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Answer Editing Requests

SoulfullyAButterfly July 23rd, 2021

Hi everyone,

Please use this space to mention the Answer ID for answers that may be approved after editing, and mention any relevant comments!

AffyAvo July 24th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly Just to be clear, this is only for when they are pending, not already published?

SoulfullyAButterfly OP July 24th, 2021

@AffyAvo yes that's correct

lucy2 July 24th, 2021



lucy2 July 24th, 2021



lucy2 July 24th, 2021



lucy2 July 24th, 2021



lucy2 July 24th, 2021



SnailPurple July 24th, 2021


Long sentence that would be easier to understand if split in two
SnailPurple July 24th, 2021


Feel is misspelt and there should probably be a period after valid rather than a comma.

SnailPurple July 24th, 2021


lucy2 July 24th, 2021



lucy2 July 24th, 2021


239669 small spelling error

rebecca947 July 24th, 2021

239769- grammatical errors throughout. Full stops needed.

239771- grammatical errors throughout. Full stops needed.

239772- grammatical errors throughout. Full stops needed.

239779- general spelling errors throughout

239780- spelling error of 'too' (to) "It is the end of the process, what people work towards too It is the end of the process, what people work towards too"

239786- spelling errors of 'to' (too) and 'out' (at) "For example, I moved not to long ago. And I could not figure out if I missed the house and place I was out, or just how much better it was".

239787- grammar

rebecca947 July 24th, 2021

239788- one spelling error from "a old relationahip" to "an old relationship"

239793- one spelling error from "not s burden" to "not a burden"

239798- one spelling error from "or if their worth the hassle" to "or if they're worth the hassle"

239799- one grammatical error (add an extra " to close the sentence)

239800- automatically assumed person who asked the question was a female.

239802- grammatical errors throughout

239807- grammatical errors throughout and one spelling error

239809- grammatical errors throughout and some spelling errors

239810- grammatical errors

lucy2 July 25th, 2021



lucy2 July 25th, 2021



lucy2 July 25th, 2021


rebecca947 July 25th, 2021

239876- spelling

239886- spelling and grammar

239888- grammar

239896- spelling and grammar

239906- copy and pasted the same paragraph three times. The one paragraph was good though.

239909- grammar

239910- grammar

239915- grammar

239929- spelling

239930- spelling

239931- too many '!'

239937- grammar/capitalisation

lucy2 July 26th, 2021


239744 minor spelling error
239930 minor spelling error
239954 minor spelling error
239964 minor spelling error

HopefulBambi July 26th, 2021


I feel like this is a really strong and supportive answer, and I would approve it, if it was only their first paragraph; however, everything after their "pasted" remark doesn't make sense to the question. (Talking about disabilities in an LGBTQ+ question) and has a decent amount of sentence-structure errors.

rebecca947 July 27th, 2021

239987- spelling error

239997- grammar

240006- grammar

240012- grammar

240022- grammar and spelling

240025- grammar

240031- grammar and spelling

240032- spelling

240033- spelling

240036- grammar

240052- spelling

240079- spelling

240090- spelling

240101- spelling

240102- spelling

240104- grammar and spelling

240106- spelling

240107- spelling

240109- grammar

240110- spelling and grammar

240114- spelling

240115- spelling

240118- grammar

240120- spelling

240120- spelling

lucy2 July 27th, 2021


240036 remove 'about'
240090 change 'Lot to little'
240109 add a comma after 'getting rid of it'
240127 Add apostrophe after if's
240137 Minor spelling errors

GoldenRuleJG July 27th, 2021

Hi @SoulfullyAButterfly
I believe this answer is ready to be approved (#240127).
I have made some changes (It’s natural to think about the "what if" possibilities. It’s human nature. But you have to trust your path and take notice of where it takes you and accomplish your goals regardless of anything. You can do this. As long as you end up where you need to be, those "what if" questions don't matter. If you are constantly tied to what could have been, you'll be less focused on what's going to be. You can't go back and change anything, but you can change your future and rebuild and grow. Don't lose hope, we all make mistakes and do things we wish we could change, but it is part of learning and growing.) to the orginial answer (We always think about the "what if" possibilities, it's human nature. But you have to trust your path and take notice of where it takes you and accomplish your goals regardless of anything. As long as you end up where you need to be, those "what if" s don't matter. If you are constantly tied to what could have been, you'll be less focused on what's going to be. You can't go back and change anything, but you can change your future and rebuild and grow. Don't lose hope, we all make mistakes and do things we wish we could change, but its part of learning and growing.)

GoldenRuleJG July 27th, 2021


#240137: Good detail of information but needs to check punctuation, sentence structure
#240109: Can talk about interventions for depression, coping mechanisms, support groups resources, needs more detail.
AffyAvo July 27th, 2021

#240152 delete 2nd the reason and why.
#240166 Replace so is exercide with exercise with as well as exercise

rebecca947 July 28th, 2021

240157- sentence structure

240164- spelling

240173- spelling

240175- spelling

240178- punctuation

240182- spelling

240186- spelling

240187- spelling

240189- spelling

240195- spelling

240199- grammar

240206- spelling

240208- spelling and grammar

240209- great answer but spelling

240210- spelling and grammar

240212- minor spelling

240220- minor spelling

GoldenRuleJG July 28th, 2021


240147: leave things open to debate don’t make conclusions such as “I think” statements

240149: Too much focus on the writers personal life and what they did in the situation. Needs a more emphatic approach.

240150: First four lines are opinionated and do not accept what the person is going through as being wrong. The last half of the answer sounds better but overall more empathy needed in the answer. Maybe good to mention that the individual may have a lot of confusion and questions in their mind about what they feel or what their partner feels.Grammar is ok.

240151: Full stop needed and get rid of fire.

240152: Start with an empathic statement such as it must be disheartening for something you believed so much in like a relationship to end. Some sentences need to be shorter to sound more impactful. Don’t use the word “suggest” as it sounds like you are giving them advice.

240162: First half needs to sound less like the writer is talking about a personal experience. Maybe good to start with “I understand what it feels to have difficulty feeling motivated. If you have questions you can ask yourself to reflect on who you are grateful for and what you are grateful for. Second half of the answer is better “Looking from a birds-eye view, I can better see why I am doing a task at the moment that may seem difficult or slow-going and be proud of all the other work I've done to get me here. I also find it helpful to break up my tasks into micro tasks so I can always feel a tiny bit of progress: For example, if I have an essay to write, my checklist won't just be 'write my essay' it will be 'make a google doc', 'think of a title', and 'think of an outline'. This makes the process much more rewarding and easier to tackle! Good luck staying motivated, and reach out if you need someone to listen about how difficult motivation it can be–that is what we're here for!”

240173: lest instead of least

240175: Spelling mistakes and some punctuation errors to improve but overall great answer

240178: Rephrase first sentence and replace “That” with “Having different opinions. In the next sentence after that get rid off the word “That” and make the word “agreeing” into Agreeing.

240173: Comma in the second sentence needs to be removed.Mention resources the individual can access from 7cups and any sexual abuse helplines.

240182: Colons or brackets maybe needed to explain that there are two ways. Some sentences don’t require a full stop and need to be continued.

240186: Punctuation and sentence structure in sentence 3,4 needs some work

240187: Commas are not needed and there is one spelling mistake

240189: Reconsider an potential empathic statement to the answer (I can really hear you when you say you find it difficult to stop thinking about your ex as being in this situation I found it neither a quick or an easy fix). Replace “Picking” with “Pick”. Commas are not needed.

240195: “You may find getting over people easily is a good or a bad thing for you individually” can be used as a first sentence.

240208: Missing word in the last sentence and there needs to be question mark in certain places.

240212: Spelling mistake but can mention what type of therapies are available to treat this fear of abandonment and they can maybe give info on bipolar disorder.

240223: Lovely answer but need to look at grammar.

240224: Needs to check sentence structure in sentence 2 and 5 and reconsider the last line as it does not sound empathic.

240225: Show that you cannot give advice dont tell.

240226: Think about punctuation and sentence structure in sentence 3.

240227: Needs to get rid off comma in the first sentence but otherwise good answer

240228: Include a line about why others put others happiness before their own first. There are commas in places where they are not needed. Mention something about boundaries, assertiveness for more detail and some recourses relating to confidence and self-esteem.

GoldenRuleJG July 28th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly 240147: leave things open to debate don’t make conclusions such as “I think” statements

240149: Too much focus on the writers personal life and what they did in the situation. Needs a more emphatic approach.

240150: first four lines are opinionated and do not accept what the person is going through as being wrong. The last half of the answer sounds better but overall more empathy needed in the answer. Maybe good to mention that the individual may have a lot of confusion and questions in their mind about what they feel or what their partner feels.Grammar is ok.

240151: full stop needed and get rid of fire.

240152: start with an empathic statement it must be disheartening for something you believed so much in like a relationship to end. Some sentences need to be shorter to sound more impactful. Don’t use the word “suggest” as it sounds like you are giving them advice.

240162: First half needs to sound less like the writer is talking about a personal experience. Maybe good to start with “I understand what it feels to have difficulty feeling motivated. If you have questions you can ask yourself to reflect on who you are grateful for and what you are grateful for. Second half of the answer is better “Looking from a birds-eye view, I can better see why I am doing a task at the moment that may seem difficult or slow-going and be proud of all the other work I've done to get me here. I also find it helpful to break up my tasks into micro tasks so I can always feel a tiny bit of progress: For example, if I have an essay to write, my checklist won't just be 'write my essay' it will be 'make a google doc', 'think of a title', and 'think of an outline'. This makes the process much more rewarding and easier to tackle! Good luck staying motivated, and reach out if you need someone to listen about how difficult motivation it can be–that is what we're here for!”

240173: lest instead of least

240175: spelling mistakes and some punctuation to improve but overall great answer

240178: rephrase first sentence and replace “That” with “Having different opinions. In the next sentence after that get rid off the word “That” and make the word “agreeing” into Agreeing.

240173: Comma in the second sentence needs to be removed.Mention resources the individual can access from 7cups and any sexual abuse helplines.

240182: Colons or brackets maybe needed to explain that there are two ways. Some sentences don’t require a full stop and need to be continued

240186: Punctuation and sentence structure in sentence 3,4 needs some work

240187: commas are not needed and there is one spelling mistake

240189: Reconsider an potential empathic statement to being the answer (I can really hear you when you say you find it difficult to stop thinking about your ex as being in this situation I found it neither a quick or an easy fix). Replace “Picking” with “Pick”. Commas are not needed.

240195: “You may find getting over people easily is a good or a bad thing for you individually” can be used as a first sentence.

240208: Missing word in the last sentence and there needs to be question mark in certain places.

240212: Spelling mistake but can mention what type of therapies are available to treat this fear of abandonment and they can maybe give info on bipolar disorder.

240223: Lovely answer but need to look at grammar.

240224: Needs to check sentence structure in sentence 2 and 5 and reconsider the last line as it does not sound empathic.

240225: Show that you cannot give advice dont tell.

240226: Think about punctuation and sentence structure in sentence 3.

240227: Needs to get rid off comma in the first sentence but otherwise good answer

240228: Include a line about why others put others happiness before their own first. There are commas in places where they are not needed. Mention something about boundaries, assertiveness for more detail and some recourses relating to confidence and self-esteem.

240229: Give some info about the symptoms of depression. Reconsider especially the first and last sentence in terms of structure and punctuation and mention sites centred towards helping those with depression.

240231: Can do with shorter sentences. Can recommend organisations centred towards relationship troubles.

rebecca947 July 28th, 2021

240254- spelling and grammar

240255- change "Dear Doctor" to "Your doctor"

240257- spelling

240259- remove comma from "of any, one goal"

240263- punctuation

240264- spelling

240265- spelling (Also has suggested other app names)

240270- spelling. (Also has suggested other site names)

240271- spelling and delete the spaces before the full stops.

240274- spelling

240275- change 'gonna' to 'going to'

240278- spelling

240281- spelling

240282- spelling and too much punctuation

240287- spelling

240294- spelling

rebecca947 July 30th, 2021

240328- change 'in a chaos' to 'inner chaos'
240329- capitalisation and removing 'a' from 'it's a start small'
240330- has good information but also some unnecessary information to be removed.
240334- change 'Tyr seeing' to 'Try seeing'
240336- grammar throughout
240339- spelling, punctuation and grammar throughout
240340- change 'staring to think' to 'starting to think'
240341- spelling throughout
240344- change 'there a need' to 'there is a need'
240345- first sentence can be broken into two for ease of reading.
240350- change 'there's could be many' to 'there could be many'. Also, the last opinion at the bottom isn't necessary.
240354- spelling throughout. Middle part of examples not necessary to the question.
240356- spelling throughout
240357- spelling
240358- change 'can;t' to 'can't'
240361- grammar and punctuation
240363- spelling
240364- spelling of 'destruction' as 'distraction'
240366- spelling of 'destruction' as 'distraction' and other spelling errors
240367- change 'weather' to 'whether'

rebecca947 July 30th, 2021

240377- punctuation and spelling
240378- spelling throughout
240382- spelling throughout
240385- 'despair' instead of 'dispair'
240388- 'you're' instead of 'your'
240389- 'our whole body' instead of 'out whole body'
240391- 'I started off' instead of 'I started of'
240398- 'the love you seek' instead of 'the look you seek'

AffyAvo July 31st, 2021

#240400 change there may been - there may be
remove 'only a'
#240401 change fake to take, spelling of failure
#240403 Add capitalization
#240404 Add capitalization
#240406 an - and i - is

rebecca947 August 1st, 2021

240409- general spelling and punctuation. The first sentence can definitely be cut into two or more sentences.
240442- remove the word 'that' from 'I feel like that if you believe that...'
240446- general spelling and grammar
240447- capitalisation required and general sentence structure
240448- sentence structure
240451- capitalisation and sentence structure
240455- capitalisation on words that don't require them
240456- removal of 'but' from 'Even though it will take time but if you wanna...' and change 'Wanna' to 'want to'
240457- change the plural 'reasons' to singular 'reason'
240458- general grammar and sentence structure
240461- change 'theyre' to 'their'
240464- spelling
240465- spelling
240467- add 'he' to 'stop all communication that (he) has with you' and change 'wont' to 'won't'
240468- capitalisation
240469- cut this sentence into two. 'Taking this step can seem a bit scary because there's always a risk that what if our partner doesn't take it in the way we want them to'
240473- capitalisation and punctuation
240474- change 'writeup' to 'write up' and cut this sentence into two. "Finishing an entire essay in one day is impossible however, by aiming to finish a paragraph each day, it is possible to finish the essay in a week."
240475- change 'your' to 'you're' in "when your not smoking it"

rebecca947 August 2nd, 2021

240486- change 'it's' to 'it's' and change 'the' to 'that' from '... and the fact the it has happened...'
240487- remove 'With' from '...a problem with that which...'
240490- 'trying to manage being around to(o) many people...'
240493- change 'effects' to 'affects'
240499- change sentence to '... and it didn't work out...'

GoldenRuleJG August 2nd, 2021


#240137: Good detail of information but needs to check punctuation, sentence structure
#240144: Give examples of types of therapy and who in general they are for but you are showing empathy in your answer which is good J No comma needed after “personally” or “someone new”
Missing word and capital not needed in one place. Some punctuation issues but impactful answer. #240245
#240247 Commas in some places where they are not needed but overall good work.
#240341 3 spelling mistakes. Punctuation needs to be checked. The person seeking support can be directed to acceptance and commitment therapy and anxiety related self-help guides. Sentence structure needs another look.
#240354 spelling mistake in the first sentence. Reconsider the second sentence as a first sentence? Get rid of the word it in the 3rd sentence. Reconsider phrasing in the last sentence.
#240367 Delete sentence 4. “You've written down everything you needed to already, so no excuses” is a sentence that needs to be softened therefore sound more empathetic. Reconsider the sentence structure and punctuation in the second last sentence. Get rid of the word “cheers”. Overall you make several interesting points but do not mention any organisations the reader can look into for anxiety.
#240455 Full stop needed at the end of sentence 3. Delete sentence 4. Reconsider this sentence “it's completely okay for other people to think that we are lying, that's their problem to think that way not ours”. It may not be okay for the reader however, the reader may want to feel that they can be trusted.
#240461 Pretty good answer but needs a bit more detail. Maybe ask the individual to reflect on what the work was truly like for them the colleagues etc whether it be a good or a bad experience and then put that into perspective with how they want to go about telling their boss they want to leave diplomatically.
#240474: You have some nice ideas in your answer. Watch out for your spacing and always make sure the attention is directed towards the speaker. Pay attention to this in the following sentence:” What I personally do is writeup a list of the tasks I have to do. I then set goals for my self for that week.”
#240493 raises some interesting questions. Perhaps ask the reader to think about how their significant other would feel if they talked or associated with their ex.
#240494 maybe link the first and the second sentence together in some way but change phrasing of first sentence. (“This has happened to me to” to something like this “Having shared a similar experience….” Or “Its completely normal to move on from a relationship that was mainly on good terms and respectable”)
GoldenRuleJG August 3rd, 2021

#240341 Check spelling. The answer needs structure.
#240510 check your spelling.
#240512 raises some interesting questions but maybe link your answer to anxiety and self-esteem. You mention “Friends don’t hate friends” – in some people’s eyes this can be a generalisation – there are toxic friendships too. Some sentences need reconsideration.
#240518 Get rid of the line in the second sentence “In my opinion” Check punctuation. Reconsider this sentence “ in my honest opinion, I believe you shouldn't share this part of you in these vulnerable settings” Is your intention to give advice? You are showing some signs of empathy in your answer which is great J
#240520 Instead of the first sentence perhaps ask them to think about what would happen and how they would feel if they did/didn’t tell or somebody else disclosed their cheating to their partner. You are generating some good questions for the reader to think about but I feel more are needed to make the answer more detailed (maybe look more into challenging to think why they would cheat/ how they would feel if their sig other cheated).
#240526 Get rid of sentence 5.

GoldenRuleJG August 5th, 2021

#240836 recommend support organisations
#240837 watch out for phrasing in first and second sentence. Add more knowledge to your answer: can mention cognitive distortions and how they influence thoughts and recommend support organisations
#240842 check punctuation and recommend relationship support resources.
#240844 recommend support organisations and check punctuation
#240850 check spelling and recommend support organisations
#240853 Join sentence one and two together and don’t use the word “I” often. Recommend some support organisations.
#240854 Bring more knowledge of BPD in your answer and check punctuation and sentence structure.
#240860 check punctuation

lucy2 August 8th, 2021


240378 Spelling

240474 Capital letters

rebecca947 August 9th, 2021

240878- general punctuation, remove 'cup' from "...have a cup proper conversation...".
240881- spelling. Remove 'you'rer' from "constantly thinking you'rer "missing" them"
240886- general punctuation.
240927- general punctuation.
240937- change 'racial' to 'rational' in "...because the racial mind..."
240938- first two sentences can be combined to form one full sentence.Change 'walking' to 'waking' in "What emotions are you experiencing when walking up by feeling nauseous?"
240946- add comma in "If so you should try being gentle". Change spelling to 'extremely' in "extreamly serious"
240949- capitalisation and removal of abbreviation/ internet language. "w/an" should be converted to 'with an', "w/parent" to 'with parent' and "w/o" to 'without'
240958- change "its" to 'it is' and "wont" to 'won't'
240959- general spelling and punctuation
240962- capitalisation. Add a hyphen "...wherever you go, patience..."
240963- Add comma between 'to' and 'it' in "...who I wasn't really close to it felt like..."

rebecca947 August 10th, 2021

241003- sentences could be cut into two or three.
241008- remove "don't" from "If none of the previously listed options don't work for you..."
241014- split the first sentence into two.
241016- change "temple" to 'temper'.
241022- split the last sentence into two.
241031- Fix grammar in the second last sentence.
241032- sentences can be split into two.
241037- shorten this sentence into two or three. "The conscience rationalizes the noise immediately and decides to investigate or write it off, while the subconscious continues to take in more information, whether consciously written off or not or whether the "threat" is there or not and processes it to get you "primed" for action incase there actually is danger, so you can respond quickly."
241039- change "physic" to 'physique'
241041- split this sentence into two "Its draining to be dragged down by the things you have done wrong, you feel bad about it enough in the moment but thinking it later on will solve nothing at all." and change "The things you do wrong can almost be solved." to 'The things you do wrong can almost all be solved'
241042- Punctuation needed in the first sentence. Change "relaced" to 'relaxed'
241053- split all sentences into two or three.
241054- split last sentence into two.
241055- split this sentence into two "I dated someone for 2 years before we decided to part ways, a boy liked me and wanted to pursue me and though at first I wasn't that interested, I found myself flirting back and becoming more interested!"
241062- change "breathe" to 'breaths'
241067- add punctuation to the second sentence and change "as a scape" to 'as an escape'.
241075- change "harm you health" to 'harm your health'.