🗺️Day 16: Wall of Self-Esteem Quotes🗺️
As part of our August initiatives, we are discussing self-esteem. This the Wall of Self-Esteem Quotes. Since this is the Around the World Community, I wanted to stress that self-esteem is universal, shared across borders, races, religions, and genders. I have provided eight quotes and proverbs from across the world to reflect wisdom for self-acceptance and self-love.
One sees clearly only with the heart.
You must feel your thought and think your feeling.
The wall is open for all to share, include your own quotes below.
All are welcome.
Join our taglist 🌐@1Vanillaicecream @AddictedTealover98 @AlwaysRedeemable @azuladragon34 @Bint @BleuPhoenix @Bosslady9601 @bouncyVoice4149 @bubblyblueberry89 @ClairePotato @Daishy @dtanushree @Erica @fantasticDancer50 @GeneralIroh @GhostLily @healingWhisper @herealways27 @iwishuwell @K87 @lyricalAngel70 @magicalPainting28 @miraculousheart9815 @orangeAster4 @peppapigisqueen08 @phantom25 @Redskyi @Resourcefulsouth @sincere5772 @SoMicha @StillPlanet @stjarnagrace @SunflowerOnTheHill @SweetTortoise @TessMo @Textingpals @theheartproject @treeHugger7 @uniqueApricot19 @VerseArt @whackamoo @YaboiRogers @Zulegirl
Stop breaking yourself down into bite size pieces to serve others.