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Content Volunteer Team: Introductions

SoulfullyAButterfly August 9th, 2021

Hi everyone,

Thank you for joining the Content Team! I hope we all get to support each other as well as get to work together towards great content!

Please feel welcome to share your introduction in this thread: This can be your name/username, where you are currently based, what your role on the team is, what your goals are, or any other fun facts - please share whatever you are comfortable with!

I am SoulfullyAButterfly, Ayesha, the Programs Coordinator at 7 Cups - I have always loved writing and have gotten to use this talent/passion combined with my interests in mental health advocacy to raise awareness and support - primarily through poetry. I have recently graduated with a BS Hons in Applied Psychology and am going to be pursuing an MS in Clinical Psychology soon. I enjoy supporting different forms of content at 7 Cups, including this team which we have redesigned! I enjoy seeking creative forms of expression as well as ways to sprinkle more positivity into the world through leadership, volunteering, or any other means.

I look forward to e-meeting all of you!

Aulyacu August 13th, 2021

Hello! I am Aulyacu, Writers: Short Writing Content (Q&A) at 7 Cups.

I am an Accounting student, I have a hobby of writing short poems. About anything, but mostly mental health. At first I really wanted to be a psychology student, but fate said otherwise hahaha.. But it doesn't matter, as long as I can still develop my hobby. And 7 Cups helped me!
I'm happy to be part of this team and to be able to contribute the best I have to the 7 Cups.
SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 14th, 2021

@Aulyacu Welcome, I am very glad to hear that you also like to write poetry about mental health! Looking forward to your contributions - maybe we can have a poetry event as a team sometime

InsightfulRose August 14th, 2021

Hi everyone!
I'm Mattias, I also go by Rose here as well (whichever you prefer). I am from the United States. I received my bachelor of science in Psychology in 2020 and will be graduating with my master of arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling by May 2022 following my upcoming internship. I currently work from home as a freelance writer and am very passionate about writing and bringing awareness to mental health. My position on the content creator team is Writer: Fresh Content. I am newer to the platform, but I absolutely love it here and am so excited to be a part of this team and use my skills for promoting mental health education and awareness.
I look forward to meeting you all (virtually) and cannot wait to get started! šŸ˜„

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 14th, 2021

@InsightfulRose Welcome! I am very glad to hear that you are liking the 7 Cups community - your Master's degree sounds very interesting due to the clinical and counseling aspects combined. I really hope you will enjoy using your interests to write great content!

twilight000 August 14th, 2021

Hi! I'm Anji (she/her). I'm a high school student in Washington, USA. I'm a published author and songwriter, and I want to bring awareness to mental health. Excited to work on this here!

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 14th, 2021

@twilight000 Welcome Anji! Being a published author and songwriter too sounds very creative and exciting, thank you for being part of our mission.

badr69 August 14th, 2021

Hi everyone,

I'm @independentPomegranante2277, my name is Badr and I've joined the writing team as an Editorial Assistant. Mental health has always been a field of interest and passion for me and I'm very honoured to get the chance to work with all of you to produce content for 7 Cups. I've enjoyed reading and writing since a young age and I can't wait to work with all of you :).

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 14th, 2021

@badr69 Hi Badr, welcome aboard! I am glad you will get to pursue your interests via this team. Also a very avid reader and writer since a younger age - I like how your role will be a mix of both.

amomtessa August 14th, 2021

Hello all. My username is @amomtessa. And my name is Aditi. I am a final year undergraduate student of Applied Psychology. I have been selected as an Editorial assistant and I am looking forward to this. I am newer to all of this and am passionate about spreading mental health awareness and extending support to those who are struggling.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 14th, 2021

@amomtessa Welcome! I just graduated with a BS (Hons) in Applied Psychology too! Currently waiting for my final thesis review etc. I hope you enjoy your role and we are definitely here to help you!

lovelyPond7154 August 14th, 2021

Hello everyone, I am @lovelypond7154. I will be joining the team as an editorial assistant
I am currently studying for a BSc (Hons) degree in Psychology. I am also an intern at a special needs centre focused on early intervention. I have always had an interest in writing, and I am also very passionate about psychology. This seems to be the perfect opportunity for me.
I am very excited about joining the team and look forward to working with you all. blush

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 14th, 2021

@lovelyPond7154 Welcome! Your current internship and academic journey sound very interesting and I hope you will love the experience of combining mental health and writing!

theriverissinging August 14th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly thank you for creating this post!
Hi everyone! This is River, Editorial Assistant with a General Focus.
I'm just trying my hands at this, I'm totally new to editing. xD But I sincerely hope we can work together as a team and contribute in any way possible!
You can read my portfolio here - Click Me!
Thank you for all your help and support. <3

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 14th, 2021

@theriverissinging Hi River, I always say that it is the trying part that counts - really hope you will find this role very exciting and enjoyable. Happy to support you, always!

MessyEssie August 14th, 2021

I am Essie, a Life Science undergraduate from Sri Lanka. Advocacy for mental health and educating people to reduce its stigma has been my goal throughout my university period. As someone who personally struggles with maintaining good mental health, I realized that being open and honest about the topic was discouraged by society. Hence, many misconceptions and stigmatizing remarks are sadly widespread. As an aspiring scientist and science writer, I look forward to working with 7 cups as an Editorial Assistant and contribute to removing the stigma and misinformation found in the mental health field.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 14th, 2021

@MessyEssie Hi Essie, welcome! I agree that we need more honesty and open conversations instead of misleading and stigmatization - I really like that you will be using your future career as well as interests like writing to play a part in the destigmatization process. I hope you find this platform to be a great one for this cause.

CaringLotus78 August 14th, 2021

Hello everyone,
I am excited to be here. My user name is CaringLotus78. My real name is Tara. I have a strong passion in writing and helping people in a crisis. I'm pursuing my BS in Psychology, mental health counseling and forensic science. I have been through a lot of horriable things in my life and want to turn it into positive, something that others going through what I have, and tell then you will learn there is a light at the end of the darknessss.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 14th, 2021

@CaringLotus78 welcome! Awesome interests/areas that you are studying. Thank you for using your experiences to help others.

CaringLotus78 August 14th, 2021

I'm having trouble finding the team dashboard?

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 14th, 2021

@CaringLotus78 please check your email - it is linked there.

FemiRose9 August 17th, 2021

Hello, I'm @FemiRose9

Happy to be a participant in 7 Cups.

Improving the mental health of society has always been my main concern! Because I have experienced it and want to support those in need, I sympathize, especially with women and young girls struggling with anxiety, depression, PTSD, and child neglect. My future organization will provide resources to help women put their best foot forward and follow their dreams, despite their trauma.

I am studying for a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and look forward to advancing in personal development to follow my passions successfully.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 17th, 2021

@FemiRose9 Welcome! Thank you for sharing your brilliant vision - I hope being here helps gain insight and experience that will aid your goals.

Clarisse29 August 18th, 2021

Hello! Thank you for making this thread and giving us an opportunity to introduce ourselves!

I'm Smriti (Clarisse29) and I just graduated high school! I'm looking forward to attending university for a Bachelors degree in Psychology by the end of the year! I have always been super into all things writing and mental health and had always wanted to combine the two and do something with it! When I came across the Content Development and Marketing Program on 7 Cups Academy and the Content Volunteers Team, my soul had its very own "Aha!" moment i guess xD
And so here I am, writing this intro on a humid August morning, waiting for it to rain good times on all of us!

I'm super honored to be here with all of you and I hope to be of great use to the community!

Fun facts about me: I'm a trained dancer, have co-authored a gender studies book with my Psychology teacher which is currently in the process of publication, I'm also working on my own book which falls flamboyantly in the Young Adult Fiction genre as of now xD and I'm almost always listening to some indie/modern rock/alt playlist :P

Thank you for reading all the way until the end! Have a great time ahead <3

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 18th, 2021

@Clarisse29 so glad to have you on board! so many cool facts!! Hope you get to achieve many more milestones

Thelistener03 August 19th, 2021

Hello everyone! I am ā€œThelistener03ā€ .

Briefly, my name is Marwa, Iā€™m from Egypt. Iā€™m a Teacher and a part-time videographer. I'm 23 years old. I have bachelor degree in Mass communication, and currently working on my masterā€™s degree in Comparative media studies.

I am so excited to be part of the content team as an editorial assistant (:!

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 20th, 2021

@Thelistener03 Welcome Marwa! Thank you for joining us - I hope your educational as well as other experiences like video graphing (wow!) help you have fun while you edit content