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Feeling a little alone lately

cyanPlane9770 March 23rd

Sorry if this is out of place.

Lately I've been feeling really isolated and alone. I feel sometimes I need to talk more about how I feel, or express it in a healthy way but don't know how or where or with who. I don't want to burden people

Thanks for reading <3



Your emotions are valid Amazing one.  Feeling alone and isolated gives lead to emotions that could led to damage.  Venting to people is great why to prevent this damage . 

7 Cups is made for the same purpose.  It is a platform to share your story/ vent to a listener and find comfort . You can PMs to a listener and vent about things that are affecting you lovely .

Also your thoughts will never be "too much" for someone.  People here are supporting who love to help and listen others.

Hope you find a great listener 💗☺

Haz436 April 7th

@cyanPlane9770 I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this way, it can be very isolating when you don't know how to best describe your feeling or who to talk to. I hope that you're doing okay, please feel free to shoot me a message any time, i'm always happy to listen. and please, please are NOT a burden for talking about these things with people. it's really important to be able to express what you're feeling/thinking or these things can really weigh you down.

David57 April 7th

@cyanPlane9770  Life can be a bit wearing sometimes and talking about it really helps.

I'm free if you want to chat about anything and everything. Some lively banter! That's what I love about this site.

pamharley003 April 9th


You are not alone we are all here for you. The depression support room is opened 24/7. We are there in the room to support anyone who needs it, would love to see yo there . 

Kristynsmama April 10th


im sorry to hear that you are feeling lonely.  What else are you feeling?

Tinywhisper11 April 11th

@cyanPlane9770 I always feel like a burden when I'm talking about my problems too😟 but it's ok, cause this is our safe place, a place were we can share and support and be the real us, without having to try and hide who we are ❤ your safe to open up here, we are all here for you ❤❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤

NotAllHere713 April 12th


You are not alone. I have the same problem. I have a few friends, but I don't want to burden them because they have their own issues to deal with. I also don't want to sound whiny about my problems when others are dealing with worse situations. So I feel Isolated and alone.