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Seperation depression

persistentFarm8730 March 15th, 2023

Going through divorce or separation can leave you feeling like there's an endless void within you, as if a part of you has died. This can make it incredibly difficult to navigate through the thousands of emotions that come with it, and each day can feel excruciatingly long.

Personally, I am currently going through a separation after being married for two years. Our marriage was rocky from the start, but I had hoped we could work things out, although I was wrong. My husband was the first person I had ever emotionally, mentally, and physically attached myself to. Even though my brain recognizes that it is probably best for both of us to end things, my heart longs to start fresh, to erase the wounds we have inflicted upon each other, and to remarry, as our best selves. Unfortunately, I know this is not feasible, as my husband cannot let go of the past or his ego. I realize that a healthy marriage cannot be conditional. After he made me leave him from the USA to my home country, I immediately started a part-time night job remotely to help myself find stability. These five hours at night are the only times I can function somewhat better,although I still have mental breakdowns during my work schedule every now and then. Going through this time is so painful and emotionally draining. I fear that I will never find love again, and the thought of being alone forever is overwhelming. I Don't know what the future holds for me. I know my husband thinks I am unworthy of him or his love and that he cannot love me for who I am. And it freaking hurts.

Divorce or separation is undoubtedly one of the most challenging life events one can experience, and it is not something that can be fully understood until it happens to you. It can lead to a deep depression that can be difficult to overcome.

Mya000 March 16th, 2023


I'm so sorry to hear about your current situation. Going through a separation or divorce is never easy, and it can feel like you're carrying an unbearable weight on your shoulders. The feelings of heartbreak, loneliness, and fear of the unknown can be overwhelming. It sounds like you are in a difficult place emotionally and mentally, and it's understandable to have breakdowns during this time. Please know that you are not alone in this experience, and many people have gone through similar situations and come out the other side stronger.

It's essential to take care of yourself during this time, both physically and mentally. Be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion. It's okay to have bad days and to feel overwhelmed. Surround yourself with people who love and support you, and consider reaching out to a therapist or support group to help you work through your emotions.

Remember, you are worthy of love and happiness, and the end of this relationship does not define your worth as a person. Take things one day at a time and try to focus on the present moment instead of worrying about the future. With time and self-care, things will get better, and you will come out of this experience stronger and wiser ❤️

persistentFarm8730 OP March 17th, 2023


I am grateful for your kind words, they have brought me much needed solace during these trying times. Your words have uplifted me and reminded me that I am not alone in this journey. It's always reassuring to have someone understand and empathize with what we are going through. I appreciate your support and encouragement, and I want you to know that it means a lot to me. As we navigate through the challenges together, let's continue to spread positivity and love to those around us. Sending big hugs and lots of love back to you! 💞

Mya000 March 17th, 2023

@persistentFarm8730 Thank you for your heartfelt response. I'm glad to have been able to offer some comfort during these difficult times. Big hugs and lots of love right back at you! 💕