depression from a very early age due to sexual abuse by a parent (or so the counselors think due to reactions I had to going to visit on weekends), mother always telling me I was fat, not good enough and pretty much wouldn't amount to anything at all even as she would tell me I was smart and taking custody of my child way when I was 26 due to rumors my parents heard that weren't true, abuse both physical and emotional from ex boyfriends, chronic pain for the last 10 years, etc.. After many years of counselors and medications, nothing has worked. I don't want to hurt myself in anyway. I just find myself not wanting to go out or even care about anything anymore. I talk more to my dog than I do anyone else. Lol, she at least listens. I'm hoping to find a way to get past all of this guilt, anger, depression and everything else.

icecream13 June 4th, 2015

Hi ,I don't want to tell my real name but you can call me Tracy.I'm Asian and my English is not really good. I know I've beendealing with depression forat least 2 years. I need help,I want to talk with somebody.But in my country ,I can't find any website or organization which can help me. I found 7cupsodtea2 hours ago but I'm afraid I can chat with any listener because of my poor English.. Can you help me ?

patcheddiary June 4th, 2015

Hi everyone, I just joined today and I thought I would introduce myself.I have been suffering from depression from a very young age and have been through many traumatic experiences, some of them I still feel unable to talk about. I wish I knew how to overcome my depression. It has plagued me for so long that I don't know who I am anymore.

I hope I can help others and share my support with everyone on this forum and try to bring a smile on somebody.smiley

bubbletacoo June 8th, 2015


sarahnash14 June 7th, 2015

Hi. This is my first time on this site, and I thought I should say something about myself before diving right into the midst of things.

My name is Sarah, and I'm 28. I don't know how long I've had depression but I remember thinking of and planning to commit suicide when I was 14. My depression has steadily grown worse in the last ten years but has peaked in the last three.

I'm a very anxious, non-combative person, which has made my depression even worse, especially considering I am in a very one-sided marriage with a very domineering man.

chasingsunlight13 June 7th, 2015

Hi everyone. My name is Dusti, I'm 29 and I have been battling depression and anxiety as long as I can remember.Some days are terrific. Some days are dismal. Every day is a fresh start.

passionateChestnut9667 June 8th, 2015

I am 23 probably seen a lot then I shld and I teach myself and I laugh and cry and talk in my mind. I am kind still trying live this life

addiepoo99 June 8th, 2015

Hiya! I'm addie and I'm 16 in two months. I've been through quite a bit, which I think helps me relate to others on here in a different way. I was forced out of public school do to severe bullying, but I hope to go back within the next year or two. I know do online schooling and I have no friends because of it, but that's okay because I'm extremely introverted. I don't talk much and I prefer to be by myself, but I love listening and helping others on 7 cups. I hope to go somewhere in my life, as I'm a firm believer in "You only get one life, make the best of it." I'm not sure what I want to do or where I want to go yet, but I think I'm getting there. Feel free to send me a message if you need any help, or if you'd just like to chat. I'm always here. (((:

cadelltaylor June 8th, 2015

Hello. I am Cadell. I am 16 and suffer from anxiety and depression. It's gotten increasingly worse the past year so I'm trying to branch out and talk with some people. I've reached out to family, and have been taking steps to improve my mental health. Glad to meet you all.

anydreamwilldo4me June 8th, 2015

Hi just like you I joined today. My name is weird and you'll never remember it but I'm 14 years old. It is a powerful experience to be one of many feeling sad and lonely instead of the only one.

cazmickey June 8th, 2015

Hey :) immikayla andim 14 yearsyoung... i have agrophbia (cant spell ) and scialanxiety and had my first panicattack 3 weeksago but have hadabout 20 "mini" episodes since then.

Reyanab June 8th, 2015

Hi my name is reyana and I'm here because I'm depressed. I'm only 13 and I'm not able to help myself on my own which is why I'm here.

bubbletacoo June 8th, 2015

Hi Everyone My Name Is Jackie... I Suffer From Depression, I Want To One Day Be Able To Be Happy Again. I Hope I Can Relate Someone & Help People

avtrejo June 8th, 2015

Hi. My name is Antonio, but feel free to call me Anthony. I am 15, and about to get into High School. I suffer from depression since 8th Grade, all because I was bullied in Primary School and still sometimes in Junior High. On top of that, I had a breakup on 8th (I was not very well before I even started the relationship), and I started feeling very low great part of my days, lasting from a couple of days up to a week or so. Everything seemed to progress, but in fact I was only feeling worse with each passing day; I started losing interest in things that I once liked, I became distant from my friends, and I became very irritable and sarcastic with everyone, to the point I started feeling hatred towards almosteverybody at my School. I've grown distant from too many people I consider my friends on the last months, and sometimes I feel I do right because everyone I've gone to while I've been in "distress" has let me down in one way or another. No one in my school seems to care about me, not even my teachers andmy closest friends, and I also feel my family does not care on how I'm feeling or if I'm truly OK, unless I am physically sick. I've always thought what would life would be without me, and I've even thought of running away from my home, my school, and my life in the city, just to be alone, where no one can bother me, mock me, or pretend to be my friend, just to let me down when I'm of no use for them. I hope I can find help from you, because I feel my depression is worsening with each passing day, and I need someone I can talk to and feel better, even if I only feel better for just a few hours. I have a future project, and I don't want to throw it away at my age; please help me, I will appreciate it.

realg June 9th, 2015

Hi, my name's Georgia, I'm 17 at the moment but won't be for too long. I've been dealing with depression for about five years I think... things are still hard but this isn't the worst I've ever been by far, and I'll be done with school soon which I think will really help. I have a really supportive family and some really genuine friends that I've made in the past year or two, so for first time I don't feel completely alone, which I'm so happy about.

wanderinginwonderland June 9th, 2015

Hi, my name is Claire. I was diagnosed with depression last February.

WaterPup June 9th, 2015

Hi all. I'm new here on 7 cups. Seeking support for depression. I've been suffering for a long time, but it's gotten from being something manageable in the background of my life into something horrendous, keeping me off balance and alone in the last few months. I recently graduated from college and am going for a PhD in the Fall, but I think the gap year without gainful full employment aggregated my existing issues. I'm hopeful that this community will be a useful support in my life, and that I can give back to the community as well.

setmefree20 June 9th, 2015


zema June 9th, 2015

Hi I'm Zema . I'm 15. And i dont know english well so maybe i'll mistakes when i talk... And i'm feeling so alone.. I dont have any friend in school.They say i'm so rude but i just wanted be honestly..And my family..They dont believe me..About everything..And I dont sleep much..this makes me nervous..I need someone to talk..Because I'm talking myself and its kind a weird..Nevermind I just wanted to write something here..And Im new..bye

jasmine18 June 9th, 2015

Hey I'm jasmine. I'm 15. I've dealt with self harm, suicide, and a near abusive relationship. I've never been diagnosed with anything but i have suspicions. I have a really hard time dealing with stress and I have an extremely short fuse. I get angry very very easily. I'm not too sure how to deal with everything that I feel. it's not and easy situation. it ruins a lot of relationships and makes it hard to interact with people, even my own family. So yea, I'm Jasmine.

HeartRaces June 10th, 2015

Hey my name is Brittany. I was born in a small town in Ohio near Cedar Point. I lost my Dad at 5 due to cheating. My Mom raised us on her own. I have suffered depressiom my whole life. My life has kinda slipped away. I moved away at 23 w a guy I met on a game. He was wonderful but 13 yes my senior. My insecurities lead me to cheat several times and my hyposexuality. I have been back and forth between Indiana and Georgia since then. Can't make up my freaking mind. Love this person more than life but trust is gone. I had a baby w him in 2014. She made us so happy but again he was sick so were we. Was on my period going through my mania. Wasn't aware at time. Finally diagnosed bipolar 1 and borderline. Ateempted in November, got help. My daughter is in GA's custody ATM. Working my tail off to get her back. It is the lowest been in my life. :( But here for you too. :)

HeartRaces June 10th, 2015

Sorry typos :)

shltrlyss24 June 10th, 2015

Hello, my name is Alba. I'm 17 and I'm from Spain. I have a problem, food. I lost many things and people through this hell. I don't want you to do you, be strong. I"m here to help you. Talk to me, okay? :)

Maddie14Grace June 15th, 2015

Hey Alba please help me

judy6969 June 10th, 2015

Hi im new here. My name is judy, i am a 46 yr old mother of four wonderfulboys, and 2 beautiful grandchildren. Immarried, for the third time . My husbands name is randyand we have been married for2yrs this 22ndofjune. I have so many isdues i dont even ow where to start. I have physical and mental health issues. I have had a chronic illness for many yrs and just found out i have another chronic disease, gastroparesis. Then my aunt judy whom i was very close to throughout my life passed away yesterday the day after my birthday which was Sunday. M marriage is an emotional roller coaster. I love my husband with all i am, but its not Good. I feel like iamwalking on eggshells all the time.. i am afraid to make him mad and it doesn't take much with me. I work part time i love it but Haven't Been Able To in aWhile . Its my Social liFe. I don'tdrink, buti do abuse drugs. From my prescriptions to weed and crack an coke. Its my only escape from this pain. I am a witch, as well as an empath i dontbelieve in heaven or hell or god and the devil. I have died during surgery andthere is no white light, jut darkeness and Emptiness . I do not study black magic, and do not harm to others. In fact i heal others through spiritual, i work with mirrors, candles And stones. All mother earths elements. I have helped others find love and shown them the love within themselves. Helping others helps me. Being an empath has its good and bad points. I sufferfrom Depression, Anxiety , and had been diagnosed with fybromyalgafor many yrs now. This is just a bit abo me, pretty messed up hey.

crimsonPlum3011 June 10th, 2015


My name is Catie and I've been struggling with anxiety and depression most of my life. I'm 23 years old, feel completely alone. My mother passed away two years ago, I don't speak with my father for a multitude of reasons, my only "healthy" romantic relationship to date dissolved and crumbled, and right now the only person that I can rely on has begun to see me as both a burden and a bother. I don't really know where to

missmama June 10th, 2015

Hello, my name is Brenna. I just turned eighteen years old and I am the mother to a six month old baby girl. I graduated a semester early so I could get ahead in my college studies. I am now working full time as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) at a nursing home and I am going to school part time. I would love to go full time, but if I did that I would never see my daughter. My ultimate goal is to become a Labor and Delivery Nurse in a Hospital or a Midwife. I am still going back and forth on the two thoughts. I will most likely be one of those two part time and a Lactation Consultant part time. I am a huge advocate for breast milk over formula, however I will never shame another mother for favoring the latter! My daughters father is somewhat in our lives. He lives in another state and swears up and down he will be coming back to live with us, but I am not holding my breath. Things are not working out between us right now, and things just seem to be getting worse.

I am normally a really happy but shy person, but I have found that since my daughters father moved away I have been getting slowly more and more down. I am very stressed about my school studies. Work is physically draining. My daughter is beautiful but she is a little handful. My financial burden is one I carry alone. A long distance (and emotionally abusive)relationshipwas a constant ache in my chest for six months before I called it off, and it still hurts just as bad. I just don't see how anything could get better at this point.

patrickUK June 10th, 2015

hello, patrick from U.K. I have depression..

lefay93 June 10th, 2015

Hi I'm Sophie, I do self harm which I am trying to stop, as well as depression. I am 22 years old and live in the United Kingdom. I get hurt really easy and when I do I feel like everyone is my enemy. I have trust issues as well. I do love talking to people though very shy at first.