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The Pleasant Life Activity: Your Life Vision

User Profile: SoulfullyAButterfly
SoulfullyAButterfly October 6th, 2022

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The Pleasant Life refers to having contentment with the past, happiness in the present, and hope for the future. Use the following exercise to reflect on the past and present as well as envision a positive future:

1) Think deeply of a moment in the past during which you felt at your best. Reflect on this moment and write about it, including what made you feel at your best and other positive emotions you experienced.

2) Now think deeply about anything currently happening in your life that you feel happy about. Reflect on this present situation and write about what is happening, including the positive emotions you are experiencing.

3) Finally, envision a time in the future when you will be at your best. Reflect on the future and your future vision and write about what makes you most hopeful.

What was your main realization or learning about yourself?

User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 6th, 2022


Such a nice prompt, Soul, thanks for sharing, will definitely try out soon. πŸ¦‹

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User Profile: kawaiCat
kawaiCat October 7th, 2022


I saw sun cutie and I liked her text before reading the post. My fav sun :) :*

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User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 7th, 2022

@kawaiCat Aww haha always soooo adorable! β€πŸ€—

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User Profile: kawaiCat
kawaiCat October 7th, 2022


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User Profile: SirenOfSerenity
SirenOfSerenity October 6th, 2022

1) Think deeply of a moment in the past during which you felt at your best. Reflect on this moment and write about it, including what made you feel at your best and other positive emotions you experienced.

- My past memory where I felt my best was when I moved into my college dorm for the first time and walked around campus with my friends that helped me move in at that time. I felt so excited and proud!

2) Now think deeply about anything currently happening in your life that you feel happy about. Reflect on this present situation and write about what is happening, including the positive emotions you are experiencing.

- I currently feel extremely happy with 7 Cups; It keeps me out if my comfort zone, keeps me productive with roles that align with my purpose like being Listener Coaching and Quality Mentoring here, and keeps me on the right track overall with constant healthy content. Those roles help me support people who are looking to improve in how they support other people.

3) Finally, envision a time in the future when you will be at your best. Reflect on the future and your future vision and write about what makes you most hopeful.

- Surprises earned from hard work is best; I have much hope and faith towards a healthy future and well-being.

What was your main realization or learning about yourself?

- I'm right where I need to be and on the right path

User Profile: jcqlinshots
jcqlinshots October 6th, 2022


Past Memory: I would say senior year in high school. I had the best grades and was involved in many extracurricular activities like cheerleading, yearbook, and different committees. I had positive relationships with my boyfriend, friends, and family. Financially, I worked enough to pay my phone bill (which is all I paid at the time) and enough money to buy whatever I wanted. I felt successful because I was accepted by all my college choices and had scholarships for most of them. I was the healthiest I've ever been emotionally, mentally, and physically. Quite honestly, I wish I could go back and do things differently after my senior year.

Currently: I'm usually a glass mostly full type of person who is always smiling and looking for the positives of any situation but currently, I don't see anything I'm happy about. Every aspect in my life that could mirror my past memory is in disarray. Do I want to share? Not really because I'm still processing the events that got me here to where I am.

Future Vision: Hopeful. I don't have a hopeful drop in me right now. I feel lost and angry at myself for letting these events take me to where I am now. There are days that are more manageable but for the most part I still feel the same. But if I was still the same hopeful girl from before, I would say when I get crowned for my third pageant crown and I can look back and see I have earned my law degree; I have positive relationships with my partner, friends, and family; I am financially stable; healthy physically, emotionally, and mentally enough to carry a child, and lastly, free from any weight holding me down.

What was your main realization or learning about yourself?

While I didn't share a lot about my current situation, I will say relationships with those I hold dear are more than important to me. When any of those relationships aren't at it's best, it cripples me that it affects other aspects of my life. It paralyzes me from doing anything. I wish I wasn't wired this way where I care too much and love too deeply.

9 replies
User Profile: Bahle
Bahle October 11th, 2022


hie dear, i hope you feel better, if not kindly dm..we can have a chat

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User Profile: Dalladi
Dalladi October 7th, 2022

Right now for some reason my mind is chaos.

looking back I can't recall the best time - maybe as a senior in highschool? Had a vehicle, job, boyfriend, interests, hobbies.

also enjoyed a good group of friends at the time and felt pretty stable at home on the familial front. Didn't have much responsibility or expenses.

i was taking a lot of hard courses as i wanted to cover all my bases; I didn't know what I wanted to do or be and so was up to my ears in science, math, volunteering, sports, etc..

lived on a beautiful little property with my family - little orchard, natural beach on the river behind the house, greenhouse, dog, cat. Had my own room. Home was a bit outdated - shag carpets and shiny wallpaper, dark paneling.

My sister was off to Uni in Victoria and my brother finding himself after joining a mountain biking club. Mom and dad were both working and in their spare time buying tons of wine. Dad liked golfing, mom liked singing in groups and making cd's with them like her parents.

It all kinda fell apart though. Since then I've been in some tug-of-war with it...trying to heal from societal agreements and expectations never agreed to or running and hiding from it all or fighting it completely. There were fun adventures I suppose, wasn't there? Or was that all some fever dream.

a year long road trip, gaining certifications in things here and there, taking different jobs like teaching skiing and snowboarding, at a magazine and at a surf shop in Tofino, starting a couple small businesses with my partner at the time, living off grid for a while. Fun right?

i suppose it all sounds cool on paper. And maybe it is when one thinks about it. So why did it, deep down, never quite feel like enough? Why do I think I'm failing, have failed, will only fail? Is it me? Is it society? Did I miss my chance? Are all these 'guides to life' people keep talking about ever going to make sense?

aside from the tragic comedy that is me trying to read and even (Often.) find the instruction manual to life, building my life is an amorphous and ephemeral task using elements still yet discovered by science, which makes it all very confusing and has me cultivating all kinds of soft addictions like sugar, coffee and the most savage of resting female dog faces.

I don't even know what the questions were anymore. Something about past, present and future, right? A lot to think about when I'm a one on a scale of one to five, five being the most motivated to live this day. I'm pretty surprised just to have the basics basically covered right meow 🐱 because there were times they weren't really. I guess life hands none of us a guarantee: It's so intense.


User Profile: hardworkingCity5776
hardworkingCity5776 October 7th, 2022

@SoulfullyAButterfly@SoulfullyAButterfly 1) I wont describe the moment of the past(cause I might get depressed).But it was a beautiful moment with my ex. I felt the best

2) Presently, the best thing happeing to me is that I am making alot of progress in my life. I am completing tasks after taskes and also completing the checklist of my daily habits. I dont know about the results but effort-wise I am making the most progress that I have ever made in my entire life

3) Ok so I will talk about my final purpose- I and my future wife(1 quality-who actually understands mental health and wants to grow with me) and our kids are having fun. We are in a holiday. And together we are playing football, going to a beach and also at night we have fun in a movie theatre watching a movie (obviously a movie of kids). That's the best thing I can visualize for myself.

Thanks for this thread. Acted more like a journal for myself.

Have a great dayπŸ™ƒ

User Profile: kawaiCat
kawaiCat October 7th, 2022


I was healthy in past because I did not take stress and I had a healthy lifestyle.

I am hardworking in present because I do a job.

I will be intelligent in future because I am learning new things everyday.

I concluded that it all depends on me that I can only progress in life if I try and have great will power. Secondly it also depends on my trust in God and my prayers! :)

Thank you for reading.

I wish God bless everyone who reads my post πŸ’šπŸ’™

User Profile: tidyHickory3283
tidyHickory3283 October 7th, 2022



I don't really remember but uh hope this works the same

few years ago when my best friend (let's refer to her as P) hadn't shifted to another state. I didn't have to fight for her attention with our other friend like I have to do now for the attention of my current best friend (let's refer to her as S). But I know at heart that P will always be my best friend even tho it has been years since I talked to her. Neither S nor anyone else can take her place.


I can say that 7 Cups is keeping me going as it is. I have made so many friends here who all make me so happy and it assures me that no matter what they will always be there for me.


When I shift away from my emotionally abusive family to another country far away from them and finally live my life like I want to. (I hope I am able to do this soon)

Main realization

Staying strong no matter what

User Profile: glisteningnlistening
glisteningnlistening October 7th, 2022

I think the biggest realization I got from this prompt was just how much two things mean to me right now, and in the future. My partner and my cat :)

User Profile: ThadSterling
ThadSterling October 7th, 2022


1) Think deeply of a moment in the past during which you felt at your best. Reflect on this moment and write about it, including what made you feel at your best and other positive emotions you experienced.

Arriving at my daughter's birthday party, with plenty of gifts, knowing I surprised her and that she knew I loved her. It made me feel at my best because I had managed what I thought was impossible: getting back to her since I never meant to be gone so long in the first place, and knowing I did well because her grandma and even her mom (my ex) said I did well. I felt capable, and proud like I could keep becoming a better father and better person.

2) Now think deeply about anything currently happening in your life that you feel happy about. Reflect on this present situation and write about what is happening, including the positive emotions you are experiencing.

I still struggle between visits with her, and on days when I can't call her because she's busy or else her household is busy, but I know my entire meaning in life cannot depend on my daughter. I can't afford to get super sad every time I can't see her because I don't have a car and can't find a ride, or because she has busy weekends planned with events that I'm not invited to. But I'm happy that I've quit smoking and vaping nicotine and decided to do SMART Recovery online to ensure I maintain my sobriety and never risk losing her or my life again. I've only ever lost everything due to drinking or drugs, so I'm proud of myself for addressing the isolation I'm dealing with as best as I can, and taking measures to prevent a relapse. I am making goals, planning for the future, and working hard on bad habits like forgetting my self-care routines. I am happy with my job, but I am happier with the sense of purpose reconnecting to my spirituality gives me, and the sense of fulfillment I feel attached to the time I spend drawing or writing, or painting. Simply enjoying the solitude, and getting to know me better. I'm happy with that, even if it's lonely, and a struggle at times.

3) Finally, envision a time in the future when you will be at your best. Reflect on the future and your future vision and write about what makes you most hopeful.

I am most hopeful about having a car and my own place, even if renting a room from my daughter's uncle is very ideal and pleasant at the moment. I am hopeful because when she's a year or two older, her grandma and mom have tentatively agreed to let her stay with me. She wants as much as I do to have sleepovers and do more dad + daughter things. I am hopeful imagining also that my current room if I'm still in it in 2 years, will be covered in our art: my art and hearts. Right now it's all her art because I paint postcards and mail them to her. Looking further into the future I am hopeful imagining that with SMART Recovery to help me stay sober for over a year (and beyond) I can change careers and become a Peer Recovery Support Specialist. With nicely growing tuition savings account for the little one, for when she's old enough for college.

What was your main realization or learning about yourself?

This is similar to the growth path I'm currently on and similar to the step I did today! My main realization, particularly since I quit nicotine this week and seem to have managed to really do it despite the struggle, is that I can do it. I can do all of this. I can stay sober. I won't have my life fall apart ever again. I won't lose access to my daughter for drinking and becoming blacked out and scaring people or driving drunk. I never put her in danger or neglected her, but I lost her because I was a danger to myself. I won't be again. Period! I feel bad about myself sometimes still like I'm not doing good enough. But the struggle for worthiness is what makes me worthy. So I will keep struggling, and learn to appreciate the struggle more and more, while staying spiritually connected, there for my girl, and with my own sources of meaning and purpose for the days when I'm on my own.

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User Profile: Clio9876
Clio9876 October 8th, 2022


You can, you can, you can!

I loved your post. Your love for your daughter shines through it so strongly. And your determination to succeed is so wonderful it's rubbing off on me. Because of you I'm starting today with "I can!"

Congratulations on getting clean. You have a fabulous motivation. And the achievement is so much greater because you have had to struggle and fight for it. Well done you. You have inspired me this morning. Best wishes and success in your goals.

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User Profile: ThadSterling
ThadSterling October 8th, 2022


Thank you so much, and likewise! These little boosts of encouragement really make it easier, I'm working a full shift today and not feeling great, but much better than yesterday...I am glad I can take little breaks between calls and see this lifted some of the weight on my shoulders :) thank you, it's getting easier!

β€œYou leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought, β€˜I release the need for this in my life.”– Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

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User Profile: isamei
isamei October 14th, 2022

1) Think deeply of a moment in the past during which you felt at your best. Reflect on this moment and write about it, including what made you feel at your best and other positive emotions you experienced.

I play golf, not just for fun but also competitively. Playing this sport has been a challenging journey because of how much time it takes to improve. Golf has especially challenged me mentally being that it is an individual sport and at some point leads to perfectionism. I entered a tournament during the summer and at the time I had not been playing that great. After finishing the last hole of the first day of the tournament, I had beaten my tournament score record for eighteen holes. The next and final day of the tournament, I beat my tournament score record for thirty-six. I felt so many emotions after having such a great couple of days, including: happiness, disbelief, relief, excitement, and hope. For the first time I felt that my hard work had paid off, and that I have the ability to be even better.

2) Now think deeply about anything currently happening in your life that you feel happy about. Reflect on this present situation and write about what is happening, including the positive emotions you are experiencing.

I feel happy about a few things that are happening in my life right now. First, I am on track for all of my assignments and important tasks I need to complete (aka I am stress free). Second, I've made sure to set time aside to read a book for fun which I have dearly missed doing in the last several school years. Third, I've been actively taking care of my mental health; taking the time to do activities like these to reflect on what's been good in my life, and how to become more self-determined or confident, has been such a great source of happiness.

3) Finally, envision a time in the future when you will be at your best. Reflect on the future and your future vision and write about what makes you most hopeful.

My future vision is me going to college, playing on a golf team, and studying some type of science major. I hope that in this vision I continue to take care of myself. I hope that I do not forget to be a self-advocate and do things that make me happy. I believe that with the success and improvement I'm experiencing right now, I will do great things in the future.

What was your main realization or learning about yourself?

I realize that I struggle with perfectionism and lack of confidence but I also know that I can overcome these things because I've overcome obstacles just as large before.