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I miss dancing

yuue December 12th, 2022

I used to be able to dance freely when i was happier. I miss it a lot, except now i don’t have a dancing partner. My cat was taken from me 4 years ago. I still miss her and i haven’t gotten a new one since.

innateJoy9602 December 13th, 2022


Dancing sounds so freeing. I can understand why you would miss it. I’m sorry about your cat. That must have been heartbreaking. What kind of music would you usually dance to?💜

yuue OP December 13th, 2022

@innatejoy9602 I usually dance to pop and rock music! i love dancing to punk too. Dancing is very freeing, and it’s good for the body too. Good for the heart and good for mood

fruityPond7887 December 19th, 2022

@yuue Hi, I am so sorry to hear that you are missing your cat. I know the pain of losing a pet is one of the most difficult pains to get through. I want you to know that you are allowed to dance whenever and however you want! You are allowed to be happy and you will get through this. The pain lessens as time goes on, but she will forever be in your heart. We are here for you. 💖

yuue OP December 20th, 2022


thank you Pond ☺️ i really appreciate your compassionate words. The grief that comes with that kind of loss is huge, since she’s like a family member 😔

fruityPond7887 December 23rd, 2022

@yuue Exactly! Pets are family members and losing them is no easier, but she is always with you I promise 💗

bestVase7265 December 20th, 2022

It sounds like you are in pain. Have you thought about getting another cat? They aren't all good dance partners but they are great for the occasional pet. @yuue

yuue OP December 20th, 2022


ive considered getting a new cat, i think it would be wonderful. I also think it’s time, that i should be able to do so without giving myself a hard time about it. I think cats make excelllent dance partners ☺️ just don’t step on their toes!

bestVase7265 December 21st, 2022

Some are better than others. Our current two aren't as friendly as our older one. But they are still quite a blessing as long as they aren't eating ornaments on the tree.

Have a good holiday! @yuue

yuue OP December 30th, 2022

I hope you have a good holiday too ☺️

bestVase7265 December 31st, 2022

I did have a good holiday. Thanks!

Have you been able to start looking at possible cats yet? I know when I was mourning our cat looking online at pictures from shelters helped me manage my grief a bit. @yuue

yuue OP January 3rd, 2023

Awww. I look at pictures of cats all the time too. I haven’t looked yet because i think i wanna move before i get one. I want to host a mommy cat and i don’t think my roommates would like that

bestVase7265 January 4th, 2023

That makes sense. I hope that the time will come for you soon.

What is interesting is that cats all have such different personalities. We eventually got two cats (one about two and half and the other a kitten) to replace the one that died. They are both such different creatures and not quite lap kitties. But they still bring us joy with their antics.