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How to accept loneliness and that you never be happy with people?

crimsonPenguin7073 August 22nd, 2023

Hello! I have noticed that I cant get rid of loneliness or whatever they call it. All my attempts to meet new people and create friendships FAIL.. Either I am ignored or I attract toxic people.. I dont want to try anymore.. I am tired of "fake people" who pretend that they like you and then they ghost you out of sudden.. You cant trust, not in any way.. I want to be just happy with my loner status and dont care what others say about it.. I want to accept that friendships and all these "ships" arent meant for me... I really have no hope with them..

toughTiger6481 August 22nd, 2023


I can relate as many many people are fake ...... I do not have what i call friendships but many acquaintances who i can interact ......but always know they often are like the wind and change direction at any moment.

It is hard to meet people and keep interaction simply because I do not trust .. Trust is earned and many show their colors before that is solidified. These folks often ghost others like us because we see they said one thing one day and something different the next.

crimsonPenguin7073 OP August 27th, 2023

Yes, I have same feelings. I wonder if there exist any true friendships or something like that. Or is it just idealization?

toughTiger6481 June 18th


I think there are true friendships but in that is honesty and not just telling you what you want to hear etc.  Most people do not want that they want someone who just is a cheerleader and never calls them out on their stuff. 

slowdecline48 June 18th

@crimsonPenguin7073 I've been in the same place, more than once. Look up the word "misanthropy" for guidance on the most reasonable stance. Yes, many people wear masks &/or put on a front to varying degrees. Decent ones worth befriending are out there but they're few & far in between...rare grains of wheat in an endless pile of chaff, dog p00p & cigarette butts. Welcome to the human race. When I realized how little the odds were of meeting a truly good person (I've managed it a handful of times in a few decades), the writer/philosopher Ambrose Bierce was most helpful in developing my position thereafter.

crimsonPenguin7073 OP June 22nd

Can relate so much. Tell me more about Ambrose Bierce. Yes "Welcome to the human race".

slowdecline48 June 23rd

@crimsonPenguin7073 If you feel like it, check these out:

  • Britannica article on Bierce
  • the inevitable Wiki entry
  • another informative page on him from the Poetry Foundation
  • the most informative website I've seen about him so far

If you ever buy one book written by Bierce, it should be The Devil's Dictionary, preferably the unabridged version. His misanthropy--& in some entries, the rigid personal honor that lay underneath it like a stone foundation--comes through loud & clear. It is a most enlightening book. I recommend it for every young person who's had his first serious run-in with some obnoxious misfit or sociopath, or for anyone who's had his/her idealism shattered by the inevitable disappointments of dealing with people in the real world.