Not sure what's going on
Idk what's going on but these last 2 weeks I've been noticing I've been going to bed 4-5hrs earlier than I usually do. I've just woke up from 12hrs of sleep and still feel like sleeping. :[
@quietSea6437 Well, if it isn't physical illness, maybe you're being affected by the weather? Lack if vitamin D? Or maybe a depression slump is just a depression slump- like you went to bed early one day because you were depressed or for another reason and then the depression seized the opportunity to keep it going, to make things worse. Sorry about that, by the way. That sounds exhausting and frustrating. I've been going through an anxious-depression slump myself these past two weeks and I've been able to point fingers at what thoughts/situations/health habit are likely causing. Knowing what is wrong won't solve anything in and of itself, I know, but can you think of any social situations (or lack of social situations)/changes in diet exercise sunlight/obsessive negative thought patterns that might be contributing to this being stuck in bed?
Hello fellow Seafarer! love your username xD
It's possibly the weather and a slump.... :(
I'm not sure I just know lately I've been feeling overwhelmed with how futile my efforts to end my loneliness seem.
@quietSea6437 I didn't chose the username, but thank you, fellow seafarer! lol
That feeling of futility is probably not helping you wanting to stay out of bed. Making connections in this day and age is tough- it's like the system is rigged against us. Social media and the internet act as barriers to the need for establishing physical meet up spaces in real life and the meet up spaces we DO have in real life are places we usually need to/are expected to spend money at and in general, when you go places, talking to strangers is not encouraged. Like, we're kind of ***. You're not alone. I myself haven't been able to make a friend since I left high school and that was ten years ago. I've had some success with church hang outs and volunteering and going to meetings and taking classes and having coworkers to talk to- none of the relationships developed into hanging out outside the mandatory time or talking about anything meaningful, but they were something. What have you tried recently?
I'm not sure I just know lately I've been feeling overwhelmed with how futile my efforts to end my loneliness seem.