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I cannot cry

slayerspike May 21st

I feel like if I could just cry and release my emotions I would feel a whole lot better. But I just can’t cry. Anyone else have this problem? This is something I’ve been struggling with my whole life. I think it’s partially my personality and partially a coping mechanism. Like I’m suppressing those intense emotions as a way to avoid pain. Sometimes I’ll force myself to think about something super sad and I can cry for like a second and then stop. Just curious if anyone else is like this or if anyone has any tips on how to release emotions when crying isn’t an option.

Tinywhisper11 May 22nd

@slayerspike I couldn't cry for many years, then a year or so into therapy, the tears started coming. The other week I cried like a big baby for 14 hours😂😂 I think to be able to cry, first you need to address your feelings your fears. Which isn't a nice journey, but I'm always right here for you ❤ we all are. Suppressing your emotions and feelings can only go on for so long before it starts coming out in other ways like nightmares, anger etc. So ideally I think you need to find some root causes to work on. Gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤ good luck sweetie ❤❤ remember we are here for you ❤

calmMango9611 May 29th

@Tinywhisper11 Thank you for sharing this with us. I am glad therapy is helpful, for you.

Tinywhisper11 May 29th

@calmMango9611 ❤❤❤

C01CA04 May 23rd

I just contemplate on my mistakes and honestly tell myself how worthless I am for several nights. Works from time to time.

C01CA04 May 23rd

Why cant I like my own post?

HopieRemi May 23rd


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Mavety June 4th

@slayerspike When I get like that, I either try "fluffing" (i.e. watching clips on YouTube I know will make me want to cry). BUT, sometimes: hysterical belly laughing can also do the trick. Craig Ferguson the comedian used to get the giggles on his show, so sometimes I'll watch clips of him crying-laughing, and it helps me to laugh and laugh--and eventually it becomes sort of sobby laughter.

Also: Flail around and do angry wailing miserable temper-tantrumy dancing. This is so helpful for me, too, since as grownups we don't usually get to show our despair through our bodies--not the way little kids do. Marina's song "Blue" is a wonderful song for this because it's super peppy-sounding but is all about making terrible choices and being miserable, and I dance the demons out sometimes