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Again here

moonligt August 9th

Hi guys again, moon is here! As you can see I haven't posted for a while. To be honest I'm still hesitating If I should text about It because I don't want to feel sorry for myself but I also want bf random started day after day that he bored me, and he doesn't care about me anymore, and I should forget him next day he said that he was joking, It was not serious, and It's hard to me to forget a 3 year long relationship, and I told this to my best friend who told me that I dreserve better, but I think she is mad at me right now because it's hard to me to forget that 3 year old relationship.

I'm afraid If I also lose her, and I will be totally alone. I have suicidal thoughts, because I'm "not good enough" And I'm sick of that.

moonligt OP August 9th

My days are begins and ends with crying

primrosewoods7 August 9th

@moonligt That sounds like a really complex and overwhelming situation. I'm so sorry your boyfriend is treating you this way, and that your friend was not gentle either. (Why do you think she's mad at you? Is it just because you are not taking her advice about the relationship, or something else?)

I can't imagine what it must feel like to not be on perfectly good terms with the two people closest to you in your life. That sounds really tough and emotionally draining on top of your struggles with self-esteem, and I do hope you get some reprieve from it soon! Sometimes things suck, but in spite of that, we still need to let our emotions run their course.

I don't have any advice for you except that I hope you are keeping in mind to take good care of yourself when you can - eating, exercising, sleeping, whatever it is you can do. It is really hard when others in your life misunderstand you or drop the ball on checking in with you, taking care of you, etc., but you will always be around for you, and taking care of yourself should be your #1 priority over whatever anyone else says or expects from you. Don't forget that.

Sending you hugs!

moonligt OP August 9th

My friend is mad because it's,hard for me to forget him, and I'm confused