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How do you motivate yourself to get out of bed in the morning?

kappa170 March 7th, 2016

I've been severely depressed for months now, and since I don't have set hours at work (I come and go whenever I want) I'm finding it really hard to get out of bed unless I have an early morning meeting. Does anyone have any tips or advice? They would be greatly appreciated.

Isthatallthereis March 13th, 2016

@kappa170 I am NOT a morning person. My depression is worst immediately upon waking. Now this is a BAD habit but desperate times call for desperate measures. Something I've started doing is saving the last 15-20 minutes of a show I'm watching and I watch it first thing in AM. It helps to actually make me want to not just roll over and push snooze and distracts me/gets creative juices flowing.

Also, I have a timed coffee maker in my room so I don't have to get out of bed until I've finished as much coffee as I feel I need. This is a game changer. Waking up to the smell of coffee really helps.

Lilylistens March 14th, 2016

@Isthatallthereis ~ Those are really creative ideas, thank you for sharing them. enlightened

I love the smell of coffee first thing in the morning, too.

Isthatallthereis March 14th, 2016

@Lilylistens thanks! I understand the struggle with deep depression when you can't just talk or guilt yourself out if it! Hope this helps!

Inlovewithcats March 13th, 2016



i suffer from depression, anxiety and social anxiety to say the least.

The best way for me to get out of bed is to take a shower. Then once you've taken a shower you make a decision whether or not your well enough to move on. Take baby steps. It's worked for me.

Lilylistens March 14th, 2016

@Inlovewithcats ~

Thank you for sharing what works for you, would be worth a try, in my opinion.

I am sorry to hear you are suffering from anxiety, depression, and social anxiety, and perhaps some other things, as well.

Take care, and thank you, again, for sharing.

Chiena March 14th, 2016

@kappa170 sometimes I feel the same way but now I go to the gym every morning. It's a big change and some days I still need to force myself out of bed and go somewhere. But I feel like since I started exercising (whether it's the gym or just going for a walk) I feel fitter and it's like a little moment for myself, no worries, no phone, just by yourself and enjoying what you're doing.

I started with once a week, one hour at the gym or going skating, for a walk, then the next week I went twice and that's how I built it. It's really nice. It makes me feel better about everything.

Lilylistens March 14th, 2016

Hi @Chiena ~

Thank you very much for sharing this, and the approach you took. Sounds like a reasonable and gradual way to incorporate this into a routine, to me.

Really glad to hear it is working for you, and thank you for sharing it! yes

onedirection1993 March 7th, 2016

I get to see my friends in the morning.

Lilylistens March 14th, 2016

@onedirection1993 ~ That sounds nice smiley Thanks for sharing, and take care.

persistentWillow4292 March 7th, 2016

Is it strange if I say fear? Fear of my parents getting mad for not getting out of bed?

Lilylistens March 14th, 2016

@persistentWillow4292 ~ Personally, I do not think that is strange at all. Makes a lot of sense to me, actually, it really does.

With that said, I want to thank you for sharing.

Additionally, please know you can get support, if you would be interested or feel you might like to, here at 7 cups, by connecting with a listener (or listeners) for 1 on 1 chat(s), spending time in the support rooms, and/or here in the forums. There are also some self help guides here, if you are interested in exploring those.

Again, take care, and thank you for sharing.

Leelask March 7th, 2016

It's the fear that if I don't wake up, everything outside will fall apart just like my mental health and I can't allow that.

Lilylistens March 15th, 2016

@Leelask ~ I think your persverence and strength is admirable. I am sorry to hear that you have this fear, and are facing so much. Take care, please know that even though it is a cliche, every day is a new day, and thank you for sharing here. Best to you.

CaringJoy March 7th, 2016

What helps me is listening to something motivational so I Google audio inspirational quotes and meditation

Lilylistens March 15th, 2016

@CaringJoy ~ What a cool idea! enlightened Thank you for sharing it! yes

Nyx36 March 7th, 2016

I remind myself there's always something good in a day.

if I don't get up I'll never know what it is

all it could be is nice weather

or a funny joke someone tells me

it could be that I get no homework from school

it could be my favourite song plays on the radio

either something good is Bound to happen. And the only way to find out. Is to get up.

Lilylistens March 14th, 2016

@Nyx36 ~ I think this is wonderful, thank you for sharing this. Take care.

UmbrElla1413 March 7th, 2016

I like to get up and start the day by doing something that I enjoy doing and that gets my blood pumping (f.ex. Yoga). Also, I keep very short snooze times on my very annoying alarm and only allow myself to turn it off once I have actually left my bed, so I will be severely annoyed every 2 min until I'm up. Another thing I like to do is to plan to dress up and put on makeup, generally make myself look good so as to give myself a little boost. And the last thing I do to motivate myself is to have a really yummy, easy breakfast prepared for me in the kitchen, f.ex. hot chocolate, cake, or if you prefer healthy foods you could always keep a fruit smoothie in the fridge.
I hope this helps a tiny little bit. smiley Take care!

Lilylistens March 15th, 2016

@UmbrElla1413 ~ Sounds like you have a lot of ideas that work for you, and I think that is great! Thank you for sharing them with us, and now I really want to try yoga! smiley

UmbrElla1413 March 15th, 2016

@Lilylistens Thank you :) <3 It's always good to hear that a post has been a bit helpful :)

Zirc0n March 14th, 2016

Luckily I am a morning person. I think the best motivation is to have breakfast, youe bag and your outfit ready the night before. No effort needed and less of a rush

Lilylistens March 14th, 2016

@Zirc0n ~ These sound like great ideas, to me! Thank you for sharing. smiley

TheWednesday March 14th, 2016

Right now the gym motivates me! Getting a workout in early gets me going and feel so positive!

Lilylistens March 14th, 2016

@TheWednesday ~ That is awesome to hear! Go you! smiley

Von2am March 14th, 2016

It's the thought that no matter how insignificant I feel, I might have the chance to be significant... just for that day and maybe only for a second.

Lilylistens March 14th, 2016

Hey, @Von2am

I think that is really pretty awesome....thank you for sharing.

Ambitiousstallion March 14th, 2016

I wake up with only one purpose. ...not to be fired

Lilylistens March 15th, 2016

@Ambitiousstallion ~ I can see where not wanting to be fired would indeed be a big motivator to get out of bed. Thank you for sharing, and take care. ps: I sincerley hope some things that bring you happiness will soon come your way, and add more reasons for you to feel motivated to get out of bed...and again, take care.

mdelrey1017 March 14th, 2016

I realize Spring Break is around the corner.

Lilylistens March 15th, 2016

@mdelrey1017 ~ Spring Break? Woo-Hoo! Hope you have a wonderful spring break! smiley

mdelrey1017 March 15th, 2016

@Lilylistens thank you, I am looking forward to it smiley

Kenworth March 14th, 2016

I remember that my best friend Ryan is going to be at school waiting for me

Lilylistens March 15th, 2016

@Kenworth ~ That is great to hear, I am so happy for you that you have a freind to look forward to seeing. smiley Thank you for sharing, and take care.

zoeLH101 March 14th, 2016


Lilylistens March 15th, 2016

@zoeLH101 ~ Personally I dont think I could deal with loud music first thing in the morning (i prefer my loud music while driving, personally, lol) but if that works for you, that is great! laugh

I can completely relate on the drinking lots of coffee, though! yes Thank you for sharing, and take care!

cspr1997 March 14th, 2016

To learn and discover all there is to know about human nature and help others find an objective purpose.

Lilylistens March 15th, 2016

@cspr1997 ~ Those are interesting and awesome goals, in my opinion. Thank you for sharing them with us, best to you, and take care. smiley

cspr1997 March 16th, 2016

@Lilylistens thank you and you too😁

creativeCamp2095 March 14th, 2016

My dog sleeps in the bed with me. When he wakes up and needs to go outside, usually I can force myself to get up because I know he needs to go outside and use the bathroom... or else he'll make a mess in my room, and I sure don't want to clean that up, lol

Lilylistens March 15th, 2016

Hi, @creativeCamp2095 ~ I can really relate to this! My little dog is a great motivator for me, as well! Need to go outside every day, no matter what, even in the rain, according to my dog. lol smiley