🗺️Day 16: Wall of Self-Esteem Quotes🗺️
As part of our August initiatives, we are discussing self-esteem. This the Wall of Self-Esteem Quotes. Since this is the Around the World Community, I wanted to stress that self-esteem is universal, shared across borders, races, religions, and genders. I have provided eight quotes and proverbs from across the world to reflect wisdom for self-acceptance and self-love.
One sees clearly only with the heart.
You must feel your thought and think your feeling.
The wall is open for all to share, include your own quotes below.
All are welcome.
Join our taglist 🌐@1Vanillaicecream @AddictedTealover98 @AlwaysRedeemable @azuladragon34 @Bint @BleuPhoenix @Bosslady9601 @bouncyVoice4149 @bubblyblueberry89 @ClairePotato @Daishy @dtanushree @Erica @fantasticDancer50 @GeneralIroh @GhostLily @healingWhisper @herealways27 @iwishuwell @K87 @lyricalAngel70 @magicalPainting28 @miraculousheart9815 @orangeAster4 @peppapigisqueen08 @phantom25 @Redskyi @Resourcefulsouth @sincere5772 @SoMicha @StillPlanet @stjarnagrace @SunflowerOnTheHill @SweetTortoise @TessMo @Textingpals @theheartproject @treeHugger7 @uniqueApricot19 @VerseArt @whackamoo @YaboiRogers @Zulegirl
The Road May be Rough But it cant wear out my Smile
Hello @BleuPheonix
This is an amazing post. Very uplifting and motivational :)
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. – Buddha
Romanian quotes 🇷🇴
💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️
Coroana vieții noastre este această
încredere in noi . Ion Agârbiceanu
The Crown of our lives is our self-confidence .
💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️
Dacă nu ai încredere in tine , ești de două ori
înfrânt in călătoria vieții .
If you don't have self-confidence, you are twice
defeated in life journey .
💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️
Lipsa încrederii in sine a ruinat mai multe
vise decât eșecul .
The lack of self-confidence has ruined
more dreams than failure .
💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️
Încrederea in sine e încrederea in rezultatul
lucrului tău . Tudor Arghezi
Self-confidence is trusting in
the result of your work .
💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️
Fără încredere și încrederea de sine ,
vom trăi in zadar și vom fi mereu chinuiți
de îndoieli .
Without trust and self-confidence we would live in vain and always afflicted by doubts.
💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛💙 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️
Încrederea înflorește in inimile mari .
Vasile Alecsandri
Confidence flourishes in big hearts.
💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️
Romanian quotes 🇷🇴
💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️
Coroana vieții noastre este această
încredere in noi . Ion Agârbiceanu
The Crown of our lives is our self-confidence .
💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️
Dacă nu ai încredere in tine , ești de două ori
înfrânt in călătoria vieții .
If you don't have self-confidence, you are twice
defeated in life journey .
💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️
Lipsa încrederii in sine a ruinat mai multe
vise decât eșecul .
The lack of self-confidence has ruined
more dreams than failure .
💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️
Încrederea in sine e încrederea in rezultatul
lucrului tău . Tudor Arghezi
Self-confidence is trusting in
the result of your work .
💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️
Fără încredere și încrederea de sine ,
vom trăi in zadar și vom fi mereu chinuiți
de îndoieli .
Without trust and self-confidence we would live in vain and always afflicted by doubts.
💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛💙 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️
Încrederea înflorește in inimile mari .
Vasile Alecsandri
Confidence flourishes in big hearts.
💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️ 💙💛❤️
Confidence is not "they will like me" confidence is "I'll be fine if they don't". (self esteem).
Well Said
@BleuPhoenix Some of my favourites -: