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11) Headlining and Sub-Headlining Effective Content Pieces

SoulfullyAButterfly January 31st, 2021

Article titles (headlines), as well as subheadlines, are one of the first things a reader reads.

In this discussion, we will understand effective strategies to write headline titles as well as subheadlines to these titles.

Some general tips include:

  • Avoid long article titles: try to fit the title within 62 characters or limit it to 5-7 words.

  • Consider using “What”, “Why”, “How”, or “When” as these are catchy and add to curiosity.

  • Use Numbers - numbers ensure the availability of organized information, and are generally liked: using Odd Numbers in the title has helped in terms of SEO. Remember to write the number itself (5 instead of five).

  • To add specificity, consider using “the” before the number.

  • Provide an answer to why people should click and read your content: words like “tips”, “strategies”, “facts”, “reasons” all help provide a rationale.

  • Include the word “Guide” where applicable.

  • Consider using emotional adjectives that describe the topic. For example, “essential”, “free” etc.

  • Consider outlining Negative aspects - spin this to meet mental health content goals. For example, The 5 Essential Things You Did Not Know About Depression.

  • Use common words to ensure people understand and grasp the topic while finding the title simple

  • Consider using a “Things I Wish I Had Known” approach to content if applicable.

How to test your headline as being unique:

Copy and paste your headline with quotation marks into the Google search bar. (e.g. “The 5 Essential Things You Did Not Know About Depression”) - if the results come back as “no results found”, your headline is unique!

Helpful Resource: Useful Title Capitalization Tool

Note: The bottom line to success in terms of marketing and content is to ensure that your content body reflects the great headline/title. It might be worth considering to write final titles after the content body.

Subheadlines: Effective subheadlines summarize the content body while also linking it to the title.


Using the knowledge attained through this discussion, propose a new article title as well as a subheadline for this published article at 7 Cups.

Reply to at least one other student’s response and share your feedback with them

(Edited by @SoulfullyAButterfly: 12/2/2021 to clarify "subheadline" instead of subheading)


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sunlightspirit March 15th, 2021


I had the same idea for the I came up with something else (Sending Off Those Holiday Blahs)...great minds think alike!

mvpeng March 21st, 2021

@QuietLotus This is great!

RationalMe7 March 8th, 2021


New Headline: How you can combat loneliness during the holidays

Sub headline: Six proven tips to stay happy

shoag March 8th, 2021


Great use of “how” to attract readers

You should use the number “6” instead of the actual word

RationalMe7 March 9th, 2021

Thank you, @shoag .

I noted your point smiley

shoag March 8th, 2021

Using the knowledge attained through this discussion, propose a new article title as well as a sub-headline for this published article at 7 Cups.

Headline - Things to Help Fight Your Holiday Blues

Subheading 1 – Count your Blessings

Subheading 2 – Building or Strengthening Relationships

Subheading 3 – Safe Interactions

Subheading 4 – Giving

Subheading 5 – Healthy habits

Subheading 6 – Reminiscing

shoag March 8th, 2021

Subtitile- Top 6 Tips to get you going through the Holidays

lyricalAngel70 March 9th, 2021


Maybe you could have used the "How, What, Why" question types related statement for your main title. For instance, What Are the Things That Can Be Done to Avoid Holiday Blues?

lyricalAngel70 March 9th, 2021

I loved the way you chose to write the title & subtitle. Well done, keep it up! ❤👌🏻

lyricalAngel70 March 9th, 2021

Title: What Are the Ways to Combat Loneliness During Vacay?

Subtitle: The 6 Scientifically Proven Ways to Fight Loneliness


1) It All Starts With You: Self-Care, Self-Compassion, Self-Love

2) Mindfulness & Exercises

3) Reaching Out to Professionals

4) 5-Mins Gratitude Journal

5) Having A Pet

6) Volunteering

Zahraa000 January 16th, 2022

Good choice, 💫

You touched on important subheadings on how to combat loneliness while exercising, the most important of which is that everything starts with you self-care or empathy and self-love, and in fact, every person must start from himself to overcome all obstacles.

MoonlightHelper1 March 17th, 2022


Great use of subheadings and title! One thing I would suggest is not to say scientifically proven ways because it is not correct - ideas were sourced from chats with members on 7 Cups of Tea, not the research.

KristinHelps March 9th, 2021


New Article Title: Overcoming Loneliness on Holidays

Sub-Headline Title: 6 Tips for Holiday Cheer


AnisiaCocanMA March 15th, 2021

Guidance for Solving Anxiety With Self Awareness

s: Quick tour of your inner resources

given article : How to enjoy the lonely times

s: Find happiness in little things

sunlightspirit March 15th, 2021


(New Title and Subtitle)

Sending Off Those Holiday Blahs

"Ideas I Wish I Had Know To Do"

mvpeng March 21st, 2021


When You're Alone for The Holidays

Stay Connected From Afar

followup March 22nd, 2021


propose a new article title as well as a subheadline for this published article at 7 Cups.



optimisticDay8079 March 29th, 2021

Main title: How to overcome loneliness during the holidays

Subtitle: Tips to start

IceCream4IceCream April 18th, 2021


I like that your title was relevant which made it easy to figure out what the subject of the article is.

Maybe it would help to add more power and sentiment words?

MizuKagami May 1st, 2021



I like the main title you proposed. It has a How-to form, which makes readers want to engage with it.

I think the subtitle is a bit weak compared to it though. Perhaps you could use some words that capture more attention or give a direct tip instead.

blindHeart12 June 5th, 2021


"tips to start" is good subheading as tips word catch people attention.

though it left me a question mark what to start.. .

Clarisse29 March 31st, 2021


(heading) 6 Ways To Better Celebration During Covid

(subheading) Reducing Loneliness and adding joy in life amidst the pandemic

IceCream4IceCream April 18th, 2021


Headline: Feeling Lonely During the Most Beautiful Time of the Year? Subheadline: The Ultimate Guide to Coping During Holiday Season

cuteeeezombieeee July 18th, 2021

Starting the title with a question is a great idea as it is more likely to draw attention. I loved how the sub-headline gives the reader a brief idea of the article!
Good job!heart

FrenchToast April 19th, 2021

Headline: How to cope with holiday blues?

Subheadline: Finding comfort in celebrating holidays in solitude

BeamsOfHope00 April 28th, 2021


I love how you use defeat in your titles it make it feel strong. If I was going to change anything I might switch defeat in the main title to defeating, because the 'ing' makes it sound like the person is already doing something to defeat loneliness; reading that article. I don't know if this constructive criticism helps, but either way I still really like your titles!

giggleBubbles6722 June 17th, 2021

Very catchy. I like how it normalizes the issue being addressed.
The subheading is a bit vaguer.

BeamsOfHope00 April 28th, 2021

propose a new article title as well as a subheadline for this published article at 7 Cups.

6 Things to do for the Holidays During COVID-19

Learn how to cope in the holiday season

wagwanianPA May 11th, 2021

Really like how you used the tips given in the post to make your headings. However, I do see that your capitalisation isn't too good. Maybe you can try reading the APA style manual on how to properly capitalise titles and subtitles :)

MizuKagami May 1st, 2021

New article title: How to replace loneliness with joyfulness this holiday season

A couple of proposed subheadlines:

Virtual meet-ups

Giving back to your community

VerseArt May 9th, 2021

Hello @MizuKagami

I really like the second subheadline- Giving back to your community. If I had to choose between the two, I'll go with that :)

I also like how you refer to change loneliness into joyfulness. The word joy brings back the holiday spirit!

KACOSMIC July 30th, 2021


Hey there, i liked very much your new article title... you did a great work mentioning how to replace something negative into a positive one.smiley​​​​​​​

The only thing is that you could do more was mention more than two subheadlines.

VerseArt May 9th, 2021

Hello @SoulfullyAButterfly

Propose a new article title as well as a subheadline for this published article at 7 Cups.

Title- Creatively chasing away loneliness this holiday season

Subheadline- 6 fun ways to cope with loneliness in the holidays

Lugi123 May 15th, 2021

I love how you started the title with creatively. I also liked that you used numbers and adjetives. My constructive feedback would be to switch it around a bit and use the Subtitle as the title.

LovetoGod May 22nd, 2021


I really love your answer❤

wagwanianPA May 11th, 2021

The 7 Best Free Ways to Destroy Holiday Loneliness

Spoiler Alert: It Involves Pizza. Lots of It

Happy900 June 6th, 2021

@wagwanianPA I love pizza, by the way. Loved reading your post, to.

Lugi123 May 15th, 2021

6 Tips To Combat Holiday Blues - Pandemic Edition! Tactics to help you adjust your focus and chase away loneliness

Lugi123 May 15th, 2021

6 Tips To Combat The Holiday Blues - Pandemic Edition! Tactics to help you adjust your focus and chase away loneliness

Lugi123 May 15th, 2021

Sorry, I posted already but the line breaks were not showing.

My title and subheading should be like this:

6 Tips To Combat Holiday Blues - Pandemic Edition!

Tactics to help you adjust your focus and chase away loneliness