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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Happinessandworldpeaceplehz August 8th, 2015

I Feel exactly the same way

howsenselessdeath August 8th, 2015

I want to follow through x/ but I also want to get help and go to y he hospital but I don't want to be with the adults cuz I just turned 18

KoiFish August 8th, 2015

My day stared amazing and ended poorly. I'm learning what my triggers are and how to avoid or overcome them. The first step is finding out the problem that is overlooked and leads to other problems.

AeroRoze3 August 8th, 2015

I want to hope for a brighter future but I feel like it's only gonna get worse

uglyPandaMan August 8th, 2015

Tired, but at least I went out to buy my favorite old comic books :)

rationalWater8671 August 8th, 2015

Alone, I have many ppl around me I feel I can only count on me. That I'm the only on in this world. Its like everyone I have would care if I'm here or not. I feel like the Everything is closing in on me. I feel lost don't know I am in my life.

Kayb2302 August 8th, 2015

How do I feel? Thats a good question actually, because, my mind is in over drive every single day, thinking of irrelevant things, things that would make people question if I were sane. But "how am I feeling today" never crosses my mind. Today I feel like I can not see the end, I am blinded and their is no end in sight. Hopefully this will change, someday..

AeroRoze3 August 8th, 2015

Beautifully worded..I can so relate..hope things do change for the better eventually for us both

Kayb2302 August 9th, 2015

Thankyou, I hope so too. Im not much help but I have had experience with many types of things and i can give you some advice if need be. So don't hesitate to chuck me a message :)

SunsetMountains90 August 11th, 2015

I know the feeling :(

sunflower333 August 8th, 2015

I feel... Stressed, full of anxiety, panicky, paranoid, and I feel like crying. I feel... Heavy, numb, slow, and I feel very detached. This is all I've been feeling for a long time and I'm desperate to feel better..

raspberryCranberry7192 August 9th, 2015

I have been feeling the same for so long, and today is a particularly bad day.

AeroRoze3 August 9th, 2015

Drained of all energy..just want to sleep forever

independentOak309 August 9th, 2015

Emotional. Like I messed up really badly. Like I don't belong anymore even though I know I'm appreciated by so many. I just can't handle anything anymore. I'm getting worse by the day and don't see myself ever getting better.

Motionlessinbrittney August 9th, 2015

Actually. Today was one of the best days of my life so far.

August 9th, 2015

Totally hopeless. I will never be happy.

Thatweirdcatlovert557 August 9th, 2015

Today I feel like I want to just disappear.

raspberryCranberry7192 August 9th, 2015

I feel very uninterested today, I don't want to do anything, but hide in my room and listen to music. But I have a feeling my mom has different plans for me.

sacrificerogue August 9th, 2015

Worthless and meek. I just wanna run away from everything and hide.

August 9th, 2015

was excited about installing sims, but now i'm crashed down totally :( even that is not interesting for me...

QuietPastelRain August 9th, 2015


rationalWater8671 August 10th, 2015

Took a hand of pill, bf found out now in hospital. . Wish i couldve made it complete

SunsetMountains90 August 11th, 2015

Everything happens for a reason! It wasnt your time yet! Thoughts are with you. Im sure you would have been sadly missed

AeroRoze3 August 10th, 2015

i feel messy. my thoughts are scrambled & i don't know what to do with myself

LaLaLoopsy2007 August 11th, 2015

The forever confused... I am right there with yah... I'm sorry... It's hard. :/ *hugs*

koalison August 10th, 2015

I thought I was past selfharm. Intentionally burnt myself on the oven, I can pass it off to family as an accident.

renee23 August 11th, 2015

I'm sorry to hear that. There are days I feel like giving in to that kind of stuff too. I don't self harm as much as I used to but there are times I wish I would stop for good. I hope you feel better. <3

SunsetMountains90 August 11th, 2015

Sorry to hear! Do you know what brought it back?

creativeMelon1653 August 11th, 2015

Frantic and frustrated. I have to wait another month for tax school and a possibility of being an enrolled Agent and thus being able to be free from my family. And they wonder why I still want to teach English abroad. It's so I can get away from them! I'm also frustrated because I have to always give my brother rides and he's such an inconsiderate prick. I'm done. And mom wants me to still care about him. She tried a 'look into his shoes' thing but I know I'd have better luck hitchhiking than asking that moron for a ride.

renee23 August 11th, 2015

unhappy, irritable, exhausted, confused...

SunsetMountains90 August 11th, 2015

How do you set your profile up to be a listener?

LaLaLoopsy2007 August 11th, 2015

Tired, been up all night on 7cups like a dingbat... Lost track of time O . o

Kawaiidoll August 11th, 2015

I feel lonely. Been crying to much thought of overdosing so many times

BrokenHearts August 11th, 2015

Don't overdose! Its not worth it! There's a reason you're here on this earth. Hit my link if you want to talk to someone in a deeper level about this. Trust me, I'm someone to talk to about this. I can help you.

goodCar5295 August 11th, 2015

I feel absolutely pointless and numb and I don't know how to feel anything else. I just want to feel something or be done feeling nothing.

BrokenHearts August 11th, 2015

I know how you feel friend. Things are tough and life is hard but given my experience, I know things will get better for you. It may not seem like now or in the near future but no one is forever depressed. Life is good, people can be beautiful all you have to do is convince yourself that that's true and you will live a better life.

Rosie98 August 11th, 2015

I feel like i need to help out a person who always thinks they are right , it makes me sad when someone else doesn't yet see clearly they could have made a mistake ... I just want it all to be well and that i can explain that respect is important especially to older people ...

Bubbl345ever August 11th, 2015

I feel hopeless. I feel like I just want to end my life. Everything is too hard for me. I can't go to school, I can't get out of bed, my family put me down and tease me. I have only two true friends and one of them is my boyfriend but I feel like he doesn't understand the extent of how I'm feeling. I can't even eat because it makes me feel sick and I just don't have the energy to do anything

Jessica797 August 11th, 2015

I'm at a real low today. I'm so scared I'm not going to find anyone or have children of my own... I've been crying almost all day now... I don't know what to do...

honestlyyours August 11th, 2015

There is someone for everybody, you just haven't found then it they haven't found you. Who knows you might already know them and haven't given them a chance yet. You will have everything you want, it's just taking some time for what you want.