Around the World Community Oath
As you know the Around the World Subcommunity and 7 cups in general supports people from all over the world! Take the oath to be kind and supportive to everyone all over the world!
I,xx pledge
To treat everyone no matter who they are with kindness and respect
To stear away from cultural, locational, racial stereotypes, misconceptions and stigma
To give everyone the same opportunities and chances to grow no matter where they are from
To give anyone apperication for their work no matter where they are from
To be mindful of others beliefs, values and traditions and respect that they might be different than mine
To be willing to learn new things from others and from those in different countries
I, @dancedance pledge
To treat everyone no matter who they are with kindness and respect
To stear away from cultural, locational, racial stereotypes, misconceptions and stigma
To give everyone the same opportunities and chances to grow no matter where they are from
To give anyone apperication for their work no matter where they are from
To be mindful of others beliefs, values and traditions and respect that they might be different than mine
To be willing to learn new things from others and from those in different countries
I, PetiteSouris pledge
To treat everyone no matter who they are with kindness and respect
To stear away from cultural, locational, racial stereotypes, misconceptions and stigma
To give everyone the same opportunities and chances to grow no matter where they are from
To give anyone apperication for their work no matter where they are from
To be mindful of others beliefs, values and traditions and respect that they might be different than mine
To be willing to learn new things from others and from those in different countries
Signed PetiteSouris 5/13/2019
Congrats to all of you who took the pledge, you reached higher understanding. Never forget to additionally find your own added values and believe in the oath you took...I admire you all🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
I, Dawn04 Pledge
To treat everyone no matter who they are will kindness and respect
To stear away from cultural, locational, racial stereotypes, misconceptions and stigma
To give everyone the same opportunities and chances to grow no matter where they are from
To give anyone appreciation for their work no matter where they are from
To be mindful of other beliefs, values and traditions and respect that they might be different from mine
To be willing to learn new things from others and from those in different countries.
I, scenicwindow Pledge
To treat everyone no matter who they are will kindness and respect
To stear away from cultural, locational, racial stereotypes, misconceptions and stigma
To give everyone the same opportunities and chances to grow no matter where they are from
To give anyone appreciation for their work no matter where they are from
To be mindful of other beliefs, values and traditions and respect that they might be different from mine
To be willing to learn new things from others and from those in different countries.
I,empathicbeach28 pledge
To treat everyone no matter who they are with kindness and respect
To stear away from cultural, locational, racial stereotypes, misconceptions and stigma
To give everyone the same opportunities and chances to grow no matter where they are from
To give anyone apperication for their work no matter where they are from
To be mindful of others beliefs, values and traditions and respect that they might be different than mine
To be willing to learn new things from others and from those in different countries
❤️ I, Daf8, pledge ❤️
❤️ To treat everyone, no matter who they are, with kindness and respect ❤️
❤️ To stear away from cultural, locational, racial stereotypes, misconceptions and stigma ❤️
❤️ To give everyone the same opportunities and chances to grow, no matter where they are from ❤️
❤️ To give anyone appreciation for their work, no matter where they are from ❤️
❤️ To be mindful of others beliefs, values and traditions and respect that they might be different than mine ❤️
❤️ To be willing to learn new things from others and from those in different countries ❤️
❤️ Signed on the 28/1/2023 by Daf8 ❤️
I, Kara, pledge
To treat everyone no matter who they are with kindness and respect
To stear away from cultural, locational, racial stereotypes, misconceptions and stigma
To give everyone the same opportunities and chances to grow no matter where they are from
To give anyone apperication for their work no matter where they are from
To be mindful of others beliefs, values and traditions and respect that they might be different than mine
To be willing to learn new things from others and from those in different countries
I,xx pledge
To treat everyone no matter who they are with kindness and respect
To stear away from cultural, locational, racial stereotypes, misconceptions and stigma
To give everyone the same opportunities and chances to grow no matter where they are from
To give anyone apperication for their work no matter where they are from
To be mindful of others beliefs, values and traditions and respect that they might be different than mine
To be willing to learn new things from others and from those in different countries