A poem for you.
The moon, the sun, and so on
The universe is filled with beautiful and pretty stuff
But there's no need to visit it
If i have you, i have everything
Everything that a man wishes to see
Beautiful eyes as pretty as it gets
Pearls can't compare
Sparkling smile to give the perfect shine
You rival the stars
A face as cute as it gets
Even a baby cat will bow down
A heart as pure as the moon
But even the moon had dotes, but not you
Your energy is more refreshing than a lemonade
Brighter than the sun
What should i call you?
An angel doesn't feel good enough
Why name you let you be you
I am just happy to have you
Even the moon is jealous of me
You will catch everyones eye
But my eyes are yours,
Please make it yours
Tell them i am yours
Only yours
@hereforyounowalways3 whoever you wrote that poem about, is a very very very lucky lady ❤❤ it's a beautiful poem, Thank you for sharing it with us ❤
That's such a nice thing to say. Thank you for showing such love i appreciate it it very much.
@hereforyounowalways3 ❤❤❤