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Insomnia or phone problems?

LilliRex May 2nd, 2023

I do have insomnia but I did actually sleep 13 hours last night which I'm proud of! But whenever I have my phone next to me I'm just not tired! I can't help but get on it!! I have a addiction to my phone and I actually hate it. I want to sleep for once it is almost 1 am for me and ik m going to lose my phone longer because I have school testing tomorrow. But idk how to stop giving into the temptation of my phone!!!

May 2nd, 2023

Hey @LilliRex,

How are you doing today? It is great to see you managed to get 13 hours of sleep last night, do you feel fully rested? I know how tough it can be to turn off a phone at night, but it is important to give yourself time to disconnect and recharge.

Is there anything you have tried to prioritise your sleep? I've heard putting the phone in a different room helps and creating a bedtime routine which doesn't involve screens, for example reading a book or doing some mindfulness. Would you be interested in trying out any of these?

Remember, your phone will still be there in the morning and best of luck for you exam!

toughTiger6481 May 2nd, 2023


What are you checking for messages from friends? social media ? games?

i feel nothing is sooo important that you will miss it if phone is not there ....... this is what phone and app creators plan on addiction to phone that you may miss some thing........

If you look around anywhere i do not find phones that great of a tool anymore........... i went to an amazing place many cool things to see and many so interested in taking the correct photo even of their kids ... they missed many sights or interesting things because they do NOT live in the present but in a world they create on their phone.......

at night charge it or leave it in another room or across the room so you do not pick up from nightstand. sooner or later you will see you are not missing anything.