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Passport to Happiness 🧚‍♀️

KindleMissie August 22nd

Hello global people!😃👋

How’s everyone doing? Well, today is a special day we can’t miss.🤩✨

It’s tooth fair- no no no! It’s Passport fairy day!🎉🧚‍♀️

The friendly Passport Fairy will be visiting tonight to bring some ‘passport to happiness’ rewards. *Quickly, go and put your passports under the pillow😁* 

So, let’s have some fun and imagine your favourite destination: 

If you could go to a happy place worldwide 🌏, where would you like to go and why?

I will do mine: I would like to go to Sea of Stars 🌟 in Maldives because I want to catch some sparkles and stars and then use them as a Star projector at night.✨😉

Now, it’s your turn!🙂

Share your thoughts with us so the Passport fairy 🧚‍♀️ knows where to send you!😃

Hurry up! Passport fairy 🧚‍♀️, we can’t wait to see where you’ll take us!✨



Tagging ATW Community🌏🌟:

@confidentRabbit7311 @creativeWings3700 @cyanPlatypus6370 @GermanZebraCupcake @HarmonyBlossom @inventiveLime6257 @lyricalAngel70 @SparkyGizmo @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @theboymoana @tommy

Some more amazing people and our last post responders💗: 

@Tinywhisper11 @Tulipsmile @SummerKay2024 @Yezuur @Enia11 @jesusredeemedme2425 @VictoriaLove7 @Shivani1999 @LilachEmanuel1 @hambagucat @Rescie

And finally our new subscribers, YAYY!!🎉:

@Hlistens1 @HannahK02 @silentTears321 @limegreenScarf8926 @Dopitech @Costanzaforprez24 @yellowLake7683 @justkeath @farstam246 @azureLand4880 @Briyo @tealPark9526 @GenerousMist @determinedHuman6138 @caramelita @Ruhana @reallyoverallofit



Aww this is too cute, Missie. Passport fairy might become one of my favorite fairies then hehe.🥰

Sea of stars sounds absolutely magical.🥺

I feel I'll be happiest in some mountain like region, with river streams, chirping birds, greenery, quiet and as few people possible. XD ✨

Ooh and if fairy is too generous, I'd looove to be teleported to anywhere with the best Northern Lights sighting!🥳


KindleMissie OP September 1st


Aww, thank you so much Sunshine!😊💛 So happy to know that Passport fairy has captured our hearts!!🧚‍♂️💗 Your happy place sounds absolutely serene and peaceful🌟 I can almost hear the chirping birds🕊 and gentle river streams🏞! And oh my, witnessing the Northern Lights🌌 would be truly magical🌠! The Passport Fairy might just have to grant you that wish🤩🎉. Thanks for sharing your dreams with us, keep shinning!!🌞💛🌟




Aww how sweet, Missie, thank youu for this super cute response and for the thoughtful wish.🥺💗 Rooting for passport fairy to fulfill everyone's wishes.🤗💗


@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I once dated Aurora Borealis, but I couldn't handle her ionizing radiation. 😹💯💫



Haha shined too bright, did she? :P At least you got the once in forever kinda chance to date her. I'd be grateful!🥰

competentTruth3079 6 hours ago

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou She was an ENTP I was and INFJ, I found her electric energy and love of crowds draining. 😹 I prefer to be firmly grounded than dazzling in the high atmosphere.

I met another girl from pluto she also preferred to keep things plutonic. 😹💯 Didn't like my ego said to me, "the sun doesn't revolve you." I said "OK Copernicus."


@KindleMissie I'd take a dive into the water at Maldives I must concur. Have you been there before?


slowdecline48 11 minutes ago

@KindleMissie If I had a passport, I'd do it.

My preferred destination is Italy...just for a few weeks. Enough to travel through the central or southern part of the country. I'd check out the smaller towns, villages, any art galleries I could find...& of course, the vineyards. I could spend weeks tasting wines, seeing the vineyards & wineries, talking to the vintners. If money was no object & if I knew the import-export laws I'd buy a case of wine. Or two. Of bottles of stuff that can't be found anywhere in the US.

Once I return home with the wonderful vinos I would guard them, most vigilantly.