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Finding Inspiration!

EmotionsListener July 31st

Summer slump? Artist's block? Or even just a lack of time? 

Sometimes our creative pursuits can fall by the wayside, and we need some inspiration!

(image consists of a colourful thought bubble with question marks next to a blank canvas on an easel)

There are many sources of artistic and creative inspiration. Some people thrive in a clear space with no distractions, while others will have art and chaos all around them to draw inspiration from. Whichever you prefer, it can be useful to know and respect your own creative process.

Sometimes finding inspiration is easy, you look at a blank canvas and see the painting it will become before the very first brushstroke. Sometimes inspiration is more organic and grows through the process, you get out your paints and start playing with the colours until something begins to take shape. Sometimes it’s nearly impossible, the canvas remains blank, and you may feel stuck. 

So how can you get unstuck? Here are a few ideas:

  • Visit an art museum, gallery or look through art books!

    • Exploring and examining art from different time periods and styles can be a great way to get ideas that you haven’t tried before.

      • Keep in mind you are seeking inspiration not intimidation.

  • Look through your own work!

    • Seeing your past work may give you ideas for things you’d like to try again or do differently.

      • Maybe you weren’t happy with a piece and can use the knowledge you’ve gained since to attempt it again? Perhaps you started an idea that was never fully realized and can go back to finish it now?

  • Live! Get outside! Observe the world! People watch! Spend time in nature!

    • Immersing yourself in life can help reenergize you and provide new sources of inspiration. 

      • Spend some time sketching what you see, a person, a flower, whatever. This can exercise your artistic muscles and help guide you toward what you want to do next.

  • Connect with other creative people!

    • Sometimes just spending time talking with others about our art can re-energize our creativity, bouncing ideas off of each other can help to not only clarify them, but also to grow and solidify them.

      • Mutual enthusiasm can be a motivating thing.

  • Seek out constructive criticism!

    • One of the difficult parts of sharing our work can be receiving feedback from others. While hearing the good things about our work can feel nice, meaningful critique can be an important part of honing and developing our skills further.

      • Useful feedback helps us see where we can make improvements.

  • Try something new!

    • Explore a new style, new medium, new subject or even an entirely separate creative pursuit.

      • Creativity is limitless!

Overall, when you’re feeling stuck, lacking inspiration, or even motivation,  it can be tempting to try to force yourself to generate ideas, but this can totally backfire, taking something you enjoy and adding frustration, disappointment, and pressure. So it’s okay to take a step back and try something else for a while. When you do feel ready, get back at it, but also take a moment to remind yourself why you wanted to make art in the first place. Also, even if you have monetized your artistic skills, sometimes it’s good to create something purely for the joy of creating.


(image consists of splashing paint in rainbow colours)

Now take a moment and consider the following questions and share some of your answers with us!

  • Why do you want to make art?

  • Where do you find inspiration?

  • What are you currently working on?

  • Do you have an idea journal or other way you save ideas for future use?

  • What has been the most useful feedback you’ve ever received?

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Why do you want to make art?

Why not

Where do you find inspiration?

Unlikely places

What are you currently working on?

Many things

Do you have an idea journal or other way you save ideas for future use?

Yes. Somewhat.

Ashen4 August 8th


For me personally, I generally want to make art just to be able to express the ideas in my head to others for a sense of 'relief', but also to share the joy I feel about the things I enjoy :) I usually find inspiration in the music I listen to, and I usually use my Notes app on my phone to just randomly scribble blurbs of ideas I have.

Would love to hear thoughts from others on their art :0

RachelListener August 13th


Why do you want to make art?

Because I like art, it is a way to express ourselves 

Where do you find inspiration?

In nature, when I'm outdoor looking at the blue sky and the Sunshine 🌞💖 and listening to the chirping bird, seeing butterflies 🦋 fluttering by