Where are YOU from?
Hey! Introduce yourself below, by answering the following questions!
1) What country are you from?
2) What language(s) do you speak?
I'm HarveyM, and I'm from England in the United Kingdom! I speak English, some French, some Spanish and a little bit of Italian too!
What about you?
I speak English and Japanese. I also know an incredibly small amount of Chinese, German and Arabic.
いいね、日本語を話すできるのこと! 私はドイツ人です。よろしくね。
Hi everyone, I was born and raised in Germany. But I also speak some English, French and Japanese.
I am from Greece
I speak English, Greek, Italian and some Russian
@genuineBraid5664 I am Greek top!! Τι κάνεις??
@LydiaIsHereNow omg hi
καλά είμαι, ελπίζω κι εσύ το ίδιο!
@genuineBraid5664 hey!! I'm from Greece too!! I'm Lydia
Short answer Greece
For more info just Pm me I. Guess xD its a long story
Hello everybody. I'm a newbie.
I'm from Armenia, a lovely small country.
Is there anybody from Armenia?
Poland :( But mentally I am American
Greece!! Is anyone else from Greece?? I'd love to become friends with you!!
hey Lydia i am from Greece
I'm from India. Glad to see people from all over the globe :)
@Peacefuljoy30 hello!! You seem so lovely! I'm Lydia
I'm from the U.S, I speak English,Spanish, German and a bit of Latin
I am from russia :). I speak Russian and English fluently, and a suprising amount of French from ballet!
From Bangladesh