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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Celaeno January 4th, 2016

@lovingPine3496, those moments of transitions make me numb, too. But I'm proud that you've already one term behind you - that's a great achievement for anybody who struggles on the daily basis with their mood. Congrats, lovely!

I wish you all the best for tomorrow. Let us know how it went for you. Hugs!

Strangetransformations January 3rd, 2016

Angry. I've been like this for the past couple of months. Realised my ex who I was with for 7 years is going out with now a ex friend. Which they're now living with each other. They've only been going out for 6 months. Couldn't shift the feeling of what I've done wrong.

Celaeno January 4th, 2016

@Strangetransformations, I'm sorry that you feel confused and lonely. It must be hard for you, knowing about your ex's new situation. I'm glad that you've reached out to us, though.


I don't know if you are already familiar with it, but there is a whole forum for relationship support in our community. You are not alone, lovely. Wishing you all the best!

creativeMelon1653 January 3rd, 2016

Angry and cheated. My parents offered to help me with tuition for a program to teach abroad, but so far, they haven't done anything with it. They're lying to me, cheating me out of an opportunity just so I can continue to help morons for little more than a thank you.

I have no money and the job opportunities in my town suck, so I can't get enough money to move.

Celaeno January 4th, 2016

@creativeMelon1653, I'm sorry that you don't receive support from them. It must be hard for you having no prospect for funding. Have you consider looking for scholarships for the studies abroad? I'm also a student and I know that there is a lot of opportunities for young people with an ambition for international education.

All the best!

creativeMelon1653 January 4th, 2016

I already graduated, so that's kind of not going to happen. Besides, I need a few thousand dollars and the scholarships I saw only offered a few hundred. Plus, I don't think my grades were good enough and I probably never fit any other criteria.

Celaeno January 4th, 2016

I already graduated, so that's kind of not going to happen. Besides, I need a few thousand dollars and the scholarships I saw only offered a few hundred. Plus, I don't think my grades were good enough and I probably never fit any other criteria.

@creativeMelon1653, there are many scholarships out there and they're not only targeted to the current students, so it's not impossible, but you have to dig around. I don't believe you won't fit any criteria, but to know that you have to try and give yourself a chance, lovely. Maybe research some more and gather numerous scholarships, so you can rely on more than just one funding. That way you might get closer to your sum.

Also, have you consider talking once again with your parents in a straightforward way on this subject? If you'll be honest with them and say how much these studies mean to you, maybe they will be more willing to cover a half or a quarter of the tuition?

Celaeno January 4th, 2016

Ups! I apologize, @creativeMelon1653, for copying your message - I did it for my own convenience, to answer to you fully and forget to delete it. Please, don't mind it ^^;

enthusiasticStrawberries9783 January 3rd, 2016

Still got that low feeling in my stomach like I'm going to cry but I don't. Tired because I'm having trouble sleeping over the last few days. Heads still foggy and feeling a bit lonely too.

Celaeno January 4th, 2016

@enthusiasticStrawberries9783, I'm sorry to hear that, lovely. I hope today's evening you will sleep peacefully - you deserve it after such a long struggle.

If you want to talk, we are here for you - either in support rooms, 1-on-1 chats or in forums. Sending you my best hugs!

wittyStrings7179 January 3rd, 2016

Today I feel kind of in between. Not super depressed, but not really happy either.

Sick too. Sick is not a fun one.

Celaeno January 4th, 2016

@wittyStrings7179, sometimes those "in between" moods are better than "an utter hopelessness", but then again, it's still far from "not fighting with your brain" mode. It's bittersweet, I guess.

I hope the feeling of sickness will pass soon. I agree that it's not fun at all.

All the best!

thegymnast January 3rd, 2016

For the first time in a while, I actually felt alive. It was great even if it was just for a couple of minutes.

Celaeno January 4th, 2016

@thegymnast, I'm glad that you have this moment and that you were able to notice it - it sounds like a little step forward towards the recovery.

All the best, lovely!

Fionax January 4th, 2016

I feel lonely. I have to go back to school and I'm completely terrified. I haven't slept because I'm so anxious. I can already tell it's going to be a horrible day and I just want to lie under my covers. I want to disappear.

Fionax January 4th, 2016

Didn't mean for it to be that bold, I apologise!

Fionax January 4th, 2016

I feel lonely. I have to go back to school and I'm completely terrified. I haven't slept because I'm so anxious. I can already tell it's going to be a horrible day and I just want to lie under my covers. I want to disappear.

energeticSpring4866 January 4th, 2016

i feel complete dread over having to go to school tomorrow. school makes me really stressed and i hate being surrounded by mindless teenagers and their gossip. school is very lonely and depressing and now its starting again.The other day, my mom told me that i should get friends to make me happy. People do not make me happy and i dont know how to have friends.

Diligere January 4th, 2016

I think it will be a good place to start to cure myself. I don't have anyone to talk to closely, my friends ignore me. For the last 7 days (I am always very precise ;)) i am going through different moods and issues in life. Starting with the low self esteem, going through the self hate and feeling of loss of identity. I am feeling lonely, I don't have to many close relationships, and I am not good at making them. So today I think, will be another miserable day. Sorry for jumping throughout topics, but I think I have to many to cover. Thanks for being here guys!

AlexandraCharlotteRose January 4th, 2016

Today I feel extremely anxious, I couldn't get a full or calm nights sleep yesterday and now I can't seem to get out of bed. I'm not optimistic about today, instead I'm just full of dread. School work has been left till last minute because I've used up my school break by sleeping in most days and ignoring chores. Now I just cannot function, I stare a blank space for hours and I can't seem to move. The obvious solution would be to get on with some work, but I have no passion or motivation to even get out of bed or do anything productive. What's the point? Sorry that this post isn't very happy or optimistic but it's how I currently feel.

Memyselfandi772200 January 4th, 2016

Today, I feel the worst I've ever felt sense I've moved.

impartialComputer9780 January 4th, 2016

I feel lonely because I feel people talk to me out of pity, they feel sorry for me so they try and make an effort to talk to me. Like my bf. He didn't do this before, he would hardly text me and didnt make an effort to hangout with me. but because I brought it to light yesterday that it is a one sided relationship, he is texting me without me having to text him first. He is asking to make plans without me having to do it first. But it is because I told him he doesn't make an effort. If someone wanted to see you and spend time with you they would. He clearly doesn't since I had to tell him. Things like this make me incredibly upset and even more lonely

aurorastarchild January 4th, 2016

I feel like a terrible friend. I feel like screaming. I feel like sobbing. I feel like I'm losing a battle with myself.

JaneGrey January 4th, 2016

Today I feel different. Still wondering how to be better and move forward in a healthy way

lovingPine3496 January 4th, 2016

Today was my first day back at school after two weeks.... It ultimately sucked. I hardly ate anything today.. I had 2 graham crackers.. 3 vegetarian "chicken" nuggets... And when I got home... Applesauce. I baked a cake yesterday..but since I've given up junk food for the next 27 days..I can't have any. On top of being hungry... I had an extremely off day.. Couldn't focus on anything.. And I just reakized how much nonsense can't from my mouth today... For the sake of my friends it's gonna be a relatively quiet day...

I argued with one of the only people outside of school who puts up with me still and more he's mad at me.

Times like these make me consider talking to people who don't actually care about me.. I just hate being so alone..

I'm sorry about this random post....

lovingPine3496 January 4th, 2016

******tomorrow is gonna be relatively quiet

WhereThereIsLifeThereIsHope January 4th, 2016

Right now... I feel so sunk and alone, I am so sad and full of pain, I'm 16 my ex boyfriend got me pregnant with twins and told me I was a useless woman and is was all my fault, he wanted me to get rid of the "little mistakes" (as he would call them) and I obviously wasn't ready but he broke my heart. Hearing those words flow from the mouth of the boy I thought was worth so much was... Devastating. I had a miscarriage of my twins in my bed and it's been 6 months and I'm lying in bed next to my new boyfriend who is and unbelievable person, who is kind and caring and yet I'm crying... I'm apologizing to my own body and the life of the little ones I lost. Am I stupid? Am I just being pathetic? Does anyone have any advice how I can get over a painful thing that happened to me?!?! :(

turquoiseYard6069 January 6th, 2016

I feel so incredibly drained today. Work, internship, my parents everything is getting to me. I just want to isolate and cry.

LovePom January 7th, 2016

I've been through so many things that are supposed to "help" me. I truly believe that this is never going to end. It really won't.

Cadence January 8th, 2016


It's so easy to not see the light at the end of the tunnel; depression makes it very easy to believe that there will be no better in life, that this is all life is meant to be.

It's not going to be an easy path, not at all. But it is possible to overcome it. Every day might not be good, but there will be good in every day. I promise you that with every fiber of my being.

Xeaclare January 7th, 2016

Today I feel ashamed of myself and the choices I've been making for the past few years. I'm committing suicide in slow motion and lately it's been not so slow..i lost my little sister to a drug overdose 3 1/2 years ago and I've fucking overdosed ten times since then and I hate myself everyday for shaming her memory.

Alone2myself January 8th, 2016

Being a survivor from my own attempt several years back you have to try and let the pain out threw another way. I am not going to lie I battle my own demons on a daily bases but you are here for a reason. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you can help someone else out battering the same pain you carry? Your lil sister may not be here on earth with you but you can stop the things your doing and start seeing life in a different way. I'm new on here and I've read a lot of stories but this one truly opened my eyes to my own pain I endure. Hugs many many hugs. You can do this. You can go forward .

navyaustin0822 January 8th, 2016

I'm not going to tell you it'll be okay because sometimes I know that does more harm than good. Have you thought about rehab? Make it the MOST important thing in your life right now. Keep your head up never give up

Cadence January 8th, 2016


This took a lot of strength to share, and it's easy to see how raw the emotion behind this is. Today, I do not feel ashamed of you.

Do know that you are very important, to your friends, your family, all of the people you've interacted with; you are absolutely important to them. This may be your way of feeling your grief; maybe it runs in the family. Either way, if you notice that it's become an issue in your daily life, and that you want to change, I encourage you to seek out the proper resources to do so; recovery would be hard, but losing you would be harder.

You are not shaming her memory; however, don't go down that same path. There is hope, you are strong beyond belief. And it's not going to be a straight line to recovery; it's going to be hard, it's going to take a lot out of you. But if it's what you ultimately would like to do, set a goal, and let's make it happen.

I'm sending all of my love your way; please remember to keep us updated.

kail37 January 8th, 2016

I cant describe how terrible i feel and how much im struggling

Cadence January 8th, 2016


I hope by this point you're feeling a little bit better; I'm sending all my love your way. Do know that you're safe here, to talk through anything, to rant, to say as much or as little as you'd like. Please keep us updated, little flower.

HeartOverMind2201 January 8th, 2016

i'm here, i'm not sad and i'm not happy. i'm just here, which is okay because it's better than being sad, but i'm scared. i'm scared not for my safety but for my future interactions and test scores and how people with perceive me and whether or not i'll achieve anything good in life. so, i'm here and that's okay.

Cadence January 8th, 2016


Sometimes, just being here is okay. It means that you've taken all life has thrown at you, and you're still here. Even if your mood isn't swinging one way or the other, there's a small comfort in the contention.

It's natural to worry about future stuff. But for right now, you're here, and everything's okay, or at least not bad; little victories like that are welcomed every now and again. <3

Theuglyduck January 8th, 2016

To day I feel afraid and on edge. I don't feel like I can trust anyone not even myself. I am a prisoner and my own mind the prison my thoughts the chains that hold me. I often wish I could sleep forever just to escape. It's like I am running away from myself but it's pointless to run. I hate myself to the point where even my own reflection makes my stomach churn.

Cadence January 8th, 2016


These days can be the hardest, that's for sure. I know what it's like to loathe what you see in the mirror day in and day out. What are some things you enjoy doing, that bring you peace and solace? Today may be a good day to practice some self care; treat yourself to a nice bubble bath, or go to your favorite area, buy yourself that thing you've been wanting for a while. It's not a cure, but a distraction. We're our own harshest critics; we're harder on ourselves than anyone else will be.

Do know that you're seen as lovely and wonderful, especially here. We adore you. <3