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Sketch practice - All feedback is welcome

easyBeing4723 December 11th, 2022

Started sketching with pen after a period of being emotionally dead. Now, after almost 10 months of sketching (only while traveling by train or metro) I feel like there's more to creativity and art than people think. It's been an incredible process. Still is.

I will start posting here too and would appreciate any feedback. I want to see if it is worth keeping it as a hobby only or doing something with it on the side.


Thinking of adding a darker blue to show contrast and depth. Any thoughts?

SleepyShyCat December 11th, 2022


So cool!! I love this! You have a lot it talent that's for sure. I love that it's all done with the same pen - whether you add the darker blue or leave it like this I think it's great!

easyBeing4723 OP December 12th, 2022

Haha, thank you for your kindness!

Will do more versions of it soon with different colours and layers

Brooklin13 December 11th, 2022

@easyBeing4723 thats beautiful

okeyyyy December 13th, 2022

@easyBeing4723 i think it might be better if you do it on a drawing paper, there are this markers that come with different gradations of greys you could use a black paper maybe and cave in white lighter colors like white, or darken the outside of the figures with dark color. to show more contrast.

easyBeing4723 OP December 14th, 2022

Ooo, that's good suggestion🤗. Just a few days ago I got nice black and brown paper and thought of trying something new.🥰 I also like the lined notebook since is small and easy to carry. Lines give me comfort and confidence while drawing of that makes any sense, haha. Will defenetly try your suggestion 💙

bubblePondz December 13th, 2022


Nice art.

Consider getting into digital art.

It has exponentially more possibilities for fun and profit. Also, check out the Deviant Art website:

easyBeing4723 OP December 14th, 2022

Thank you! I am actually. Fingers crossed I'll finish uni soon enough and get one 🍀😅😂

Devian Art....came across it a while ago. Patreon seems to be on fire atm

bubblePondz December 13th, 2022


Nice art. Consider getting into digital art.

It has exponentially more possibilities for fun and profit. Also, check out the Deviant Art website:

bubblePondz December 13th, 2022


Nice art. Consider getting into digital art.

It has exponentially more possibilities for fun and profit. Also, check out the Deviant Art website.

bubblePondz December 13th, 2022


Nice art. Consider getting into digital art.

It has exponentially more possibilities for fun and profit. Also, check out the Deviant Art website.

bubblePondz December 13th, 2022


Nice art. Consider getting into digital art.

It has exponentially more possibilities for fun and profit. Also, check out the Deviant Art website.

Iamwhoiamwhoami December 14th, 2022

I am not much for saying anything about art one way or the other, but this is a wonderful piece. I would buy it just as it is . This piece represents something deep inside of me.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful work. Much appreciated.

easyBeing4723 OP December 15th, 2022

Thank you for your kind words! It's incredible to know that the emotions conveyed through it were felt, that is what I'm working on 🤗

Coco08061969 December 15th, 2022


Oh my goodness! You have insane amounts of talent. Is there a story behind it? The only thing I would do is add a bit more depth but the details are immaculate!

easyBeing4723 OP December 15th, 2022

Haha, thank you for your kindness🤗 there is and there isn't a story: what I normally do is challenge myself by finding good references (they convey emotions or state of mind, etc.) and practice techniques - in this case, a stone statue - and then add a bit of how I feel - letting the creativity lady lead the way.

Here, I was thinking of injustice/justice - heaven/***; so I thought a being representing the 'In Between' of a just/injust moment - from solid to liquiud state.

Hope that made sense😅

Coco08061969 December 15th, 2022


Also if you have a white pen or pencil, I think this would look super cool with a dark background. Just a thought! 😊

easyBeing4723 OP December 15th, 2022

Yesss, need to practice sketching highlights as a technique! ☺️ Thank you for the idea

December 15th, 2022

@easyBeing4723 Wow amazing

amiableSmiles5180 December 15th, 2022

You clearly have a skill, and very talented. It would be interesting to see you sketch with potentially different materials on different types of paper?

Definitely keep drawing.

easyBeing4723 OP December 16th, 2022

Thank you! It is a good suggestion on which I'll start on ☺️

ThadSterling December 16th, 2022

Awesome! If you enjoy it you clearly have the talent, definitely worth continuing as long as it’s something you feel good about doing :)

easyBeing4723 OP December 16th, 2022

Thank you for your kindness and support ☺️

Dalt0kki December 16th, 2022

Wow that looks amazing! I’d say experimenting with the contrast could definitely help - maybe even creating some sort of background?

easyBeing4723 OP December 16th, 2022

Thank you ☺️ you mean something like a collage or make a background design as well ?🤔

YourSoulCoach December 16th, 2022

@easyBeing4723 lovely

miraculousParadise2759 December 16th, 2022

@easyBeing4723 That is amazing, I hope things are more manageable for you since you began.

easyBeing4723 OP December 16th, 2022

Thank you☺️ it helped more than I thought it would

edwardiolo December 16th, 2022


You have learned the most critical skills, light, values, shape, texture. This is very impressive work. Some of it is difficult to make out in much detail due to file size, but I do think I may eb able to point towards some areas for improvement.

First, the face is really good. really good use of values around the mouth and nose, great drop shadow on the neck. The skull she is holding however, looks quite angular, almost carved. I might lean into this and make it more angular, or work on rounding the near the transition points. The skull looks really good thought. The area that looks like it most needs improvement are the wrists and hands. The wrists feel a little overshaded and the hands could have a bit more detail. However, the anatomy id really good across the bord with very good proportions.

Outside of subject matter, and more into the art more generally, it does look like there could be a better emphasizes on line hierarchy and line confidence. The areas that are shades and textured tool great, but areas like the shoulders or arms at times seem fuzzy. Having some confident, long, strong lines could help some of the depth and definition there. But, this is all do as I say, not as I do. The work is very good, and you should not take this as criticism. Some of the line work, too, comes down to style.

If i did go back, it might be to define some of the line hierarchy before another layer for shading.

This is work of a quality where a profession of the arts is within range. Someone did say to go digital, which is a good idea.

easyBeing4723 OP December 16th, 2022

Waaaa! You have no idea how precious it is to receive such detailed feedback, no one really did that before☺️ I'm absolutely thrilled by it.

Thank you so much for putting in the time and effort for it. And for the kind words!

You have valid points that are defenetly worth considering skill wise and design wise, since my main reason for starting sketching was because of my lacking in portraits and proportions and shading, haha.
