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Here We Are Again…

User Profile: DarkFairy0316
DarkFairy0316 April 2nd, 2024

I’m in another downward spiral. I’m trying to combat it, but it’s hard. It’s dealing with something that happened in my past. This friend & myself have been friends for a long time. We’ve gone through ‘cycles’-she goes through a ‘hard time’, shuts only me out of her life for a couple of weeks, then comes back like nothing ever happened. She swears it’s nothing that I did or anything said or anything with me at all-that it’s all her…BUT it keeps happening, AND it’s ONLY me that she shuts out. We went through a 2 year (give or take) hiatus if you will…granted, she was going through a lot, but I heard this all from other people, as she completely shut me out, wouldn’t talk to me at all…& we worked together. I hadn’t seen her for a few days before so I know it was nothing I said or did, but she just stopped talking to me & acted like I wasn’t there…I was sure I had lost what I considered a best friend, & she acted like she didn’t care, like I meant nothing to her. At one point, right before COVID hit, she had started saying hi to me, which shocked me. At that point, I wasn’t ready or willing to let her back in to my life, so I was very short with her…then COVID hit, & I (eventually) left my job. Back on hiatus…

Long story short, we eventually started talking again, & we had a sit down come to Jesus moment. I was brutally honest with her-bringing up her ‘episodes’ of shutting me out & how it made me feel. Including one, years ago on her birthdays. She wanted to get all 4 of us besties together for dinner for her birthday. On her actual birthday, I asked her when & where we were going…radio silence…the 3 of THEM all went out. The next day, one of them asked what happened with me? I told her that our friend never got back to me so I had no idea when or where we were going…she said her & the other friend missed me being there, but that the birthday girl didn’t care that I wasn’t there-going so far to roll her eyes & saying something about me always bothering her & how annoying I was..she claims to not remember that, but saying it must have happened if I’ve kept it quiet all these years & being so hurt by it…

Well, today is her actual birthday. My boyfriend, who’s good friends with her, asked me, last night, if I would go to her or they dinner tonight…which brought up lots of feelings this time. I don’t know why. 1-why couldn’t/didn’t SHE ask me? 2–am I REALLY invited? I said I had plans tonight already, which wasn’t a lie. In talking with her today. I mentioned the dinner, saying no one said anything until last night. She then said that if I was around this weekend, her & her boyfriend, & my boyfriend & I could all go out to dinner…I’m trying so hard to 1-NOT go there, not bring up the past, & 2-not go down that hole again, that we worked it out. But I can’t seem to stop myself! I feel like a train going off the rails-it’s already begun! Why should I say yes? She’s only going to ghost me again, & who knows for long this time? We’re fully grown adults, not teenagers in high school anymore! I don’t need or want any of this drama! I just keep thinking it’s going to happen again…or that her & my boyfriend are going out alone to dinner tonight…& there’s a whole other rabbit hole for that! I hate having depression & anxiety. I know my thoughts are sometimes irrational-& they’re repeating themselves sometimes. I hate bothering anyone else with them because I’ve already talked about them more then once. I know my boyfriend thinks I’m a

little cuckoo because it’s in the past, we’ve worked it out, so it should be left there & never talked about again…but that’s the thing with this friend…it was a cycle for her…over & over again…done TO me, over & over again..I keep waiting for the other foot to fall…that he will suddenly realizes he loves her more & she loves him & I end up alone again…& I keep getting ignored over & over again…

Anyway…if you’re still here, & made it this far, thanks for reading…

User Profile: Jem7Cups
Jem7Cups April 3rd, 2024

I get that dealing with your friend's drama is tough, and it's draining to keep getting shut out. You gotta make sure you're looking out for yourself and not letting toxic people bring you down. In any relationship, it's all about talking things out and respecting each other. 

Don't forget to take care of yourself and reach out to people who actually care about you. It's totally fine to talk about how you're feeling and figure out why things are so rough. Stay strong and keep pushing ahead.