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Why even bother with such a life ?

LoveCabelloCane29 March 5th, 2023

Hello everybody

for the past few weeks I've been thinking about my life so far and to be honest.......I hate it. Not only is life unfair but it's also cruel. When I think about my life I just ask myself "why did have to be like this" and yeah obviously this kind of thoughts and complaining about life won't change anything......I mean it is how it is but at the same time I'm just angry and sad about my situation.

I was born with a rare illness which basically can be summarized in a facial paralysis and club feet. To this day I have trouble swallowing food and drinks, can't properly move my eyes or fully open my mouth. I had to undergo multiple surgeries back when I was a child to correct my club feet........those surgeries left me traumatized and to this day I still get massive anxiety if I have to go to any doctor. My parents never understood this and tried to downplay it, told me to "man up" or just straight ignored my problems. Due to my disability many people stare at me and treat me like If I was a child although I'm 22 going for 23. Due to this I didn't really have many friends at school and rather lived more as an outcast and away from people.

If that wasn't hard enough on its own I also have a dysfunctional family. Parents that divorced when I was in high school. The legal battle was brutal. Yelling, screaming, insults etc. Thing that angered me the most about it was that my parents always said that they didn't want the children to get involved but........well didn't turn out that way because on multiple occasions I was told "tell your father/tell your mother", when the doorbell rang I had to go and answer it and relay messages, constant phone calls asking what the other was doing, when I got money for my birthday I was accused of basically spying on the other parent and getting money as a was just brutal. Now a few years later things have calmed down a bit but still you get the occasional arguments.

I don't really have a good relationship with my parents and I don't really trust them and honestly at this point I just want to get away from my current enviroment.

But my life is just a huge mess. After I graduated high school I opted to enroll in a foreign university with the hope of getting as far away as possible but unfortunately covid hit and so I had to stay at home and do distance learning classes. I only lasted one semester in which I didn't even pass a single exam........I dropped out and was kinda lost. I decided to take an entry exam from an university that is nearby and by some miracles I managed to get in. On a closer look on websites of the university and the social circle around it I found out that it was actually a good opportunity to finally start over again, join a club or society and finally be more opened and able to enjoy life. I though to myself that eventhough I was still at home I could just spend most of my time at university and just come home at night to sleep...........well wrong. The first day of university my mother insisted on accompanying me to the university. I told her that I could do it on my own but she just kept arguing and she managed me to keep me long enough at home that I lost the train to university and so she just told me "oops look like I need to drive you there with my car. Let's go". You can imagine the embarrasment I felt as 21 year old dude getting accompanied by my mother up until the university building. The hope for a new start was crushed. During my first lecture I got an intense panic attack. Had to stop going to lectures and for about 2 years now I have been just here at home in my room hating my whole life meanwhile I still look at the university clubs and socities and watch all the pictures of past events that they held while I was here locked in my room doing I really hate my life.

At this point I'm just trying to find a job to earn some money and move out as quickly as possible because honestly it's just a lot to handle like all the missed opportunities and living as a recluse and then you got my parents telling me that I'm wasting my life and that these years should be the best years of my life and instead I'm just wasting them at home doing nothing.

Sometimes I ask myself why life has to be so cruel and unfair and honestly I really don't know why it is like that

innateJoy9602 March 9th, 2023


I'm sorry to hear that you've been feeling this way lately. It sounds like you've been through a lot in your life, and you've been dealing with a lot of difficult challenges. It's understandable that you feel like you've missed out on opportunities and experiences, especially with the pandemic affecting your plans to attend university. It's important to remember that it's never too late to start anew. <3 Take things one day at a time, and try to focus on the things that you can control. Keep pushing forward💜

LoveCabelloCane29 OP March 23rd, 2023

Hi @innateJoy960. Sorry for the late reply. Thank you really much for the kind words I really appreciate it. It's hard to go on but I try also because honestly if there is some tiny little bit of hope in me........there still is........well I owe it to that little bit of hope to try and keep going on and live life even if it's hard.

bestVase7265 March 10th, 2023

I can really imagine why you are so frustrated right now. Being knocked down so many times is really hard. Are you still in school? @LoveCabelloCane29

LoveCabelloCane29 OP March 23rd, 2023

Hi @bestVase726. So right now I'm still enrolled at university but unfortunately I guess sooner rather than later I will have to drop out. Due to all the problems and different circumstances that happened I wasn't really able to follow any lectures or keep up with the course materials......never mind the different exams. I'm currently in my 2 year of university and already have about 10 exams that I would need to pass in this year to be able to get back on track. Unfortunately right now I don't really feel like I would be able to do it and I just think it's better to drop out now and maybe try and first get my life together and then maybe try again with university. Also here where I live you have 3 years to complete your bachelor degree.......if you don't pass all the exams at the end of your 3rd year.........well you can continue with university but you get a tuition fee tax hike for every semester that you bneed to complete all of the remaining exams. So I think the best thing would be like I said to drop out now, try to get my life together and then maybe in the future try again with university. Oh and also sorry for the late reply.

bestVase7265 March 24th, 2023

There is no need to be sorry for whenever you reply.

I counsel people at university about their career paths. Leaving for a bit with a plan on coming back does sound like an okay option, but do have a clear plan of what you want to do for a while as you plot your course back to school.

Do you have a job in mind that you are going to apply for?

School is hard and many people need to take breaks. You don't have to finish in one fell swoop. Just always have it available to return to.

You can do this even if other people aren't as supportive as you need right now. @LoveCabelloCane29

MissMilkshake March 10th, 2023

Hey there,
I'm happy to see you here on 7 Cups! I'm sorry to hear that you are hating life right now and it's being unfair and cruel towards you. I can understand why you are feeling that way. It must have been hard to go through multiple surgeries when you were a child. Parents splitting up can be really hard on the kids aswell, I'm so sorry that you had to witness all of that legal battle. That must have been brutal to experience. Once again, I can totally understand why you are feeling that way. You mentioned that your mother accompanied you to your first university day and you didn't like that. How did you envision that day in your head before she decided to join into it? What was the reason for the panic attack in your lecture? Also, hearing about your desire to move out and find a job, what would be the first steps you'd like to take in order to get closer to your goals?

LoveCabelloCane29 OP March 23rd, 2023

Hi @MissMilkshak. Sorry for the late reply. To be honest I viewed university as a whole as a new chapter in my life. As an opportunity to finally be independent and try to live a better life than the life I lived for most of my childhood and teenage years. During those days I was basically a recluse and I only went out of the house to go to school. University for me was really an opportunity to put myself out there and maybe be more social and join a club or a society. But most importantly university should have been a break.......a break or rather a pause from my family mostly. I really hoped that I was going to be able to either go into university dorms or worst case scenario be able to spend most of my day at university and get home at night so that I could limit the interaction I would have with my parents and family in general. Unfortunately it didn't go that way and I had the confirmation that it wasn't going to be this way already the first day of university. What did I envisioned my first day of university to be like ? Probably me getting up in the morning, getting the earliest train to get to the city, once at the train station pull out my phone and use Google Maps to find the university building, then once inside the building I would have tried to find the lecture hall and knowing myself I probably would only have found it like 5 minutes before the lecture started. I would have sat there and listened to the lecture, probably after the lecture would have gone somewhere to eat something and then I would have took the train to go nothing special but.....but......the difference would have been that I would have done this all with total and absolute freedom and independence.........instead with my mother having to come with me and then after the lecture waiting outside of the university building I honestly felt trapped because I couldn't do anything without her being there or somewhere near. The panic attacks didn't start at university. They already started back in high school and I think it was mainly due to everything from the legal battle of the divorce to not really knowing what to do after graduating high school to living with a rare illness that contributed to me getting panic attacks. But also that feeling of not having a choice to just get out from class and be able to quit if I wanted. Because well you can't quit high school. And so I felt kind of forced and trapped at school. Same feeling I had during my first day of university where my hope was "oh university, it's not something I have to do, if I want then I can exit the class/lecture hall and worst case scenario I can drop out of university" but the reality was that with the presence of my mother there the first day I realized that "no it's not like that. Because for example now I can't leave without her waiting outside the university building and questioning me about why I'm not in the lecture hall". About my search for job I'm currently searching for one and I went to a job agency that told me I should try to get a medical certificate that proves that I have a disability and then bring it to the agency so that maybe they can find a job suited for me. Right now I'm just waiting for the certificate to arrive by mail and then I can bring it to the job agency and hopefully they can help me find a job

Mdreaming101 March 10th, 2023

Hi Stranger,

Thank you for sharing. You will be in my prayer.

May blessing and friends be with you.

LoveCabelloCane29 OP March 23rd, 2023

Hi @Mdreaming101 . thank you I appreciate that and sorry for the late reply