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Wish I could live in fantasy

LostinTranslation90 December 9th, 2022

I'm sorry if this sounds super silly, but does anyone else wish they could live in fantasy? Or that it was real? It just feels like I'll never amount to anything, will never do anything great, will never be part of anything bigger than myself, will never do anything that matters. I feel like I'm stuck in this reality and I don't know how to cope with that? I want to go on a great adventure in all the books I've read and all the movies I've watched, but I feel so stuck in my life. My life isn't even that bad - but it feels like there's a lot of little things piling up and I wish I could just escape from it all. I want to have some sort of amazing experience like everything I've read, and when I look at my future, it looks so bleak and gray and hopeless. How do I cope with that, please? I just feel like I've wasted my life and it's too late to change anything.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post!

hopefulPond6108 December 10th, 2022

@LostinTranslation90 Well comparing my life to any TV show or movie or book would make me feel pretty depressed. I imagine you have eaten today, have shelter, don’t have to save yourself from wild animals, escape from or battle with humans with deadly weapons. Be grateful for the excitement you don’t have. Can you develop exciting things into your life? Go rock climbing, scuba diving, sky diving, or the most harrowing of all, become a parent! Just kidding - that might enforce your wish to escape into fantasy. To be a great fearless revered human being, be a great friend or partner to someone. Those are just some suggestions, I’m sure you will get many more. Best of luck.

toughTiger6481 December 10th, 2022


no ones life compares to some great movie/ book or fantasy life..... people make an impact to those around them and sometimes you do not get to know what you may have done that helped another etc....

you can have adventures and find create and new challenges for yourself.... and find small ways to be a part of something.....

bestVase7265 December 11th, 2022

You aren't sounding silly at all, but here is a silly suggestion. You sound like you would be a good writer. Why don't you create your own fantasy and write it down? Then you get to live it in part and you can share it with others. @LostinTranslation90

willingPenguin8726 December 12th, 2022

You definitely describe how I'm feeling exactly. The world seems like a terrible place to be right now. I would just love to escape to my fantasies

bestVase7265 December 13th, 2022

Writing down those fantasies might help you feel a little better. @willingPenguin8726

bubbleTown7508 December 12th, 2022

You know what's good about your situation you are having it feels good like playing video games, and alot of our feeling translates to more fun do not confuse these thoughts with terrible ideas. Be greater than you know and all will be well, I will be listening.

turtlePated December 13th, 2022


If you're silly, then so am I. I've loved fantasy since I was a child, and just because I'm a grown up now doesn't mean that that love has disappeared. I regularly let myself imagine and daydream about being a part of the fantastic and fictional worlds of my favorite films and books, escapism is a terrific gift that not everyone can appreciate or even achieve.

And yes, knowing that it's all make believe can be deeply disheartening. And it's not an easy thing to do, but one way to make your own real life more magical is to find the beauty in the little, ordinary things. I try to envision that my life is a Studio Ghibli movie. No matter how mundane or pedestrian something may appear, looking at it from a different perspective allows you to find a new appreciation for it.

But don't stop looking for adventure where you can! Go on that trip, try that new hobby, talk to that person that you think looks interesting. You may not be able to ride on a broomstick or battle against armies of orcs, tame a dragon or fulfill a prophecy, but you are still on a quest that's all your own.

To paraphrase one of my favorite memes: "I didn't find a magic wardrobe when I was 8, or get a pokemon when I was 10, or get accepted to Hogwarts at 11, but Gandalf didn't recruit Bilbo until he was 50 so there's plenty of time."

blueTriangle5349 December 13th, 2022

i definitely get how youre feeling and living in a fantasy sounds so amazing

blueTriangle5349 December 13th, 2022

@LostinTranslation90 this genuinely sounds so nice, i would love to live in a fantasy world

bubbleTown7508 December 14th, 2022

It must be difficult knowing your are alone sometimes but there should always be someone like us there for when we need them, still.

If I could change the world with a spark, I felt that God was there to intercept my mediums although they do not fight over territory.

I think it's great that I have depression, is anyone with me, in some way I feel chosen and that is okay.

Why is it I must feel alone I cam go out and meet new people and God is there, how confusing.

When you do feel short on time, I am there to let you off the ladder go out and join your families, I will be at the farthest end of the table but you do not need to know my name because God is all around me the only person you need know is Jesus and know of his love amen.