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Cloudy days and umbrellas (my personal experience)

goldenPalm71 January 15th, 2017

Once upon a time ( You can't even remember it, can you?), you used to be happy and carefree, you used to be able to enjoy life. Then something happens and your days became grey. You stopped enjoying the little things and seeing them altogether. There was a little voice in your head telling you to be sad, that life was not worth living, that you were not good enough, that there was nothing you could do and there was no way out.

Of course, you can complete the whole checklist. You can start working out and the endorphines will improve your mood. You can eat healthier and you'll eventually feel better.

Although these little changes might work for some people, (I have met so many people claiming they have tried tried 'everything'! They forgot to change their attitude sadly.) I think the best way to fight depression is to do exactly the oppostie of what it's telling you to do. No matter what you're going through, stay positive and remember you're not alone. There is help, even if it might seem hopeless.

A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition. And just because you're having a cloudy day, that doesn't mean that tomorrow won't be sunny.

I'm here for you whether you're having a cloudy or a sunny day. :) You can either post in the Depression section or send me a message and I will answer as soon as I can.

January 15th, 2017

@goldenPalm71 What a lovely message, I can definitely relate to it! Thank you for offering your time here to listen.smiley

justanemptynobody January 15th, 2017


And what if one likes clouds ? The sun is nasty. It's agressive, it hurts the skin and the eyes. Its rays burn whatever they hit. When there's sunlight, I run toward the shadows.

Everybody tells me behind every cloud, the sun's still shining. I would love if it could just stop shining and leave me and my clouds be. How about that ?

January 15th, 2017

@justanemptynobody I also prefer the dark honestly, feels normal for me. I just like trying out that whole "happiness or silver lining" business. Shakes things up and keeps things interesting I suppose.cheeky

goldenPalm71 OP January 15th, 2017

@justanemptynobody Hey, it was just a metaphor. It's alright if you are OK with the clouds. But most people aren't and this post was meant for them.

January 15th, 2017

@goldenPalm71 Well posts are meant for everyone! @justanemptynobody was offering his own perspective, nothing wrong with that and it certainly doesn't take away from yours. smiley

goldenPalm71 OP January 15th, 2017

@TrueArrow yeah :) I've got nothing against it, I just wanted to make things clear.

justanemptynobody January 15th, 2017


Well, to "make things clear", mine was a metaphor too. But hey, it's fine. This is a post meant for people who like the sun and others can just go away. Sorry for having clouded your sky. I promise I won't make the same mistake twice.

goldenPalm71 OP January 15th, 2017

@justanemptynobody No, don't worry about it. :) Everybody's different and you can't be wrong,

Dreamsaremyreality January 16th, 2017


Its rays make the moon shine so bright..illuminating the nights of many many lonely thinkers..insomniacs..the sun is always to blame the poor thing..its only fault is that it tries to spread brightness, happiness and optimism :) i do pity it.. :(

Huggingarms January 16th, 2017

Sometimes the clouds move slow, sometimes they move fast, but one good thing is that they move, cloudy days don't last forever and tomorrow we hope for a little bit of sunshine. @goldenPalm71