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Depression Support Check-In: July 7-21 2023

MeaningfulSilence July 7th, 2023

Hello everyone! 🌸

I'm glad to be here to check how you are doing πŸ’™

Today it's Friday, so I was thinking how important it is to relax after a busy week or when we experience low energy: relaxation is not just to release the accumulated stress but also a type of self-care that is good for our body and our mind.

* how are you doing lately?

* what is your favorite way to relax?

* would you like to try new ways to relax? what could they be?


(image description: a hammock hanging from a tree in front of a lake during sunset with a pine forest in the background)

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purpleTree4652 July 8th, 2023


Hi, Silence,

how are you doing lately? I'm in such a weird limbo. I'm waiting for school to start. And I'm waiting to see if the departments in my major are going to hire me. In the meantime I have an interview as a seamstress apprentice on Monday. That would be a cool job, but I might end up leaving it in 1.5 months if my major's department hires me, and I don't want to do that. I'm going to go to the interview though and see what they say.

* what is your favorite way to relax? I have psychiatric meds that relax me. I also love lounging in bed.

* would you like to try new ways to relax? what could they be? I'd love to lounge on the beach in Hawaii.

MeaningfulSilence OP July 8th, 2023


Hi purpleTree!

So you have this weekend to relax then on Monday you will start being busy, I really wish the interview will go well 🀞

What are you studying?

Good idea to relax on a beach in Hawaii, sounds good for a vacation time!

Sending you good vibes for all your coming tasks and your goals πŸ’™

bestVase7265 July 9th, 2023

I love the idea of the seamstress apprentice job, even if you have to leave it later. You are finding a way forward.


Gettingbettertoday July 8th, 2023


* how are you doing lately? Up and Down, doing better then backsliding.

* what is your favorite way to relax? Read Comics

* would you like to try new ways to relax? Yes what could they be? IDK

MeaningfulSilence OP July 8th, 2023


Hello Gettingbettertoday! πŸ’™

I think that some steps forward and some backward can happen. The good point is to always try, because we can't achieve anything without efforts and you seem to be in the good path 😊

One day you will move two steps forward and just one backward, so it will get better!

I also like reading, if you like comics that's good! Any specific favorite character?

Thinking about new ways to relax... πŸ€”.... Maybe a hobby not too challenging that you could alternate to reading moments? Let me know if something new to try will come to your mind!

Have a good weekend 🌸

snoopystar July 9th, 2023

* how are you doing lately? Been starting to go backwards

* what is your favourite way to relax? Reading, drawing, and listening to music

* would you like to try new ways to relax? what could they be? No

MeaningfulSilence OP July 9th, 2023


Hi snoopystar, is it a bad moment? Anything you feel like to share?

I'm here in case you want to talk about it.

You already have some relaxing things to do, hope you can do them everytime you need.

Wishing you well πŸ’™

snoopystar July 9th, 2023


Hi MeaningfulSilence,

I dont really want to share but it is really bad at the moment. thanks for reaching out

MeaningfulSilence OP July 9th, 2023


Hi snoopystar, thanks to you for letting me know. I appreciate you are here πŸ’™

LoveMyMoonflowers July 9th, 2023


How are you doing lately?

I have been a little depressed and unmotivated to write recently :( so I am quite disappointed in myself for not writing any poetry or stories in so long... writing is a kind of solace for me, but I've been so tired lately... I haven't done any writing :') i'm pretty disappointed in myself because of this..

What is your favourite way to relax?

I think reading and reflecting on poetry, and reading stories in general is very relaxing for me. Withdrawing to a quiet, dark room is nice as well- I haven't done that in so long... and the world has been so loud and... ugh... I think I need to take a break and relax...

Would you like to try new ways to relax?


What could they be?

I think I would like to watch some episodes of my favourite shows... maybe..

Thank you for this little check-in <3 I really do appreciate it :)

MeaningfulSilence OP July 9th, 2023


Hi there LoveMyMoonflowers!

I'm glad to read your post, thanks for sharing!

It really seems that it's time for you to relax, I am sure you deserve it LoveMyMoonflowers, don't let stress and negative emotions to pile up before caring to rebalance your feelings πŸ’™

It's nice that you have your preference, very creative even!

Hope you will enjoy your favorite show soon, take time for yourself and things you like!

Sending you good vibes πŸ€—

WharfRat July 10th, 2023

* how are you doing lately?

Not very well, physically or mentally

* what is your favorite way to relax?


* would you like to try new ways to relax? what could they be?

I don't know. I've thought about meditation, but I stink at it. Too many distractions where I live.

MeaningfulSilence OP July 10th, 2023


Hi there WhatfRat!

Glad you joined to share, just sorry to hear it's not a good moment for you.

It's good you have something that relaxes you, hopefully there's also a way to improve your well-being and feel better.

Take good care of yourself and please prioritize your well-being if possible. πŸ’™

Lilac4Roses July 13th, 2023

Good evening All, mostly panicky the past couple of days. Lots of not being able to leave my apartment it seems like forever. I try to relax watching a movie in bed. I get on my laptop and dig into this and that. I like learning new things .

bestVase7265 July 13th, 2023

Panic can be really hard. What kinds of things do you do to manage it? For me, it is drinking really cold ice water and chomping on the ice. @Lilac4Roses

MeaningfulSilence OP July 13th, 2023


Hello there Lilac! 🌸

Sorry to hear about your high level of anxiety. Is it something that occurs to you often?

It's good that you try to have your coping mechanisms, nice thing that you like to learn, do you have any specific interest?

Wish you well πŸ’™

lovingCoconut8986 July 14th, 2023

Hi meaningfulsilence,

I am feeling down and empty. I feel as though the world is against me as though death lurkes after my soul.

I usually take walks at parks while listening to bellow Bois podcast while allowing nature refresh me

I actually have no idea, I've heard people say they relax by taking Icecream and watch some Netflix shows

But I'm open to advice.

bestVase7265 July 15th, 2023

There are lots of good things to help, but it works different for each person. Getting outside is a really good one. I also do online jigsaw puzzles, color, and cook. @lovingCoconut8986

MeaningfulSilence OP July 15th, 2023


Hi there, glad to read your post πŸ’™

Those sensations you are experiencing are nothing easy, you are really doing your best by taking walks and it has many benefits, both physical and mental, even if it's nothing extraordinary and super impacting. Yet to refresh in green areas while looking around or listening to music like you do, it's an healthy habit. When at home you can see if you feel to do anything not too challenging that could sort out any of your skills, something creative, handmade or also...any interest you could have, like collections?

It doesn't have to be done to achieve something but a practice to feel well while doing it.

Let me know if you've found anything to add to things you already do .

Take care 🌸

Lilac4Roses July 15th, 2023

Good evening, I want to you for your responses to my post. It helps a lot to have supportive caring people next to me

MeaningfulSilence OP July 15th, 2023


Yes Lilac, I agree with you on that πŸ’™ To feel we are not alone and that someone can be there willing to support is a good sensation!

What are your plans for the weekend?

Cheers 🌸