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The Alphabet By: Ava Henrie

avahenrie123 June 5th

A is for anxiety, creeping in the night,

B is for bruises, hidden out of sight,

C is for the cuts, she tries to keep concealed,

a secret language, pain revealed.

D is for the doubt, that festers in her mind,

E is for escape, she struggles to find,

F is for the fear, that she’ll be found out,

G is for the guilt, that wraps her in doubt.

H is for the hurt, she hides behind a smile,

I is for isolation, she feels all the while,

J is for the jagged edges of her heart,

K is for the knife, a dark and twisted art.

L is for the loneliness, that never seems to fade,

M is for the memories, of every cut she’s made,

N is for the nights, she cries herself to sleep,

O is for the oceans, of tears she cannot keep.

P is for the pain, a constant, silent scream,

Q is for the quiet, where she’s lost in a dream,

R is for the regret, that haunts her every day,

S is for the scars, that will never go away.

T is for the truth, she’s too afraid to tell,

U is for the unseen, a personal ***,

V is for the voices, that tell her she’s to blame,

W is for the wounds, that whisper her shame.

X is for the marks, crisscrossed on her skin,

Y is for the yearning, for the strength within,

Z is for the zeal, to find a way to heal,

To learn a new alphabet, where love is real.

lolcooterbob3402 June 5th

It was never the attention,

I've tried to hide the marks.

Its the euphoria of nothing,

Numbness after the sparks.

The rush fades away,

Not yet for gods sake.

What most find disturbing,

I do just for a break.