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16 - Frustrated and alone

Beiy July 2nd

I've struggled with severe bullying throughout secondary school. Popular girls constantly teased me for my weight, hair, and voice, and even random students and teens on the street joined in. Teachers and my year group leader did nothing to help, often blaming me for being quiet. This relentless bullying destroyed my self-confidence and left me feeling like everything I did was meaningless. At home, I faced arguments and insults, which only worsened my depression and affected my grades. Despite being close to drastic actions, I somehow managed to survive those years.

Now, I'm about to start sixth form, which I hear is even more stressful. I still feel the pain of my past and fear falling back into depression. The bullying has left me a shell of who I used to be, and I struggle to make friends because of my low self-esteem. I’m scared of what I might do to myself, and I just want to be able to be myself again and have friends.

RedWell July 3rd


The popular girls peak somewhere in school and are never able to handle the real world later.

The survivors (like you) become great successes. You're building the resilience that few ever attain, and it shows in the real world... which is the place you will succeed so wonderfully. You also will grow stronger, and build yourself inside and out stronger, knowing the bright unknown future belongs to resilient survivors.  Ask any successful businessman or businesswoman who succeeds in life. It's true.

But even better... You try every day to learn one thing new, try one push-up today and two tomorrow... Even better is that you will appreciate love so much deeper when you meet someone (and you WILL!!!) who loves you and has been waiting for YOU. When I've worked in the desert and didn't have water for 3 days, I've never known how deep and wonderful water tastes until that moment... No one will appreciate LOVE, no one will feel the fullness of how wonderful it is like you do, and that will make you absolutely awesome in a relationship because of the way you will LOVE THEM BACK, LIKE NO OTHER EVER COULD.

Fight on, Fight through it, Look at people like you already know you've won, you've won later in life, the best part, your future is so much better, so much happier, than those lousy souls who pick on you. They are sinking ships bailing water desperately knowing their time will expire, you are a mighty, awesome, and strong oak tree that has only begun to grow, and happy people that you love will hang on your limbs with your strength. You won't need any fake friends like the popcorn girls, who will even turn on each other, there is no love there, sinking ships. You will have real friends. And love too! That's what happens to deep rooted, resilient people with a future. That is YOU.

Beiy OP July 8th

I don’t even know how to reply, Thank you so much, this is probably the kindest message I’ve ever received

RedWell July 9th


You must be someone who has a really great heart and a REALLY important purpose and here is why I think that: 

I just barely became a member here the day before your post, on July 1st. I had never heard of 7 cups until then. Then on July 2 the day that you posted I had a back injury and couldn't walk without help, first time in my life I have ever felt that. I was about to go to sleep in agony and exhausted, then I felt this rush of energy instead that I had to go back to 7 cups. 

You can call it fate, but I just kinda think it's God who wanted me to carry a message to you, I felt this urgency like I HAD to look at 7 cups again because I missed someone very, very important. And I was sitting there thinking "I am in way too much pain right now, it's going to be a week until I can walk again, I can't do this!" but then I had that energy rush, so right before I was going to lay down to heal I saw all of these tons of posts and didn't know what to do, then all of a sudden it was strong feeling and these two words "THAT ONE", and all I could see was YOUR post. I don't think I've ever answered anyone with a long reply like that, but it was like it almost wrote itself and I couldn't stop writing picturing this future for you enjoyed the real true deep fulfillment of love when one at a time you would start meeting genuine people that were so different that who you have met, and somebody arrives who is just way different, and you realize this is what real friendship and real love is about and they befriend you and love you right back! A feeling like alot of other people will miss their chances at love, but you won't. Just God saying from one real person to another this message of hope to you, how the future is going to be really different, and He is sending good people out of nowhere when you least expect them, and God just wants you to really appreciate them and really and be READY for good people when the arrive in your life. And these rotten people you meet some days just don't count in your life, you will forget about completely after a few years, they can't really hurt you just kinda look right through them in the distance like they are not even there, they just recognize someone who is full of love and happiness in the future and they are jealous of what your will have. So all I am saying is I have no idea exactly why you are so special other than I felt quite a strong and positive energy force that I think might have been God telling me "THAT ONE", like your life REALLY mattered.  So I would walk around school with quiet confidence if I were you, and excited about who you will meet in the future that will love you right back. I have no idea what important ways you may be bringing some special kind of love into the world later. Maybe you will help alot of people or save lives or something important like that, but all I know is you must be somebody important, because I don't ever write long letters, and my back hurt way too bad to even write a short one, except I knew I had to write you anyway! So it was wonderful feeling that I got to carry this really awesome message to someone who must be an incredibly great person :)