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11) Headlining and Sub-Headlining Effective Content Pieces

SoulfullyAButterfly January 31st, 2021

Article titles (headlines), as well as subheadlines, are one of the first things a reader reads.

In this discussion, we will understand effective strategies to write headline titles as well as subheadlines to these titles.

Some general tips include:

  • Avoid long article titles: try to fit the title within 62 characters or limit it to 5-7 words.

  • Consider using “What”, “Why”, “How”, or “When” as these are catchy and add to curiosity.

  • Use Numbers - numbers ensure the availability of organized information, and are generally liked: using Odd Numbers in the title has helped in terms of SEO. Remember to write the number itself (5 instead of five).

  • To add specificity, consider using “the” before the number.

  • Provide an answer to why people should click and read your content: words like “tips”, “strategies”, “facts”, “reasons” all help provide a rationale.

  • Include the word “Guide” where applicable.

  • Consider using emotional adjectives that describe the topic. For example, “essential”, “free” etc.

  • Consider outlining Negative aspects - spin this to meet mental health content goals. For example, The 5 Essential Things You Did Not Know About Depression.

  • Use common words to ensure people understand and grasp the topic while finding the title simple

  • Consider using a “Things I Wish I Had Known” approach to content if applicable.

How to test your headline as being unique:

Copy and paste your headline with quotation marks into the Google search bar. (e.g. “The 5 Essential Things You Did Not Know About Depression”) - if the results come back as “no results found”, your headline is unique!

Helpful Resource: Useful Title Capitalization Tool

Note: The bottom line to success in terms of marketing and content is to ensure that your content body reflects the great headline/title. It might be worth considering to write final titles after the content body.

Subheadlines: Effective subheadlines summarize the content body while also linking it to the title.


Using the knowledge attained through this discussion, propose a new article title as well as a subheadline for this published article at 7 Cups.

Reply to at least one other student’s response and share your feedback with them

(Edited by @SoulfullyAButterfly: 12/2/2021 to clarify "subheadline" instead of subheading)


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

Ginevra962 September 2nd, 2022


propose a new article title as well as a subheadline for this published article at 7 Cups.

How to feel better during isolated Holidays

Ginevra962 September 2nd, 2022



Feeling alone during holidays can be really hard but there are tips that I'll now share to make this feeling less difficult to stand

NotFound20 September 2nd, 2022


Sometimes Enough is Enough: Why to Tolerate Emotional Abuse in Relationships?

  • Knowing the emotional abuse

  • Types of emotional abuse

  • Red Flags to identify the emotional abuse in relationships

  • Dos and Don’ts while dealing with emotional abuse in relationships

  • Coping mechanisms
  • After effects of emotional abuse and healing process

jasishereforallofu September 3rd, 2022



Using the knowledge attained through this discussion, propose a new article title as well as a subheading for this published article at 7 Cups.

Creative Celebrations of Holidays in the Current Covid Times

  • Celebrating and staying happy and healthy during COVID-19
  • Loneliness During the Holidays? Join 7 Cups and Celebrate 🌸
  • 10 Tips on how to stay positive over the Holidays 🌸
  • Creative ideas for Holidays during the Pandemic 🌸
Healthylistener0123 March 20th, 2023


The subheadings were detailed and clear about what is the article about.

justFarheen September 7th, 2022



Using the knowledge attained through this discussion, propose a new article title as well as a subheadline for this published article at 7 Cups.

Title: 6 Post-Covid Tips To Cope with Loneliness

Subheadline: Say goodbye to loneliness during these difficult times.

WhenTheTimeComes September 12th, 2022


Title: 6 Post-Covid Tips To Cope with Loneliness

Subheadline: Say goodbye to loneliness during these difficult times.

I feel this is a good title ! It's efficient, long enough and summarise well.

The Subheadline could be better if it was not repeating "loneliness" that is already present in the title. What do you think?

Daf8 September 7th, 2022

❤️ Thank you for this post! ❤️

❤️ How to Cope With Loneliness? The 6 Best Tips for the Holidays ❤️

❤️ Using Gratitude and Appreciation to Feel Better ❤️

❤️ The Gift of Reconnection ❤️

❤️ Gathering While Staying Safe ❤️

❤️ Volunteering: Helping Yourself by Helping Others ❤️

❤️ Distractions: From Negative Thoughts to Positive Actions ❤️

❤️ Grieving: It’s Okay to Feel Your Feelings ❤️

WhenTheTimeComes September 12th, 2022


6 Ways To Enjoy the Holidays On Your Own

A Guide To Feeling Merry By Yourself


gentleFox20 October 10th, 2022


I adore that subline/tagline. It's fun, engaging and promises some direction for the reader. I like how you've used numbers for SEO in the title too :)

Ayamii September 18th, 2022


Title: A Guide On Managing With The Holiday Blues

Subheadline: 6 simple tips to try out this holiday to chase away the loneliness

yourbuddy30 December 6th, 2022

@Ayamii I liked the title of the article! You made use of the tips given above very well!

sweetchildbsk September 29th, 2022


What Steps To Follow To Overcome Loneliness Due To Holidays???

sweetchildbsk September 29th, 2022


SubHeadline: 6 strategically effective modules

gentleFox20 October 10th, 2022


Title - 6 Ways to Raise Your Christmas Cheer

Subtitle - Tips to move through feelings of loneliness during the holidays.

loyalace9302 October 10th, 2022


Innovative title! I really liked it :) It incorporates the title word limit and the subtitle states the content too.

loyalace9302 October 10th, 2022


Title: Strategies to deal with loneliness during holidays

Subheadline: 6 ways to cope up with feeling alone as the holiday period approaches during the pandemic

yourbuddy30 December 6th, 2022

@SoulfullyAButterfly The title of that article could be "From Dreary to Vibrancy"

subhead lines-:

Token of Appreciation

Bonding with friends and family

Virtual meet ups

Helping Hand


Let yourself heal

guidamaximo December 23rd, 2022


I like the format of your title but I think finding another word for dreary would make it more eye-catching as many people may not immediately understand it.

I think you may have confused the subheading with paragraph titles. What you suggested would be great paragraph ideas!

YourCaringConfidant February 16th, 2023

@yourbuddy30 I love your title! And kudos to you for coming up with not just 1 subheading but 6, wow! My favorite one would have to be token of appreciation. :)

guidamaximo December 23rd, 2022



Home Alone: coping with loneliness during the holidays (2022)


We may be socially distanced but there are ways of staying emotionally connected,

empatheticpie December 29th, 2022


I liked your headline, as it made use of familiar pop culture which can make the article more eye-catching. It was concise and made clear what the article was going to be about. While your subheading was good, I think it was a bit long and moved further towards covid-19 than the title did, so I thought some better homogeneity between the two might work better.

empatheticpie December 29th, 2022


Ideas For Coping With Holiday Loneliness


How to feel less alone this holiday season

InvaderStitch January 4th, 2023


I like how to-the-point your article title and subtitle are!

InvaderStitch January 4th, 2023

How to Combat Loneliness this Holiday Season

6 suggestions to prevent loneliness from consuming you during the holidays

amybrit10 January 14th, 2023

@InvaderStitch this sounds great! Grabs my attention :)

January 31st, 2023

I really liked how you took a bold approach with wording. Combat is a word I personally would shy away from because I feel like it may trigger some people with PTSD, but with that, it also means my writing may be weaker in some ways.

amybrit10 January 14th, 2023


5 effective strategies for reducing loneliness during the holidays

Vivikun9 January 14th, 2023


easy to read and catches my attention

great job :)

Vivikun9 January 14th, 2023

Coping with Loneliness During the Holidays

6 effective ways to deal with loneliness over the holidays

broadfemmelovelive January 18th, 2023


Really like this! It wasn’t a huge change but really effective. For a suggestion: I ran the title through the analyzer, and its readability score was low. I was surprised by this. I wonder what would help this, maybe try reworking it from the main content idea of ‘coping’. But I’m also at a loss here.

Either way it's straightforward and inclusive of the content. Great job!

Vivikun9 January 18th, 2023


Ah I see what you mean. I will try a new headline :3 thank you for the feedback

Vivikun9 January 18th, 2023


New headline:

The Winter Blues: Handling Loneliness on Hoilday

broadfemmelovelive January 18th, 2023


Love the new title. How did it fare on the analyser?

Vivikun9 January 18th, 2023


It's like in the middle ground.

broadfemmelovelive January 18th, 2023


I found this Discussion Activity 11 left undone, thank goodness for my double-checking!

Coping with Loneliness During the Holidays (original)

Change to:

Holidays: How Best to Cope with Loneliness:

A guide to finding some normalcy during the pandemic.

Explanation: I played with a few things here. Eventually landing on the above title I think it encompasses all the discussed factors. And the subtitle has a further explanatory nature feel with a hint of what to expect in the article. I received a 69 overall score on the headline analyzer and an SEO of 64. Mostly I'm proud of the 84 on the Sentimental score. I think that is acceptable. I would read it.

Vivikun9 January 18th, 2023


I like the new headline and the subhead line. I like how you incorporate the score system to help name a new title. I can't think of improvement atm cause I think it looks really good.
January 31st, 2023
Title Suggestion: "Surviving the Holidays: Strategies to Overcome Loneliness and Boost Positivity"
Subheading: "From Gratitude to Volunteering: Creative Ways to Celebrate the Holiday Season Amid COVID-19 Restrictions"
SunshineNaina January 31st, 2023


I like how your title and subheadline are connected to each other and capture the gist of the content. I like how you have used emotional adjectives- boost and reflected that the content is providing "strategies" for something. I also like how your subheadline emphasizes that the content is about COVID-19.

SunshineNaina January 31st, 2023


Article title- Creative Ways to Tackle Your Loneliness

Subheadline- Reconnecting with yourself and others in this holiday season