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Depressed by the Thought of Him with Her

User Profile: fearless1000
fearless1000 January 22nd

Three year relationship completely down the drain when he cheated months ago. Now he’s with the girl and I cannot stand the thought of them together. The thought of him kissing her, loving her, hugging her, sleeping with her, holding her hand, and even driving to see her just all makes me sick.

I’ve been so depressed and lonely. All my friends are busy and have canceling on me. I spend everyday alone, driving to class then driving home. I loved him so much. He left me for her and it’s so hard to see him “happy” with her. I wish that could have been us.

I’ve lost so much weight and feel tired and weak; it’s hard for me to eat when I’m sad. But now I’m underweight and feel even worse. He was my best friend and he’s gone for good, happy with someone else when i still feel so strongly for him.

I wish I felt nothing for him. I cannot imagine him with her. They are both so ugly and uneducated. Sadness seeps out of me. Sorry if this is a bit sporadic, I wrote this crying. Just some love would be nice and advice too.

User Profile: RedWell
RedWell January 23rd

I’ve been cheated on also. The first turning point was the day that I decided that I refuse To give any energy today To anyone who has betrayed me.

This freed up energy For me to open my eyes And my heart to Loyal people, And to new people who might be loyal. It made me strong to be ready to dismiss New people who showed obvious signs of disloyalty. Some people are just like that.

But it’s like a treasure hunt. There are treasure boxes all around, When you Pick ‘n soda treasure box and it is full of mud, Don’t spend any time continuing to look at it, Close it and don’t think about it anymore. You’ll never find anything better than what your minimum standards are. Close the mud boxes quickly, and use that energy to Peak inside of many more treasure boxes.

As pray along the way as I’m praying for you. Loyal people find each other, but we’ve got to really look!

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User Profile: fearless1000
fearless1000 OP January 24th

Hello, thank you so much for your well written response. I’m so sorry that you had to go through the pain of being betrayed and getting cheated on, it’s a really difficult thing to go through.

if you don’t mind me asking, how did you get to the point of refusing to give your energy to the betrayer? Was it a conscious choice? And how did you stick with it? I’m trying to get to that point myself. It’s just hard with emotions in the way. I hope to find someone loyal.

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