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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

navySky70 December 6th, 2014

Feeling bad tonight😔... I feel so ignored and invisible...will I ever be enough?!

Monarda May 28th, 2015

@navySky70, you will always be enough. It may not seem like it, but you are important. You matter, even though you might not be the best, even though you're bad at something. The world actually does need you. It's up to you to decide your future, make it a good one <3 Take care

sympatheticApple10 December 7th, 2014

sad, confused, hurt, scared. it's finals week and my (now ex) boyfriend just broke up with me, which I did not see coming.

Brokendreams December 8th, 2014

Insanely suicidal, to the point of madness

sympatheticWriter49 December 8th, 2014

Wait!!! take a deep breath, please know you matter!!

Athinker7 December 8th, 2014

Hey I'm new here a little worried. Today I'm feeling sad, alone and blaming myself for thinking this way.

diplomaticApricot56 December 8th, 2014

I know how you I have been doing the samething

Athinker7 December 8th, 2014

Thank you sometimes knowing I'm not alone helps :-)

sorryaboutmyfeelings December 8th, 2014

I feel guilty. I feel alone. I feel like a burden. I feel numb.And at the same time I just feel so empty. Its starting by to get bad again.

0kay December 11th, 2014

I'm so sorry to hear that, darling. You need to know that these feelings aren't going to last forever. You don't deserve to feel this bad, either. You're so lovely and I know you're going to make it through all this. Good luck with everything :) keep your head up

sorryaboutmyfeelings December 8th, 2014

I feel guilty. I feel alone. I feel like a burden. I feel numb.And at the same time I just feel so empty. Its starting by to get bad again.

hdm23 December 8th, 2014

Confused, betrayed, hurt, used

navySky70 December 8th, 2014

Feeling so emotional.😭

Apricorn72 December 8th, 2014

(sing song voice)all bye myself.. don' by myselff..

alsolied to /:

Flicka2361 December 8th, 2014

Feeling very emotional and down

carefulCar24 December 8th, 2014

Anxious and self-conscious. Unlikeable and outcast.

Passionislife12 December 8th, 2014

Uh.. Shaky.. Anxious.. Can't sleep.. Really sad.

maddie19 December 8th, 2014

Like there isn't a place in the world for me. And guilty for feeling that way.

Midnightowl101 December 8th, 2014

I just want to disappear sometimes...fade away.

sixandahalffootman18 December 8th, 2014

I often feel the same way. Like, I wish I could just sign-out and not have to deal with all the crazy stuff everyday. Wishing for a break from life for awhile.... a fresh start sounds soo awesome right now!

Drb130 December 8th, 2014

I feel anxious and stressed

sympatheticWriter49 December 8th, 2014

I understand, I really do... sendingBIG HUGsmiley

brightJet96 December 8th, 2014

I feel worthless and unneeded. and mostly Horrable

chioo December 10th, 2014

*peeps in and hugs everyone* I know you all are having a hard time but hang on. Bad phases pass. They always do! We will make them gooooo awayyyy :D lots of love and support❤

Sammyjo16 December 11th, 2014

TO be honest in pain, I may or may not be doing something bad...

SpreadTheLove December 11th, 2014

Hurt, feeling lost, dont know what to do.

Doesnt feel like wanna live.

navySky70 December 11th, 2014

Im sorry you feel that way. It will get better.❤️

reservedBeach66 December 11th, 2014

I don't feel like I am worth anything I hate myself

TinkyWinkyMLg2014GetRekt December 11th, 2014

On the verge of suicide right now

diplomaticApricot56 December 11th, 2014

I am have beentrying to get better but nothing really has been working. So I have been really upset.

chioo December 11th, 2014

*hugs you all* lots of love and support. We listeners are here for you,please feel free to message us :)

SpreadTheLove December 11th, 2014

Perhaps it would be cooler if we live nearby to eachother so we could meet up and share our problems so we wont feel like we are alone in this shitty life...

It sucks when u needed someone to talk, someone to be there for u...but theres no one there to give a shit about how u feel and stuff...


Donutdjn December 11th, 2014

Today I'm feeling okay this is my first post on here after my worst two weeks ever

PetitMama December 11th, 2014

So many people hurting, and yet I can only think bat my own sorrow. Today I feel frustrated and alone, and ridiculous.

brightJet96 December 12th, 2014

I could be better, But i could also Be worse. I am better than i was yesterday thank god but i wish this pain would go away

0kay December 12th, 2014

Darling, I would just like you to know that the pain will end and the hurt will go away. It takes time, that's the truth, but you're so, so strong. You're going to get better and don't let anyone stop you from doing that. Keep your head high especially wen you're feeling down because that shows how truly strong you are. Keep going :) have a great day

brightJet96 December 12th, 2014

Thank you :)

diplomaticApricot56 December 12th, 2014

The pain really never goes away we just have to learn how to live with it.

Jade7 December 12th, 2014

The pain is too much. I want to die but I'm too afraid of suicide.

Uri860 December 12th, 2014

Don't think that way, it only makes things worse. You can get through this.