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PetiteSouris' Self-care Guide: Rainy Day Sheningians

PetiteSouris July 26th


In my city, summers bring evening thunderstorms. I've been enjoy the rainy days, but sometimes I wonder what to do? Perhaps when there is a downpour in your village, town or city you ponder this question too. Let's explore Souris' list of things to do when it is rainy day, and then you'll get a chance to share yours with me too.


1. Get moving 


It is not safe to go hiking when there are thunderstorms. I have been working out to videos on YouTube and on my Fitbit app too. I have been enjoying walking workout videos. A great way to get my steps in during those rainy days. 


2. Sleep Zzzzz...


I find the sounds of thunderstorms to be soothing, and enjoy falling asleep to the sound of rain falling incessantly. 


3. Read a Book 


Currently I am reading a book on my kindle to help me improve my Spanish, but I placed a hold at my library to read as the weather calls for more rain this weekend too. 


4. Practice Gratitude 


I enjoy watching the rain, while keeping my windows open. I appreciate the rain cooling down the hot summer days. I pull out my gratitude journal, and I answer some of the prompts. 


5. Login to Cups Member or Listener Account 


There is no better way to spend time on a rainy day other than making this post, on the Content and Development forum, for someone like you. 


Now it is your turn.


Comment below and tell me how you spend a rainy day. 

@liveloveforgive @clarisse29 @hollytail @coolvibes @postivelyluna333 

@lolaa9 @delightfulunicorn38 @fifaadict123  @VicL @meenakshi29

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Comment below and tell me how you spend a rainy day

I spend a rainy day by staying at home, cook, read , have a hot cup of coffee near of window watching  the rain falling, enjoying the sounds , smell,the view of little dots on glass and sense of warm space inside the room .

Thanks for sharing this post , i like it 

Tinywhisper11 July 26th





 Thanks for correcting my words 😊 

Tinywhisper11 July 26th

@delightfulUnicorn38 😂😂😂

July 26th


Sure did...and I still will do


Tinywhisper11 July 26th

@Sicklescaler 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I'm not surprised😂😂😂

PetiteSouris OP July 26th


Very soothing way to indulge in self-care on a rainy day. 

Has it been rainy there?

If not, hoping you get some soon. 


Tinywhisper11 July 26th

@PetiteSouris ooo! I really like your second answer😁 I could outsleep a sloth😂😂

make puppets out of your socks😁

Go around your house to find 50 different things you can use a fork for

PetiteSouris OP July 26th

☔︎ @Tinywhisper11  ☔︎

Very creative ways to spend a rainy day!

Im interested in knowing more about the socket puppets! Sounds like a great crafting idea. 



Tinywhisper11 July 26th

@PetiteSouris I don't know I've never made them😂😂 I do make lots of different art and crafts, but sock puppets I haven't made. I don't own any socks

PetiteSouris OP July 26th


I imagine that they'd look something like this....



Tinywhisper11 July 27th

@PetiteSouris yep! That's what I picture them like😁❤

PetiteSouris OP July 26th


Im certain that you make beautiful artwork

Shhhh, Ive seen some of your work in the forums 


Tinywhisper11 July 27th

@PetiteSouris awwww ❤❤ thanks sweetie ❤

July 26th


I remember spending my childhood bathing in the rain. I won't mind making some mud puddles right now. I feel nostalgic in a good way from this beautiful post. ⛈️🌂🌈

Tinywhisper11 July 26th

@Sicklescaler bathing in the rain????😂😂😂😂 I suppose it'll keep your water bill down😂😂😂😂 and yessss! Mud pies ❤❤

July 26th


Not literally bathing with soap, just playing in the rain with my cousins🤪😆

Though I took baths with rainwater from a bucket [not in the rain

Tinywhisper11 July 27th

@Sicklescaler ohhhhh ok ❤😁😁

PetiteSouris OP July 26th


Have fun jumping in the mud puddles...

Definitely all fun things to do‼️


positivelyLuna333 July 26th

I love rainy summer mornings, evenings, or nights. It’s so gentle how the earth refreshes itself to bring more cool air, and the peace that comes with hearing the heavy of rain. I love to do things that bring me more peace during rainstorms: running on my exercise machine, reading poetry, writing, or watching a show while I crochet. A beautiful post, by the way!

PetiteSouris OP July 26th


Many amazing ways to spend the day while rain replenishes the earth...

I ❤︎ all these activities‼


Clarisse29 July 26th


good job! <3

PetiteSouris OP July 26th

☔︎ @Clarisse29 ☔︎

Thank you‼️ 


Meenakshi29 July 26th

Okayy... A really fun activity 😁😁😁

So.... My few ideas to spend time on a rainy day..

Make paper boats

Record rain sound..

Make your favorite snack ... As in India it's really very famous to make tea and fritters.. So I make them and enjoy it with rain 🌧

As you can't go outside so you can call your friends and family if you are leaving alone and can enjoy that time with them instead of working... I mean cmon guys you can't disrespect rain 🥲

Well yeah that's it I am out of ideas now 😅

Hope you find them useful 😊 have a great day everyone ❤

PetiteSouris OP July 26th


I feel cozy after reading about the many things you partake in on a rainy day...

Fritters sounds yum‼️ Making paper boats sounds fun‼️


lolaa9 July 26th

So nice post made me miss rainy days. I watch the rain from the balcony, contemplate it, make a drink I like, sit in front of the window, and continue contemplating the rain and the weather with my favorite song

PetiteSouris OP July 26th


☔︎@lolaa9 ☔︎

Those are really relaxing ways to spend a rainy day

I will do a rain dance so that it starts to rain in your town

VicL July 27th

I love your list :) I love riding in a car in the rain (as long as I’m not driving lol) and staring out the window, sleeping, relaxing because it’s a rain day and I can! It’s a great excuse to catch up on some me time.

PetiteSouris OP July 27th


Happy to have made such a well received post. 

Love your list too‼️ Thanks for sharing with us‼️


Fifaadict123 July 28th

On a rainy day I like to sleep and watch movies and tv… I also enjoy playing video games with my friends that are far away

PetiteSouris OP July 28th


Sounds as if you make the most of rainy days ☔️

I feel as if I should open the Xbox I have and try playing a game. 

Which game  do you recommend for an absolute novice, and one who is afraid of losing? 🫣


Fifaadict123 July 28th

I play Xbox as well and I don’t really know it really depends on what kind of person you are and what you like … one of my first games was a game called zoo tycoon and enjoyed that a bit

PetiteSouris OP July 28th


I dont know what I like, but I dont like losing (haha). I am up for trying any game that involves tasks and is picturesque. I dont think id like car racing games, and those with violence. 

Fifaadict123 July 28th

You should try Minecraft it’s something everyone plays at least once no matter what it’s for all ages and genders

PetiteSouris OP July 28th


Minecraft it is. I will try this out this week most definitely. 

Rizuemu000 July 29th


It's not that rainy here this season, but whenever it does rain, I love to make myself a hot cup of coffee and sit on the balcony. 

PetiteSouris OP July 29th



A very cozy way to spend a rainy day ☔️

Doing a rain dance for you to sit on the balcony with coffee.

Hollytail August 3rd

@PetiteSouris I am kind of jealous because I love rainy days so much and it doesn't rain a lot in my home country. A fun fact about me is that my (real) name actually means 'after the rain, all the plants start to grow', this might be a reason that I am keen of raining days. 

PetiteSouris OP August 7th


💦Love the significance of your name:

a beautiful name with a connection to nature.🌿

💦Doing a rain dance‼️ Hoping that it rains there soon💦


positivelyLuna333 August 10th

This post is so well put together and relaxing 😌, beautiful job. Rainy days are my favorite. I love the way the earth cools off and the everything feels calm and blue. I love staying in a writing with a candle when it rains.