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End of the Week Reflections: Gratitude

SoulfullyAButterfly June 18th, 2022

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💬 What are some things you are grateful for this week?

BloomingTrees23 June 19th, 2022

@SoulfullyAButterfly I'm grateful for my family!

roxontheroad June 19th, 2022

My family, friends, dating and job opportunities

straightforwardLion9986 June 19th, 2022

I’m grateful for my family and friends that are willing to help and be patient with me, and I’m grateful for my body, and its ability to do this task that I’ve asked it to do, and create another life.

romishin June 19th, 2022

Myself, my brain, the country i live in, my art, and god

amicableThinker8842 June 19th, 2022

I am grateful for my family and friends. They have helped me get through some tough times

cafedaydreams June 19th, 2022

Grateful for the big sky and everything that's in it.

RainbowRosie June 19th, 2022

I’m grateful for those who support me and for the opportunity to volunteer here on 7 Cups.

rationalCoconut6187 June 19th, 2022

Knowing that I will have a chance to start again in a few months

DebRog56 June 20th, 2022

My reconnection to my true love

ivoryPerson3525 June 23rd, 2022

I am grateful that when I was at my lowest point and wanted to give up that I didn’t I stood up and made a change.. the change was very hard and challenging at times but I’m still here and I’m making it.everyday is a new day for me now and I’m thankful 😊I am strong and I’m a survivor

determinedSea6259 June 23rd, 2022

I’m grateful for being able to make it through another exhausting week and have friends and family that are loving and supportive!

JuneTrips June 24th, 2022


I'm grateful for good food, good coworkers and getting enough sleep <3<3

NewYorker11 June 24th, 2022


this week, i am grateful about the fact that i made many new friends in the listener support chat and the member support chats!!! making new friends on 7 Cups is something that has changed my life in a positive way, i am grateful for this!!!

greenPlane3625 January 6th, 2023

@SoulfullyAButterfly I am grateful for seeing the person I love the most and not jumping infront of a car.

LonleyCheese January 6th, 2023

i often think about how i have it pretty good but still feel bad mentally which i feel bad about, but I'm grateful I have it good at least.

raspberryCranberry5159 January 6th, 2023

@SoulfullyAButterfly grateful for healthy body and mind free from mental illness

mikayla404 January 6th, 2023


PretzelDeer January 6th, 2023

I'm grateful for the unconditional love and comfort that my boyfriend, Cordell, offers me. Some days it's literally the only reason I'm still alive. If it weren't for him being such an amazing partner, then between the stress of work, my judgemental family, toxic "friends", and just the daily occurrences of life.....I probably wouldn't be here. He's out of town this weekend until Saturday......and he honestly left when I'm at a low point. It's for personal things that he had no choice but attend to, but God do I miss him.

neonOcean7350 January 6th, 2023

I am grateful for the unusually warm weather, in what is normally frigid in January in upstate NY.

I am grateful for the recovery from the illness I had and the guidance for recovery.

I am grateful for being taught on positive thinking and how much happier a person I have become.

Stphmartin89 January 6th, 2023

Seeing my children going to work and trying to stay positive

jlampdazme January 6th, 2023


I am grateful that I have made it to day 5 of not smoking and not weekday drinking! I am grateful for my son, my home, my job, and our health/life.

blueKite3870 January 6th, 2023

@SoulfullyAButterfly I am grateful for family.

LovelyFrog8934 January 6th, 2023

I am grateful for staying healthy throughout the flu season

NewYorker11 January 6th, 2023


i am grateful for the people in my life that i love, respect and care for. also, i am grateful for video games as my favorite hobby!

BlossomStar42 January 6th, 2023


Most of my family (grandparents, aunties and uncles, cousins) live in a different state(I live in Australia) and I haven’t seen them in around five years! I finally came here and I’ve been here for about a week and am staying for another week. I am very grateful that I finally got the chance to see my family.

blueApple209 January 7th, 2023

good friends. Fresh air. Dogs. Being better than yesterday. Reaching out for help. Taking on the day with a fresh face. Giving myself a chance. Finding this community. Staying positive. Even if it’s hard. Being stronger. Fighting for myself. Letting go and accepting things I cannot control. Getting out of bed and seeing there’s good people in the world. Just being alive and acting with love and respect.

mary31 January 7th, 2023


-feeling better from a chest pain

-had anxiety crisis today in the morning but managed to stay ok through the day

rukarukaruka January 7th, 2023

I'm happy that I'm still here and haven't given up, I know it's hard but I also know I can do it.

JLarissaNowhere256 January 7th, 2023

@SoulfullyAButterfly Making a decision

Nia2022 January 7th, 2023

@SoulfullyAButterfly I am greatful for being in the world even though I started foster care at the age 5 and Im still Gratefull for my adopted parents

Thank you all

MissingPiece888 January 7th, 2023

I'm grateful for my dogs for making sure I'm okay even though my oldest dog passed away Monday. I know they're grieving too but they're helping me so much.

Hannahisachristian January 7th, 2023

@SoulfullyAButterfly I am thankful that my boyfriend is here for me when he isn't there for himself

Alonebody12345 January 7th, 2023

Depression 😇

breakableTwig2021 January 7th, 2023

I am grateful for my two wonderful cats and for my awesome boyfriend.

JLarissaNowhere256 January 10th, 2023


I am grateful for my husband who believes in me and knows depression is real. I am grateful for being able to do work that has helped others even if in this moment my cup is empty. I am grateful for my dog who gives me unconditional love. I am grateful for my physical health. I am grateful for having 7 cups of Tea as it has given me a place to process difficult feelings because they are hard to hold onto and I do not want to burden the people in my daily life.

AngelOfKindness January 23rd, 2023

@SoulfullyAButterfly I'm grateful for my lovely friends and family