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Loving Someone with Depression who has shut me out

lavenderPine2483 November 7th, 2023

8 months ago I was fortunate enough to meet and fall in love with an amazing man who happens to suffer from depression. For the last 8 weeks he has been in a severe depressive episode and this is the first time I experienced being in a relationship with someone who suffers from these bouts.  


In the lead up to this point we had had random discussions about different things and I remember us talking about what would happen if one of us stopped contact or "went dark" I laughed and said it would be an instant block and he reacted so strongly to it at the time I thought it was strange but just sort of laughed it off.  It was strange to me at the time because he said you know sometimes people just need to withdraw, they go thru dark periods etc and I responded by saying that was different from just going ghost. We agreed and then the conversation moved on. 

My bf lost his partner to the pandemic 3 years ago and understandably was and is devastated by the loss. Unfortunately he never received counseling and has never been diagnosed with depression. I should also add that we are currently long distance and do not live in the same state. 

Lead Up

In the lead up to this current depressive episode everything was going great. He told me out of the blue that the next month would be rough for him as it coincided with his partners birthday and death date.  I was understandably concerned for him but figured he would be sad and a little depressed but not to the extent that it has been. 

In the past 8 weeks it has been a symphony of catastrophic occurrences which seem to have magnified his depression. Everything from a close friend being murdered, loss of a job, family member  suffered domestic violence and another friend committing suicide.  It seemed like every time the sun was about to come out another thing came crashing down. 


Over the past 8 weeks he has basically shut me out, I will be the first to admit I threw a tantrum when I thought that he was just ignoring me but I quickly realized that this was way more serious than that. 

I send me messages and he responds sporadically, we have spoken once on the phone very briefly during this time. I could hear in his voice that he wasn't himself in that conversation. Even just before he went dark we had had an argument over something trivial and his behaviour was odd, he kept repeating things which was very unlike him. 

Anyway I am not going to give up on this man, I absolutely love the crap out of him but am at a loss as to how to support him in a way that helps him rather than hinders his progress. That's why I am here to get advice from everyone, those who have been depressed and those who's partners may have depressive episodes. 

Questions for folks suffering from Depression 

My questions are:

As a person who suffers from depression and has withdrawn does someone texting you good morning and messages of "I love you" make you feel better or add pressure to you? 

Is it better to just keep messages light and funny like memes or songs etc. 

Is daily texting usually too much? 

When you have gone in to a depression I understand that you may feel numb when the depression lifts do you regain (this is generic) the love you once had for your partner back or is it just like falling in love again from scratch?

Questions for partners of those suffering from Depression

How you you cope when they have withdrawn? 

I feel ok with how I am managing it most days but every no and then insecurity creeps up and I wonder if he still cares and then I usually end up sending a stupid text.  How do you manage when you start questioning the relationship? 

What do you do if you suggest therapy or to go and see a Dr but it seems to be ignored? 

Any help would be amazing and I look forward to hearing personal experiences from both sides. 

Thank you everyone for your time. 

lavenderPine2483 OP November 8th, 2023

Dear @HearZero

Thank you so much for your responses, they actually brought tears to my eyes reading them. I feel like I have been holding my breath not knowing if I have been doing the right thing. I am so thankful I found this forum and people like you who can share the knowledge to people like me searching for answers. 

Again, thank you. 
lavenderPine2483 OP November 8th, 2023

For those who suffer from depression is there anything someone did to make you seek help or is it something the depressed person has to seek themselves.

would you have been offended if a loved one suggested help more than once?

MindGazer91 November 11th, 2023

@lavenderPine2483    It helps to have a nudge and help from someone who they trust. I know when I'm depressed I like having the support but not the hovering. But it is up to the patient. With depression the mind slows down and does not think clearly. Some help could go a long way even if you get a hostile response. Nobody can get better unless they want to.

generousCity2896 November 8th, 2023

@lavenderPine2483 My partner is also going through the same. He has been depressed and has pushed me away.

He doesn't respond to my messages but one thing I noticed that he never leaves my loving messages unread. He takes time but he reads them and it makes me feel like I'm supporting him by sending him messages from a loving place and he likes it. 

You can do the same for your partner, reaching out with loving texts without any pressure to respond. From my experience, it will help. 

lavenderPine2483 OP November 8th, 2023

Thank you so much for your response. It’s difficult but I know it’s worth it because he is worth it.

Its funny you mention the loving texts while I am a big I love you person he’s more reserved but one thing I will say is that he will respond to the I love you and miss you texts by saying it back rather than just saying same or leaving it on read.

it’s comforting to know that I’m not alone in this journey and that other people are in the same position as I am.

it’s confusing at times because we get bombarded with social media posts that say if your partner doesn’t call you in 24 hours leave them, if they don’t text you back leave them. That might be all good and well in a relationship that doesn’t have the element of depression but for us it’s not that simple.

lavenderPine2483 OP November 11th, 2023

I guess I have to let him go, I tried so hard to get thru to him but he just ignored me and shut me out time and time again. Today I really needed him. I needed him to be there for me and I got ignored again. Everyone gets a piece of him except me. I’m tired and sad. I hate his depression. I hate that it ruined us. Maybe he wasn’t depressed at all maybe it was all lies just to string me along. I’m lost and sad but the tears won’t come.

2 months of being shut out.

lavenderPine2483 OP November 30th, 2023

Well it’s been almost 3 months and we are slowly getting back on track still no regular phone calls and I know he’s not back to feeling like his regular self. But ultimately I love him and I’m going to stick it out. Depression is a *** of a thing but he deserves to be loved.

I pray that those of you suffering from this terrible disease find love and comfort and compassion.

lavenderPine2483 OP December 1st, 2023

Thank you so much for your response, I really needed to hear all of this. It seems at times that being in a relationship with someone suffering from depression is like a roller coaster. It makes me sad that if I feel like this how must he feel.

when he withdraws as he has done (although it seems to be a 3 steps forward 2steps back kinda deal at the moment) I find it difficult at times to not take it personally and remind myself that it’s the disease not how he would usually be.

im not proud to admit that I found it difficult to get my head around at first. My insecurities definitely raised the head and hissy fits were thrown. Mostly because I didn’t understand what was happening and how to help.

I am grateful for the support and insight this group has given me. Thank you, each and everyone of you.

lavenderPine2483 OP December 10th, 2023

We made so much progress this past couple of weeks but the last few days seems like we have taken 10 steps back as he’s gone radio silence again. I hate what this is doing to him. Shutting me out is like tourture but I know it’s part of the disease.

Polahn December 18th, 2023

I see the word 'love' being thrown here and there mindlessly and I just would like to pin point a down-to-Earth fact: love is NEVER enough, especially to sustain any kind of relationships.

Love can be a strong driver, but never a solution.

You need to build proper healthy copying mechanisms and skills to be able to handle the mental illness of your partner (who seems to display an avoidant attachment -maybe due to depression- and you sound anxiously attached. Check on Google what those notions are to better understand your situation and get some education on attachment).

I strongly advise you to talk to a mental health professional about all this. They will be able to give you concrete strategies and tools to cope, as well as a place to express your worries.

Best of luck!

bellsbum19 December 11th, 2023


Hey lavender ❤️, so I am diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorders. Just to answer a few of your questions. (This can be different for anyone, i am answering this based off how it affects me.) saying I Love you can sometimes help, makes me feel awkward, or just make me more distant and angry. And honestly i think that when you send you boyfriend messages you should sort of read the mood that he has, and go off that—(if you know what i mean). Have you ever thought that maybe your boyfriend has Bipolar Disorder. You weren’t very descriptive—and you don’t have to be, but it sound like your boyfriend could maybe have bipolar. Now im not an expert but i have some knowledge on bipolar disorder. Anyways i just want you to know that things will and can get better, just stay strong. It sounds like your significant other has been through a lot, and that stuff can be really though to deal with.  I hope that he is okay and that you aren’t beating yourself up too much. Sending so much love ❤️